Daphna Arbel and Andrei Orlov (εκδ.), With Letters of Light: Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls, Early Jewish Apocalypticism, Magic, and Mysticism in Honor of Rachel Elior (Ekstasis: Religious Experience from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, 2), Berlin: De Gruyter, 2011
ISBN 978-3-11-022201-2
182.00 δολλάρια
Περιγραφή του τόμου
This collection of essays is a tribute to Rachel Elior’s decades of teaching, scholarship and mentoring. If a Festschrift reflects the individuality of the honoree, then this volume offers insights into the scope of Rachel Elior’s interests and scholarly achievements in the study of the Dead Sea Scrolls, Jewish apocalypticism, magic, and mysticism from the Second Temple period to the later rabbinic and Hekhalot developments. The majority of articles included in the volume deal with Jewish and Christian apocalyptic and mystical texts constituting the core of experiential dimension of these religious traditions.
Ο παρών συλλογικός τόμος είναι η έκφραση τιμής στην Rachel Elior για τη διδασκαλία, το επιστημονικό της έργο και την επιστημονική καθοδήγηση που προσέφερε και προσφέρει. Αν ένας τιμητικός τόμος αντικατοπτρίζει την ιδιαιτερότητα του τιμώμενου προσώπου, τότε ο παρών τόμος παρέχει τη δυνατότητα εμβάθυνσης στο εύρος των ενδιαφερόντων της Rachel Elior και των ακαδημαϊκών επιτευγμάτων της όσον αφορά στην έρευνα των Χειρογράφων της Νεκράς Θάλασσας, του Ιουδαϊκού αποκαλυπτισμού, της μαγείας και του μυστικισμού από την περίοδο του Δευτέρου Ναού μέχρι τις εξελίξεις της ύστερης ραββινικής περιόδου και της Hekhalot. Η πλειοψηφία των μελετών που συμπεριλαμβάνονται σε αυτόν τον τόμο έχουν ως θέμα τους ιουδαϊκά και χριστιανικά αποκαλυπτικά και μυστικά κείμενα τα οποία συνιστούν τον πυρήνα της βιωματικής διάστασης αυτών των θρησκευτικών παραδόσεων.
Περιεχόμενα τόμου
Daphna Arbel and Andrei Orlov, "Rachel Elior – An Appreciation from her Colleagues and Students", 1-5
Frances Flannery, "The Consideration of Religious Experience in the Work of Rachel Elior", 6-10
Kelley Coblentz Bautch, "Peter and the Patriarch: A Confluence of Traditions?", 13-27Silviu N. Bunta, "In Heaven or on Earth: A Misplaced Temple Question about Ezekiel’s Visions", 28-44
James R. Davila, "Scriptural Exegesis in the Treatise of the Vessels, a LegendaryAccount of the Hiding of the Temple Treasures", 45-61
Dan Merkur, "Cultivating Visions through Exegetical Meditations", 62-91
Sergey Minov, "'Serpentine' Eve in Syriac Christian Literature of Late Antiquity", 92-114
Annette Yoshiko Reed, "From “Pre-Emptive Exegesis” to “Pre-Emptive Speculation”? Ma‘aseh Bereshit in Genesis Rabbah and Pirqei deRabbi Eliezer", 115-132
Mark Verman, "Earthly and Heavenly Jerusalem in Philo and Paul:A Tale of Two Cities", 133-156
Crispin Fletcher-Louis, "The Book of Watchers and the Cycle of New Year Festivals", 159-168
Yuval Harari, "A Different Spirituality or ‘Other’ Agents?: On the Study of Μagic in Rabbinic Literature", 169-195
Rebecca Lesses, "'They Revealed Secrets to Their Wives': The Transmission of Magical Knowledge in 1 Enoch", 196-222
Jodi Magness, "The Impurity of Oil and Spit among the Qumran Sectarians", 223-231
Andrei Orlov, "'The Likeness of Heaven': The Kavod of Azazel in the Apocalypse of Abraham", 232-253
Pieter W. van der Horst, "Mystical Motifs in a Greek Synagogal Prayer?", 254-264
Daphna Arbel, "'A Chariot of Light Borne by Four Bright Eagles': Eve’s Vision of the Chariot in the Greek Life of Adam and Eve", 267-284
Joseph Dan, "Messianic Movements in the Period of the Crusades", 285-298
April D. DeConick, "Jesus Revealed: The Dynamics of Early Christian Mysticism", 299-324
Celia Deutsch, "Aseneth: Ascetical Practice, Vision, and Transformation", 325-348
Naomi Janowitz, "'You Are Gods': Multiple Divine Beings in Late Antique Jewish Theology", 349-364
Alan F. Segal, "Transcribing Experience", 365-382
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