Ο Benjamin G. Wright III δημοσιεύει ένα σύντομο άρθρο στην ιστοσελίδα TheTorah.com σχετικά με τη μαρτυρία της Επιστολής Αριστέα για το δώρο του Πτολεμαίου Γ΄ προς το Ναό:
Τακτική επισκόπηση ειδήσεων σχετικών με τις βιβλικές σπουδές και τον αρχέγονο Χριστιανισμό
Σάββατο 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2019
Η χήρα γυναίκα στην εποχή της Καινής Διαθήκης / Widows in New Testament era
Στην ιστοσελίδα The Bible and Interpretation η Susan E. Hylen δημοσιεύει ένα σύντομο αλλά κατατοπιστικό κείμενο για τη θέση της χήρας γυναίκας στην κοινωνία της εποχής της Καινής Διαθήκης. Η συγγραφέας αμφισβητεί τη διαδεδομένη αντίληψη για την θέση της γυναίκας στον αρχαίο κόσμο και σωστά επισημαίνει τόσο την ποικιλία των περιπτώσεων χήρων γυναικών όσο και την ανάγκη να λαμβάνονται υπόψη οι ιδιαίτερες συνθήκες που ισχύουν κάθε φορά.
"Widows lived under a variety of circumstances in the ancient world, and ancient readers would have had many different experiences of and conventions about widows that they drew on to understand the stories of the Bible. Modern readers of the biblical texts should bracket their expectations of widows’ distress in order to look for the signals the text includes about a particular widow’s status. Doing so may lead us to new insights about the variety of resources available to widows of the period."
αρχαίος κόσμος,
Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSNT / The current issue of JSNT
Journal for the Study of the New Testament 41:3 (2019)
- Christopher D. Stanley, "Paul and Asklepios: The Greco-Roman Quest for Healing and the Mission of Paul," 279-309 (abstract)
- Max Botner, "A Sanctuary in the Heavens and the Ascension of the Son of Man: Reassessing the Logic of Jesus’ Trial in Mark 14.53-65," 310-334 (abstract)
- Shaun Gallagher, "Embodied Cognitive Science and the Person: A Comment on the Spezio–Eastman Exchange," 335-343 (abstract)
- Chee-Chiew Lee, "Rest and Victory in Revelation 14.13," 344-362 (abstract)
- Hans M. Moscicke, "The Gerasene Exorcism and Jesus’ Eschatological Expulsion of Cosmic Powers: Echoes of Second Temple Scapegoat Traditions in Mark 5.1-20," 363-383 (abstract)
- F. Gerald Downing, "Incongruous Conciliation: A Constructive Critique of John Barclay’s Paul and the Gift," 384-402 (abstract)
ελληνορωμαϊκός κόσμος,
κατά Μάρκον,
Μετάφραση και κλασικές σπουδές / Translation and the classics
H Johanna Hanink σχολιάζει τη δύσκολη σχέση των κλασικών κειμένων και της μετάφρασης στο ιστολόγιο eidolon:
αρχαίος κόσμος,
Τετάρτη 6 Φεβρουαρίου 2019
Ένα νέο άρθρο στο τρέχον τεύχος του JGRChrJ / A new article in the current issue of JGRChrJ
Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism 14 (2018)
Frank Shaw, "Three Developments in New Testament Textual Criticism: Wettlaufer, Houghton and Jongkind(-Williams)", 89-129
Frank Shaw, "Three Developments in New Testament Textual Criticism: Wettlaufer, Houghton and Jongkind(-Williams)", 89-129
ιστορία έρευνας,
κριτική κειμένου,
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του PRSt / In the current issue of PRSt
Perspectives in Religious Studies 45:4 (2018)
Το τρέχον τεύχος είναι αφιερωμένο στη σχέση Χριστιανισμού και Στωικισμού. Κάποιες από τις μελέτες αφορούν την εποχή της Καινής Διαθήκης:
Joshua W. Jipp, "Does Paul Translate the Gospel in Acts 17:22–31? A Critical Engagement with C. Kavin Rowe’s One True Life," 361–76
In this essay I engage the important recent work of C. Kavin Rowe’s One True Life who argues that Christianity and Stoicism are “theologically incommensurate traditions” and that neither tradition can be translated into the other. I engage in a close reading of the Lukan Paul’s sermon at the Areopagus and argue that Rowe’s reading ultimately fails to convince as an explanation for the way in which Paul’s sermon functions as a piece of intercultural missionary communication. Drawing upon recent work in the study of missiology, particularly that of Kwame Bediako, I argue that missionary proclamation involves both convergence and conflict. Rowe is right to draw attention to the way in which Paul’s sermon functions as a critique of Greco-Roman polytheism. But he has not successfully accounted for the ways in which Paul’s speech draws upon some of the best features of Hellenistic philosophy, especially Stoic traditions, as a means of exalting the Christian movement as a superior philosophy.
Timothy A. Brookins, "Mode of Discourse and the “Material” Spirit in Paul and the Stoics," 377–88
Timothy Brookins evaluates Troels Engberg-Pedersen’s claim that the apostle Paul, like the Stoics, viewed the s/Spirit as a material entity. Assessing “mode” of discourse in Paul’s discussion of anthropological and s/Spirit language, Brookins suggests that Paul’s language of the s/Spirit functions within a substantially figurative/mythical/unreflective /unofficial mode, and therefore that his language of the s/Spirit was underdetermined and not definitely material in reference.
Joseph R. Dodson, "New Friends and Old Rivals in the Letters of Seneca and The Epistle of Diognetus," 389–405
In response to C. Kavin Rowe’s dismissal of comparing the rival thought worlds of Stoicism and Christianity based on the arguments of Wittgenstein and McIntyre, this article considers how rival traditions compared themselves with each other before Wittgenstein and McIntyre said they could not do so. It specifically examines the interaction between philosophical and religious rivalries as evidenced in Seneca’s Letters and in The Epistle to Diognetus with the hope of extrapolating implications from these ancient authors regarding how to be faithful in one true life while engaging—more or less—with other competing beliefs and opposing traditions.
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του RNTh / In the current issue of RNTh
Revue Nouvelle Théologique 141:1 (2019)
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του HTS / In the current issue of HTS
Hervormde teologies studies 75:3 (2019)
Ananda Geyser-Fouche, Bernice Serfontein, "Creation order in sapiential theology: An ecological-evolutionary perspective on cosmological responsibility"
Ananda Geyser-Fouche, Bernice Serfontein, "Creation order in sapiential theology: An ecological-evolutionary perspective on cosmological responsibility"
Τα δάκρυα σε ακκαδικές και εβραϊκές προσευχές / Tears in Accadian and Hebrew prayers
Στην ιστοσελίδα της Society of Biblical Literature υπάρχει ελεύθερη για λήψη η μελέτη του David A. Bosworth σχετικά με το μοτίβο των δακρύων σε ακκαδικές και εβραϊκές προσευχές:
David A. Bosworth, A House of Weeping: The Motif of Tears in Akkadian and Hebrew Prayers. Ancient Near East Monographs 24, SBL. Atlanta, 2019
ISBN: 9781628372359
Εγγύς Ανατολή,
Παλαιά Διαθήκη
Τρίτη 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2019
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Interpretation / In the current issue of Interpretation
Interpretation 73:1 (2019)
Joel S. Kaminsky, "“The Might of My Own Hand Has Gotten Me This Wealth”: Reflections on Wealth and Poverty in the Hebrew Bible and Today," 7-17 (abstract)
Joel S. Kaminsky, "“The Might of My Own Hand Has Gotten Me This Wealth”: Reflections on Wealth and Poverty in the Hebrew Bible and Today," 7-17 (abstract)
Το τρέχον τεύχος του CBR / The current issue of CBR
Currents in Biblical Research 17:2 (2019)
- Julie Faith Parker, "Children in the Hebrew Bible and Childist Interpretation," 130-157 (abstract)
- Kris Sonek, "The Abraham Narratives in Genesis 12–25," 158–183 (abstract)
- Brandon D. Smith, "What Christ Does, God Does: Surveying Recent Scholarship on Christological Monotheism," (abstract)
- Karl L. Armstrong, "The End of Acts and the Jewish Response: Condemnation, Tragedy, or Hope?" 209-230 (abstract)
Currents in Biblical Research
Κυριακή 3 Φεβρουαρίου 2019
Ένα αρχαίο οινοποιείο / An ancient winery
Στην ηλεκτρονική εφημερίδα ahramonline δημοσιεύεται ένα σύντομο κείμενο για την ανασκαφή ενός οινοποιείου των ελληνορωμαϊκών χρόνων στην Abu Al-Matameer (επικράτεια Beheira) της Αιγύπτου:
ελληνορωμαϊκός κόσμος
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Numen / In the current issue of Numen
Numen 66:1 (2019)
αρχαίος κόσμος,
Ένα νέο βιβλίο στη σειρά IVBS / A new book in the series IVBS
Το βιβλίο διατίθεται ελεύθερο σε μορφή pdf:
Vaitusi Nofoaiga, A Samoan Reading of Discipleship in Matthew, SBL Press, Atlanda 2017
Vaitusi Nofoaiga, A Samoan Reading of Discipleship in Matthew, SBL Press, Atlanda 2017
συναφειακή ερμηνεία
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του IJSTh / In the current issue IJSTh
International Journal of Systematic Theology 20:4 (2018)
- Kenneth R. Laing, "The Logos and the Authority of Scripture: A Proposal Motivated by Irenaeus’ Trinitarian Account of Revelation," 455-471 (abstract)
- Bruce R. Pass, "Upholding Sola Scriptura Today: Some Unturned Stones in Herman Bavinck’s Doctrine of Inspiration," 517-536 (abstract)
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JMRC / In the current issue of JMRC
The Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures 45:1 (2019)
Anne L. Clark, "Remembering Phoebe in the Twelfth Century: The Forgotten Deacon in Paul's Letter to Romans," 1-28
Anne L. Clark, "Remembering Phoebe in the Twelfth Century: The Forgotten Deacon in Paul's Letter to Romans," 1-28
In his Letter to Romans, Paul mentions an otherwise unknown woman named Phoebe, whom he extols as a deacon or minister. Peter Abelard reviewed patristic opinions about Phoebe, putting into currency ancient debates over women's roles in liturgical and teaching ministry. About two decades later, Phoebe was again resurrected, even more surprisingly, in a manuscript where she was not mentioned textually but invoked visually. The appearance of Phoebe—an apostolic model of women's ministry—in an age of emerging forms of women's religious life, reveals tensions among men about the possibilities of women's religious leadership and transmission of knowledge.
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