- Andrew T. Abernethy, "God as Teacher in Psalm 25," 339-351 (abstract)
- Phyllis Bird, "Of Whores and Hounds: A New Interpretation of the Subject of Deuteronomy 23:19," 352-364 (abstract)
- Walter Bührer, "The Relative Dating of the Eden Narrative Gen *2-3," 365-376 (abstract)
- Kevin Chau, "Interpreting Biblical Metaphors: Introducing the Invariance Principle," 377-389 (abstract)
- Tova Forti and David A. Glatt-Gilad, "The Function of the Root śkl in Shaping the Ideal Figure of David in 1 Samuel 18," 399-400 (abstract)
- Mahri Leonard-Fleckman, "The Priority of Israel and Literary Revision in the David Narrative," 401-413 (abstract)
- Rachel Hitin-Mashiah, "The Accentuation of Three-Word ‘ כִּי Clauses’ Ending with Silluq and Atnaḥ," 414-523 (abstract)
- Jean Maurais, "Ézéchiel 18 et les défis que comporte l’analyse de l’exégèse intra-biblique," 424-436 (abstract)
- Uri Mor, "One More Look at the Negation of the Infinitive Construct in Second Temple Hebrew," 437-456 (abstract)
- E. J. Revell, "Minor Pausal Forms and their Function," 457-465 (abstract)
- Sheree E. Lear, "The Daughter of a Foreign God: Wordplay as an Interpretive Key in Malachi 2:11," 467-473 (abstract)
- Joshua N. Moon, "A Short Note on Hos 3:1a," 474-479 (abstract)
Τακτική επισκόπηση ειδήσεων σχετικών με τις βιβλικές σπουδές και τον αρχέγονο Χριστιανισμό
Σάββατο 8 Αυγούστου 2015
Το τρέχον τεύχος του VT / The current issue of VT
Vetus Testamentum 65:3 (2015)
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
Vetus Testamentum
Παρασκευή 7 Αυγούστου 2015
Βιβλιογραφική βάση για τη συριακή γλώσσα και γραμματεία / Bibliographical database on syriac
To Τμήμα Κλασικών Σπουδών και Γραμμάτων του Πανεπιστημίου της Oklahoma έχει ανεβάσει στο διαδίκτυο ένα εξαιρετικό εργαλείο για όσους ασχολούνται με τη συριακή γλώσσα και γραμματεία:
αρχαία Εκκλησία,
Το τρέχον τεύχος του RÉJ / The current issue of RÉJ
Revue des Études Juives 173:3-4 (2014)
- Samuele Rocca, "The Hasmonean State and Rome: A New Appraisal," 263-295 (abstract)
- Xavier Levieils, "Étude historique du récit d'Hégésippe sur la comparution des petits-fils de Jude devant Domitien," 297-323 (abstract)
- José Martinez Delgado, "An Anonymous Book on Hebrew Verbs in Judeo-Arabic," 323-359 (abstract)
- Michae Sokoloff, "Af'el, 'To Spend the Winter': A New Verbal Lexeme in Jewish Palestinian Aramaic," 361-363 (abstract)
- Simon Schwarzfuchs, "Le vendredi 13 juin 1242: Le jour où le Talmud fut brûlé à Paris," 365-369 (abstract)
- Pinchas, Roth, "New Light on Rabbi Reuben ben Ḥayyim," 371-380 (abstract)
Ιστορία Χρόνων Κ.Δ.,
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του RHPR / In the current issue of RHPR
Revue d' Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses 95:2 (2015)
Gilbert Vincent, "Exégèse, herméneutique, théologie. I. Entre philosophie et théologie : l’œuvre de Paul Ricœur," 183-215
Gilbert Vincent, "Exégèse, herméneutique, théologie. I. Entre philosophie et théologie : l’œuvre de Paul Ricœur," 183-215
Paul Ricœur’s work disturbs, as does any work that questions the customary classification of disciplines. Does this philosophical work make too much room for religion and theology? The reproach of “crypto-theology” against its author is unfair, since he never hides it. The strength of this reproach is indicative of a concept of laity different from that of the French legislator and which was not defended by the author himself. It also betrays a strange ignorance of the pragmatic and institutional conditions of all creative thinking. In order to better do justice to this work, to its disciplinary “departures” and to their possible cultural effects, we will use the notion of field rather than discipline. If applied to philosophy and theology, could it not help avoid such an antagonistic view of their relationship?
Το τρέχον τεύχος του OTE / The current issue of OTE
Old Testament Essays 28:1 (2015)
- Yaw Adu-Gyamfi, "God's wrath and judgment on ethnic hatred and hope for victims of ethnic hatred in Obadiah : implications for Africa," 11-30 (abstract)
- David T. Adamo, "The task and distinctiveness of African biblical hermeneutic(s)," 31-52 (abstract)
- Ettienne Ellis, "Reconsidering the fear of God in Job 37:14-24 and Qohelet 3:1-17 in the light of Rudolf Otto's Das Heilige," 53-69 (abstract)
- Annette Evans, "To what extent is Ezekiel the source of resurrection of the dead in 4Q385 Pseudo-Ezekiel and Targum Ezekiel?," 70-85 (abstract)
- Jaco Gericke, "Rethinking the "dual causality principle" in Old Testament research - a philosophical perspective," 86-112 (abstract)
- Bernard Gosse, "L'influence du livre des Proverbes sur le livre d'Osée, en relation avec les livres de Jérémie etd'Isaïe," 113-120 (abstract)
- Gideon R. Kotze, "Comments on the expression of hope in LXX Lamentations 5 : 19-22," 121-153 (abstract)
- Barbara M. Leung Lai, "'I'-voice, emotion, and selfhood in Nehemiah," 154-166 (abstract)
- Joshua J. Spoelstra, "Surviving the Agagites : a postcolonial reading of Esther 8-9," 168-181 (abstract)
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
Πέμπτη 6 Αυγούστου 2015
Βιβλιοκρισία του νέου τόμου των επιγραφών των Φιλίππων / Review of the new collection of the Philippi inscriptions
Στο ηλεκτρονικό περιοδικό Bryn Mawr Classical Reviews δημοσιεύεται η βιβλιοπαρουσίαση της νέας έκδοσης των επιγραφών που βρέθηκαν στην ίδια την πόλη των Φιλίππων. Πρόκειται ουσιαστικά για το πρώτο μέρος του δεύτερου τόμου μίας σειράς στην οποία θα δημοσιευθούν οι επιγραφές από την αποικία των Φιλίππων και την περιοχή τους: ο πρώτος τόμος θα αφορά στις επιγραφές της ελληνιστικής περιόδου (CIPh I), το δεύτερο μέρος του δεύτερου τόμου τις αναθηματικές (CIPh II.2) και το τρίτο τις ταφικές (CIPh II.3), ενώ ο τρίτος τόμος θα περιέχει τις επιγραφές της Βυζαντινής περιόδου (CIPh III). Ο υπό συζήτηση τόμος περιέχει επιγραφές που αφορούν στη δημόσια ζωή της αποικίας και στους αυτοκράτορες. Ο τόμος κι όσοι θα ακολουθήσουν έρχονται να συμπληρώσουν τη σημαντική προσπάθεια του P. Pilhofer, ο οποίος πρώτος συγκέντρωσε και δημοσίευσε τις επιγραφές της αποικίας. Στη νέα αυτή έκδοση γίνεται εκτενέστατος σχολιασμός και προτείνονται νέες αναγνώσεις παλαιότερων επιγραφών. Σύμφωνα με τον συγγραφέα της βιβλιοκρισίας, Αθανάσιο Ριζάκη, πρόκειται για ένα εξαιρετικό πόνημα που υπόσχεται πολλά για τους τόμους που θα ακολουθήσουν:
Το τρέχον τεύχος του DSD / The current issue of DSD
Dead Sea Discoveries 22:2 (2015)
- Joseph Yellin, "A Commentary on Two Scientific Studies of the ruma (רומא) Jar from Qumran," 147-161 (abstract)
- Shem Miller, "The Oral-Written Textuality of Stichographic Poetry in the Dead Sea Scrolls," 162-188 (abstract)
- C. L. Seow, "Text Critical Notes on 4QJoba," 189-201 (abstract)
- Eshbal Ratzon, "Methodological Issues concerning the Astronomy of Qumran," 202-209 (abstract)
H ιστορία της πρόσληψης: ορισμός και προοπτικές / History of reception: definition and prospects
Στη σελίδα The Bible and Interpretation ο William John Lyons δημοσιεύει ένα ενδιαφέρον κείμενο σχετικά με τον ορισμό και το μέλλον της ιστορίας της πρόσληψης. Να σημειωθεί ότι η ιστορία της πρόσληψης αποτελεί έναν εξαιρετικά ενδιαφέροντα κλάδο της ιστορίας της ερμηνείας του βιβλικού κειμένου, το μεθοδολογικό όμως πλαίσιο και η εφαρμογή της έχει προκαλέσει ποικίλες συζητήσεις μεταξύ των ερευνητών (παραπέμπω εδώ στα δύο κείμενα που δημοσιεύθηκαν στα προηγούμενα χρόνια στο περιοδικό Relegere, του James Crossley, "An Immodest Proposal for Biblical Studies" [2012] και του L. Hurtado, "On Diversity, Competence, and Coherence in New Testament Studies: A Modest Response to Crossley's 'Immodest' Proposal" [2012]):
Τετάρτη 5 Αυγούστου 2015
CFP: Growing up Motherless in Antiquity
Growing up Motherless in Antiquity: A Conference on Mother Absence in the Ancient Mediterranean
Prof. Dr. Sabine R. Huebner, Universität Basel, Switzerland
Dr. David M. Ratzan, New York University
Location: Basel, Switzerland
Date: 26 – 28 May 2016
Deadline for the submission of abstracts: October 15, 2015
Prof. Dr. Sabine R. Huebner, Universität Basel, Switzerland
Dr. David M. Ratzan, New York University
Location: Basel, Switzerland
Date: 26 – 28 May 2016
Deadline for the submission of abstracts: October 15, 2015
The last forty years have witnessed a vast reclamation project in ancient history, as scholars have worked to recover the lives of historically muted groups, particularly those of women and children. The result is an impressive body of work collecting the traces ancient women and children have left behind, as well as a sophisticated epistemology of the biases, gaps, and silences in the historical record. From this perspective, the absence of ancient mothers has represented an ineluctable reality and a methodological hurdle, but rarely a subject of study in its own right. Yet the evidence suggests that mother absence was not merely a secondary artifact of bias or artistic and historiographical conventions; it was also a primary condition of antiquity, one whose root causes, social articulations, and psychological effects have never been fully described or explored, even as it had a profound effect on ancient family life and the experience of childhood.
In approaching the causes, forms, and effects of ancient mother absence we now stand to benefit not only from the last four decades of research into the ancient and pre-modern family (including a growing bibliography on ancient mothers, e.g., the recent collection of Petersen and Salzman-Mitchell (eds.), Mothering and Motherhood in Ancient Greece and Rome [Univ. Texas Press, 2012]), but also from recent research into contemporary mother absence. The root cause of ancient mother absence, of course, was death, with the result that a significant proportion of ancient children grew up without their biological mothers. In the contemporary West, by contrast, mother absence is increasingly the product of the number of working and career mothers (now two-thirds to three-quarters of all mothers in Germany, Switzerland, France, and the U.S.), a social revolution that is rapidly transforming the practices, economics, ideals, and politics of mothering. Cameron Macdonald’s Shadow Mothers: Nannies, Au Pairs, and the Micropolitics of Mothering (Berkeley 2011), for example, investigates the ways in which mother-work has been commoditized, outsourced, and negotiated between mothers and “shadow mothers” over the last two decades. Macdonald’s account of the economics, class tensions, and strategic postures shaping the relationships between contemporary mothers and a quasi-professionalized class of surrogates is a thought-provoking read for anyone acquainted with the various “shadow mothers” of antiquity. This and similar research suggests that ancient historians should attempt to see the phenomenon of ancient mother absence as a continuum, ranging from its obvious manifestation in the total absence caused by maternal death, to the partial absences of various forms of maternal separation brought about by economic necessity, divorce, slavery, social conventions, and perhaps even choice on occasion. It also provides us with a potential framework to understand the ways in which different parties or groups cognized and responded to maternal absence, from the children who grew up without their mothers to varying degrees, to those who stepped in, were employed, or commanded to mother them, a patchwork cast of stepmothers, family members, wet nurses, and domestic slaves—and perhaps we may even extend this analysis to the absent mothers themselves, to the extent that we can recover or reconstruct their experiences.
We invite scholars to reconsider the absence of ancient mothers in terms of ancient mother absence (cf. Huebner & Ratzan (eds.), Growing Up Fatherless in Antiquity [Cambridge, 2009]) and seek papers on any aspect of ancient mother absence in the ancient Mediterranean, from any period, subfield, or methodological approach, including (but not limited to) the following themes:
· The demography and sociology of ancient mother absence, including forms of mother absence not occasioned by death
· The relationship of the cultural ideals of “good” and “bad” mothers to the realities of mother absence, and the cultural construction and deconstruction of mothers, including reflections and refractions of mother absence in various rejections of motherhood (e.g., cults of virginity or chastity, medical theories minimizing maternal contribution to conception, myths of male pregnancy and birth, etc.)
· The anthropology, economics, ideology, status, and micropolitics of ancient mother-work and those who performed it (mothers, shadow mothers, stepmothers, etc.) and the effects or outcomes on children
· The psychology, emotional life, identities, and strategies of absent mothers, the children who lived apart from or survived them, and those who filled the persistent familial gap (mothers, shadow mothers, stepmothers, etc.)
· Visual or poetic representations of or engagements with mother absence and the discourse of mother absence in epitaphs, eulogies, personal correspondence, religion, cult, forensic rhetoric, politics, law, or medicine
Abstracts should be no more than 400 words (exclusive of title and biographical note), describing a 20-minute paper to be delivered in English. Please include the full title of your paper and a brief biographical note on your academic affiliation and previous research. Qualified junior researchers and recent PhD graduates are encouraged to apply. The deadline for full consideration is Oct. 15, 2015.
Please submit your abstract by email to: david.ratzan@nyu.edu or sabine.huebner@unibas.ch.
αρχαίος κόσμος,
Η πύλη της Gath / The Gate of Gath
Σύμφωνα με δημοσιεύματα στο διαδίκτυο η ομάδα αρχαιολόγων του Πανεπιστημίου Bar-Ilan, της οποίας επικεφαλής είναι ο καθ. Aren Maeir έφερε στο φως την κύρια πύλη της πόλης Gath, πατρίδας του Γολιάθ και μίας από τις μεγαλύτερες πόλεις της Παλαιστίνης κατά τους 10ο-9ο αι. π.Χ. Το μέγεθος της πύλης, για την οποία γίνεται λόγος και στην Βίβλο (Α΄ Σαμ 21), φανερώνει επίσης το μέγεθος και τη σπουδαιότητα της πόλης. Ας σημειωθεί ότι η αρχαιολογική ομάδα, η οποία εργάζεται στην τοποθεσία εδώ και 20 χρόνια, έφερε στο φως κι άλλα σημαντικά ευρήματα, όπως ναούς των Φιλισταίων (11ος-9ος αι. π.Χ.), την αρχαιότερη φιλισταϊκή επιγραφή που έχει αναγνωσθεί, διάφορα αντικείμενα, οχυρώσεις και ίχνη ενός σεισμού (8ος αι.), για τον οποίο ίσως γίνεται λόγος στο βιβλίο του Αμώς καθώς και ίχνη της κατάληψης και καταστροφής της πόλης από τον Αζαήλ της Δαμασκού (Β΄ Βασ 12,18):
βιβλική αρχαιολογία,
Παλαιά Διαθήκη
Ένα άρθρο βιβλικού ενδιαφέροντος στο τρέχον ETR / An article of biblical interest in the current issue of ETR
Etudes théologiques et religieuses 95:2 (2015)
Samuel Benetreau, "Le symbolisme dans l'Épître aux Hébreux. Images et métaphores" (abstract)
Samuel Benetreau, "Le symbolisme dans l'Épître aux Hébreux. Images et métaphores" (abstract)
Το τρέχον τεύχος του The Bible Translator / The current issue of The Bible Translator
The Bible Translator 66:2 (2015)
- David J. Clark, "Translation as Reincarnation?," 117-128 (abstract)
- John Makujina, "The Futurum Instans and the Translation of Two Hebrew Participles in Genesis 38.29 and 40.10," 129-137 (abstract)
- Yongbom Lee, "Judging or Ruling the Twelve Tribes of Israel? The Sense of Κρίνω in Matthew 19.28," 138-150 (abstract)
- Arthur G. Quinn, "The Vocative Singular in the Greek New Testament: An Exploration of Its Expression in North American English," 151-158 (abstract)
- Gert M. Knepper, "Nida’s Γύναι: Eugene Nida’s Views on the Use of Γύναι in John 2.4," 159-169 (abstract)
- Peter-Ben Smit, "No Small Difference? Galatians 4.1 and the Translation of Διαφέρει," 170-175 (abstract)
- Varghese P. Chiraparamban, "The Translation of Πίστις and Its Cognates in the Pauline Epistles," 176-189 (abstract)
κατά Ιωάννην,
Bible Translator
Δευτέρα 3 Αυγούστου 2015
Το τρέχον τεύχος του BTB / The current issue of BTB
Biblical Theology Bulletin 45:3 (2015)
- David M. Bossman, "Failure Is the Mother of Success," 130
- Johnny Miles, "Reading Esther as Heroine: Persian Banquets, Ethnic Cleansing, and Identity Crisis," 131-143 (abstract)
- Esther Miquel, "The Impatient Jesus and the Fig Tree: Marcan Disguised Discourse against the Temple," 144-154 (abstract)
- Simon J. Joseph, "Redescribing the Resurrection: Beyond the Methodological Impasse?," 155-173 (abstract)
- Fergus J. King, "Revelation 21:1–22:5. An Early Christian Locus Amoenus?," 174-193 (abstract)
κατά Μάρκον,
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
Κυριακή 2 Αυγούστου 2015
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του HTR / The current issue fo HTR
Harvard Theological Review 108:3 (2015)
- Edmon L. Gallagher, "Why did Jerome Translate Tobit and Judith?,"356-375 (abstract)
- Benjamin D. Sommer, "Nature, Revelation, and Grace in Psalm 19: Towards a Theological Reading of Scripture," 376-401 (abstract)
- Steven Weitzman, "Absent but Accounted for: A New Approach to the Copper Scroll," 423-447 (abstract)
- Moshe Blidstein, "How Many Pigs Were on Noah's Ark? An Exegetical Encounter on the Nature of Impurity," 488-470 (abstract)
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
Το τρέχον τεύχος του HebAI / The current issue of HeBAI
Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 4:1 (2015)
- Christoph Uehlinger, "Distinctive or diverse? Conceptualizing ancient Israelite religion in its southern Levan'tine setting," 1-24 (abstract)
- Amihai Mazar, Religious Practices and Cult Objects during the Iron Age IIA at Tel Rehov and their Implications regarding Religion in Northern Israel," 25-55 (abstract)
- Omer Sergi, "State Formation, Religion and "Collective Identity" in the Southern Levant," 56-77 (abstract)
- Seth L. Sanders, "When the Personal Became Political: An Onomastic Perspective on the Rise of Yahwism," 78-105 (abstract)
- Terje Stordalen, "Horse Statues in Seventh Century Jerusalem: Ancient Social Formations and the Evaluation of Religious Diversity," 106-132 (abstract)
- Oded Lipschits, "Manfred Oeming, Yuval Gadot, Interdisciplinary Research of Assyrian Siege Ramps – The Case of Tel Azekah," 135-143 (abstract)
Εγγύς Ανατολή,
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
Εγγραφή σε:
Αναρτήσεις (Atom)