Παρασκευή 18 Μαρτίου 2016

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Biblische Notizen / The current issue of Biblische Notizen

Biblische Notizen 168 (2016)

  • Risimati Hobyane, "Body and Space in Judith: A Greimassian Perspective,"  3-15
  • Nicholas Peter Legh Allen, "Judith: Embodying Holiness in a G-dless Space," 17-44
  • Sunday Paul C. Onwuegbuchulam / Nneka Okafor, "A Theoretical Investigation into the Politics of Female Body and Beauty in the Book of Judith with Special Reference to Ahebi of Igboland," 45-63
  • Jan Willem van Henten, "Space, Body and Meaning in 2 Maccabees,"  65-88
  • Pierre J. Jordaan, "Body, Space and Narrative in 2Macc 1:1-10a,"  89-193
  • Eugene Coetzer, "A Spatial Analysis of the References to Heaven in 2 Maccabees,"  105-115
  • George W.E. Nickelsburg, "Space and Time, Body and Psychē in 1 Enoch and 2 Maccabees," 117-127
  • Chris L. de Wet, "Susanna’s Body," 129-145
  • S. Philip Nolte, "A Politics of the Female Body. Reading Susanna (LXX Additions to Daniel) in a Brutalized South African Society," 147-161
  • Joseph Jacobus de Bruyn, "In Rememberance of God’s Messiancic Vessel – ‘Body’ and ‘Space’ in Psalm 151," 163-183

Περιλήψεις / Abstracts

Τρίτη 15 Μαρτίου 2016

H πέμπτη συνἀντηση του Biblicum / The fifth meeting of Biblicum

Η πέμπτη συνάντηση της φετεινής ακαδημαϊκής χρονιάς θα γίνει την Δευτέρα 21 Μαρτίου στις 19.30΄στο Μουσείο. Ομιλητής θα είναι ο αν. καθηγητής κ. Χαράλαμπος Ατματζίδης με θέμα  "Η πρωτοχριστιανική μειονότητα της Κορίνθου λατρεύουσα τον Κύριο (Α΄ Κορ 8,6) –  Κοινωνιολογική και εκκλησιολογική προσέγγιση".

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του RHR / In the current issue of RHR

Recherches de Science Religieuse 103:4 (2015)

  • David Meyer, "Les fondements de l’herméneutique rabbinique du contournement de la violence," 487-503 (abstract)
  • Frédéric Rognon, "Bible et violence : quelles dialectiques?," 505-524 (abstract)

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Scriptura / In the current issue of Scriptura

Scriptura 114 (2015)

Η ιουδαϊκή πηγή της "Συνοπτικής Αποκάλυψης" / The Jewish roots of the "Synoptic Apocalypse"

Scrinium 11 (2015)

Basil Lourié, "The 'Synoptic Apocalypse' (Mt 24–25 Par.) and Its Jewish Source," 87-108

Ένα νέο βιβλίο για την Ανάληψη Ησαΐα / A new book on The Ascension of Isaiah

coverΚυκλοφόρησε από τον εκδοτικό οίκο Peeters ένας συλλογικός τόμος για το απόκρυφο κείμενο Ανάληψις Ησαΐου. Πρόκειται για ένα κείμενο, το οποίο καταλαμβάνει σημαντική θέση στην αρχαία χριστιανική γραμματείας εξαιτίας της δυσκολίας προσδιορισμού της προέλευσής του αλλά και της σημασίας που έχει όσον αφορά στον αυτοπροσδιορισμό των Χριστιανών έναντι των Ιουδαίων σε αυτή την πρώιμη περίοδο. Στα πρώτα κεφάλαια του τόμου παρουσιάζονται τα προβλήματα της χρονολόγησης, προέλευσης, του φιλολογικού είδους και της ερμηνείας του έργου καθώς κι η πιθανή σχέση του με τον Μαρκίωνα. Στη συνέχεια παρουσιάζονται διάφορα χαρακτηριστικά του, όπως ο μυστικός χαρακτήρας, οι χρησμοί που περιέχει, τα στοιχεία από την ιωάννεια παράδοση, η κοσμολογία του, η κάθοδος του Χριστού, η εσχατολογία του κι η εκ παρθένου σύλληψη. Στην τελευταία μελέτη παρουσιάζεται ο P.Amh. I 1, που είναι ο ελληνικός μάρτυρας του κειμένου. 

J.N. Bremmer, T.R. Karmann, T. Nicklas, The Ascension of Isaiah. Studies on Early Christian Apocrypha, 11. Leuven: Peeters 2016
ISBN: 978-90-429-3199-2
XVI-418 p.

Δευτέρα 14 Μαρτίου 2016

Στα δύο τελευταία τεύχη τους PRSt / In the two recent issues of PRSt

Perspectives in Religious Studies 42:3 (2015)

Eric A. Seibert, "Preaching from Violent Biblical Texts: Helpful Strategies for Addressing Violence in the Old Testament," 247–257
Many pastors and priests are uncomfortable preaching from violent Old Testament texts. Therefore, they routinely ignore them. Yet it is imperative for the clergy not only to preach from these texts, but to do so in an ethically responsible manner. This is particularly true when preaching from passages containing “virtuous” violence, where violence is portrayed positively, as something acceptable and even praiseworthy. This article discusses a number of practical strategies designed to help preachers deal more responsibly and effectively with these challenging biblical passages in their sermons. These strategies enable preachers to be honest about the problems these texts raise, and to critique the violence in them, while still preaching from these texts in ways that are positive and constructive.

Hector Avalos, "Circumcision as a Slave Mark," 259–274
Circumcision may be one of the most widespread forms of violence on the globe. Although the reasons for circumcision are variegated, the form best known in Abrahamic traditions probably originated in the violent institution of slavery. A master tested the loyalty of slaves by requiring them to perform an action to which one is normally adverse. Circumcision, which involves the painful removal of the foreskin of the penis, would have been a very effective test of loyalty and marker of ownership. If slaves performed that procedure, a master could be assured of absolute obedience. Children were circumcised because they were considered part of the property of the divine master, Yahweh.

Kathryn M. Lopez, "Telling and Retelling the Story of Dinah: Violent Storytelling as Social Formation," 275–282
Rewritten Torah flourished in the Second Temple period, but many details changed in the retelling. Certain stories, such as Dinah’s rape and the subsequent slaughter of the men of Shechem in Genesis 34, almost reverse themselves in the retelling. Levi shifts from the villain who placed the family of Jacob in danger to the hero whose commitment to the purity of God’s people is exemplified by his violent action against the Shechemites. This reversal is particularly apparent in those retellings that are associated with the Levi-Priestly tradition. This article explores how a story of such violence became the basis for the elevation of Levi in Second Temple period writings and operated to form the social identity of the group that stands behind the Levi-Priestly tradition.

Amanda C. Miller, "Wrestling with Rome: Imperial Violence and Its Legacy in the Synoptic Gospels," 283–294
This essay offers a foundation from which the church of the twenty-first century might construct a theology of evangelism and mission that returns it to the ancient perspective of the earliest Christians and that moves it beyond the dichotomy between evangelism and social ministry that characterized much of Christian mission in the twentieth century. This theological understanding was first articulated in 1904 by Walter Rauschenbusch and achieved its most recent expression in the document Evangelii Gaudium, written by Pope Francis I in 2013. Properly understood, it offers a holistic approach to mission that transforms not only individuals, but also the communities to which they belong.

Greg Carey, "Revelation’s Violence Problem: Mapping Essential Questions," 295–306
The book of Revelation frequently deploys language and imagery related to violence and destruction, often attributed to God and the Lamb. This theological and ethical problem preoccupies scholarly and popular interpreters alike, but few pause to articulate its various literary and theological dimensions. Readers of Revelation must navigate the questions of whether its violence is justifiable, whether Revelation attributes violence to God and to the Lamb, whether Revelation’s rhetoric solicits a desire for violence, whether the book realistically reflects its violent historical context, and whether texts can “do violence” through rhetoric and symbolism. In the end, this essay proposes that Revelation celebrates and endorses violence even as it calls its audience to abstain from violent action. Revelation models for its readers how the longing for justice often mingles with a desire for vindication and revenge.

Karen L. King, "Engaging Diverse Early Christian Responses to Violence in Persecution," 307–317
The response of early Christians to persecution under Rome is often represented in contemporary church histories as a heroic story in which martyrs willingly confess Christ and face torture and death. The evidence, however, shows that Christians struggled to understand what was happening and what they should do. In so doing, they raise foundational theological questions about the nature of God and the meaning of suffering. This essay examines three works recently discovered in Egypt which offer new perspectives and which argue variously for non-violence, pacifism, and/or withdrawal: The Testimony of Truth, The Letter of Peter to Philip, and The (First) Apocalypse of James.

Perspectives in Religious Studies 42:4 (2015)

John C. Peckham, "Theopathic or Anthropopathic? A Suggested Approach to Imagery of Divine Emotion in the Hebrew Bible," 341–355
This article critically examines the view that figurative anatomical expressions of divine emotion should be dismissed as non-descriptive of God and suggests an alternative approach. First, since all available language is human language, the dismissal of figurative language for this reason is self-defeating. Second, the interpreter should not presume what God is like independent of the biblical data. Third, attention to the idiomatic usage of figurative anatomical expressions demonstrates that such idioms are not dependent upon the anatomical referent. Therefore, the interpreter should maintain the well-known meaning of an idiom as an analogical reference to God’s emotions (theopathism).

Rebecca W. Poe Hays, "Divine Extortion and Mashal as a Polysemic Pivot: The Strategy of Complaint in Joel 2:12–17," 357–370
Joel 2:12–17 unfolds a desperate argument beginning with repentance but reinforcing this incentive by combining a description of YHWH’s character with the nations’ imagined derision. The persuasive force resides in a pivot device playing upon the two mashal roots (“be like” and “rule”). The threat is not merely that Judah will suffer mockery but that the nations will equate Judah’s situation with YHWH’s status and character. Strategically, the Joel 2:12–17 complaint utilizes extortion wherein the priests present YHWH with a threat to his character, which mashal’s polysemy enhances, as a means of incentivizing YHWH to reverse Judah’s fortunes.

David Lertis Matson, " 'Eating and Drinking Whatever They Provide' (Luke 10:5–7): Luke’s Household Mission of the Seventy(-Two) in Light of the Philip Esler/E. P. Sanders Debate," 371–389
Scholars have long noted the prominence of table fellowship in the writings of Luke. But as the Christian mission gradually expands to include Gentiles, exactly what kind of table fellowship does Luke envision taking place? In mixed eucharistic settings, do Jews eat separately from Gentiles, bring their own food, or share in common provisions with Gentiles? Against the backdrop of an intense debate in New Testament scholarship, particularly between Philip F. Esler and E. P. Sanders, this article develops a distinctively Lukan model based on the indiscriminate household mission of the Seventy(-two) that supports Esler’s definition of table fellowship as personalized eating rather than the parallel eating model assumed by Sanders. That Luke uses food to symbolize the breaking down of barriers between people groups, however, is not without its problems in this postcolonial age.

O Daniel Boyarin για τον ιστορικό Metatron / Daniel Boyarin on historical Metatron

Στην ιστοσελίδα του Yale Divinity School έχουν "ανεβεί" οι τρεις διαλέξεις του καθηγητή Daniel Boyarin για την εμφάνιση του Μετατρόν στον ραββινικό Ιουδαϊσμό ;

Συνέδριο με θέμα τη σχέση των χειρογράφων του Κουμράν και του Ελληνισμού / Conference on DSS and Hellenism

Το Ινστιτούτο του Κουμράν στο Πανεπιστήμιο του Groningen σε συνεργασία με το Πανεπιστήμιο του Leuven διοργανώνουν την πέμπτη διεθνή συνάντηση Groningen - Leuven με αφορμή τα 55 χρόνια λειτουργίας του Ινστιτούτου του Κουμράν. Το συνέδριο θα λάβει χώρα από τις 13 έως τις 14 Απριλίου 2016.

Το πρόγραμμα της συνάντησης:


Wednesday 13.4.2016

8:30h   Coffee and Tea

  • 9:00     Elmer Sterken, Rector Magnificus, University of Groningen: opening of the meeting
  • 9:15h   John Collins (Yale University): Workshop I: “The Impact of Hellenism in Judah”
  • 10:45h Coffee Break
  • 11:00h Workshop I continues
  • 11:30h Short papers by Dirk Smilde Research Seminar students
  • 12:20h Jürgen Zangenberg (University of Leiden): Announcement on the forthcoming publication Humbert, Chambon, and Mlynarczyk Qumran IIIA of Roland de Vaux’s excavations of Khirbet Qumran

12:30h Lunch Break
  • 13:30h Vasile Babota (Pontifical Gregorian University & Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas): “The Hasmonean High Priesthood, the Opposition(s) Groups, and the Composition of Some Dead Sea Scrolls”
  • 14:15h Albert I. Baumgarten (Bar-Ilan University): “Challenging the Authorities: Looking for Trouble”
  • 15:30h Coffee Break
  • 16:15h Justin David Strong (University of Notre Dame): “Jubilees and Hellenistic Physiognomy”
  • 17:00h Dennis Mizzi (University of Malta): “Conceptualizing a ‘Library’ at Qumran: A Material Perspective on the Dead Sea Scrolls in the Light of Papyrological Evidence from the Graeco-Roman Mediterranean”

18:30h Dinner

Thursday 14.4.2016

9:00h   Coffee and Tea
  • 9:15h   Benjamin Wright (Lehigh University): Workshop II: “Were the Qumran Sectarians Hellenistic Jews?”
  • 10:45h Coffee Break
  • 11:00h Workshop II continues
  • 11:30h  Meike Christian (Georg-August Universität, Göttingen): “Lowliness and Election in 4QInstruction and the Hodayot”
  • 12:15h  Francis Borchardt (Lutheran Theological Seminary Hong Kong/ Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence: Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions): “4QMMT and the Heroic Figure in Hellenistic Judaism”
13:00h Lunch Break
  • 14:00h Atar Livneh (University Ben Gurion of the Negev): “Brief Accounts of Israelite History in the Qumran Scrolls: Biblical Patterns and Hellenistic Influence”
14:45h Coffee Break
  • 15:00h Shira J. Golani (KU Leuven): “The Use of Lists in the Dead Sea Scrolls within their Hellenistic Post-Biblical Setting”
  • 15:45h  Patrick Pouchelle (Centre Sevres, Paris): “Are there grecisms in Qumran Hebrew and how could we detect them?”
  • 16:30h  Pieter B. Hartog (KU Leuven): “The Greek Bible in the Dead Sea Scrolls and The Early History of the Septuagint”
  • 17:15h  Hanna Tervanotko (University of Helsinki & KU Leuven) and Mladen Popović (Qumran Institute, University of Groningen): Closing Remarks
18:00h Dinner

Οι γυναίκες στο βιβλίο της Γένεσης / Women in the book of Genesis

Στην γνωστή ιστοσελίδα The Bible and Interpretation έχει αναρτηθεί ένα σύντομο κείμενο του David J. Zucker για τις γυναίκες που εμφανίζονται στο βιβλίο της Γένεσης: