Brill Research Perspectives in Biblical Interpretation 4:2 (2019)
Τακτική επισκόπηση ειδήσεων σχετικών με τις βιβλικές σπουδές και τον αρχέγονο Χριστιανισμό
Παρασκευή 8 Ιανουαρίου 2021
Το τρέχον τεύχος του Brill Research Perspectives in Biblical Interpretation / The current issue of Brill Research Perspectives in Biblical Interpretation
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Eugesta / In the current issue of Eugesta
Eugesta 10 (2020)
- Thea S. Thorsen, "‘Divina Corinna’: Pre-Twentieth Century Receptions of an Artistic Authority"
- Giulia Vettori, "Non solo moglie e madre. La materfamilias come soggetto patrimoniale nella legislazione etico-matrimoniale di Augusto"
- Kit Morrell, "Tutela mulierum and the Augustan marriage laws"
- Lisa Hagelin, "Homo inter homines sum – The importance of age for freedmen’s construction of masculinity in Late Republican and Early Imperial Rome"
- Stavros Frangoulidis, "From Victor to Victim: Metadrama and Movement of Plot in Seneca’s Hercules Furens"
- Elena Giusti, "Casta Diua: Juno’s “Unexpected Pain” in Statius’ Thebaid"
- Eve d’Ambra, "Ideal Beauty and Adornment: A Roman Portrait of a Young Woman"
Open edition: Le nouveau testament et les droits de l’Antiquité
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Feminist Studies in Religion / In the current issue of Feminist Studies in Religion
Feminist Studies in Religion 36/2 (2020)
- Ryan S. Higgins, "He Would Not Hear Her Voice: From Skilled Speech to Silence in 2 Samuel 13:1–22," 25-42 (abstract)
- Cristina Legarda, "The Syrophoenician Woman," 131-132
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του ITQ / In the current issue of ITQ
Irish Theological Quarterly 85/4 (2020)
Neil Ormerod, "The Quest for the Historical Jesus as an Experiment in Theological Method: A Lonerganian Perspective," 389–404 (abstract)
Τετάρτη 6 Ιανουαρίου 2021
Το τρέχον τεύχος του Novum Testamentum / The current issue of Novum Testamentum
Novum Testamentum 63/1 (2021)
- Morten Hørning Jensen, "Provenance and the Holy Grail of Purpose in Recent Markan Research," 1–21 (abstract)
- Shaily Shashikant Patel, "Marcionism and Luke 3:22: An “Orthodox Corruption” Reconsidered," 22–43 (abstract)
- Christopher S. Atkins, "Rethinking John 1:1: The Word was Godward," 44–62 (abstract)
- Donghyun Jeong, "Wrapping It Up Like Paul: 2 Corinthians 13:11–13 and the Possibility of Redaction," 63–89 (abstract)
- Garrett Best, "The Aural Impact of Solecisms in Revelation," 90–111 (abstract)
- Dieter T. Roth, "Raising the Bar: An Overlooked Element for Identifying a Staurogram within Nomina Sacra," 112–127 (abstract)
To τρέχον τεύχος του ZAW / The current issue of ZAW
Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 132/4 (2020)
- Beat Weber, "Die Psalmen 25–34 in den Qumran-Handschriften und im Masoretischen Text. Untersuchungen zu Textgestalt, Überlieferung und Komposition," 521-541 (abstract)
- Hermann Spieckermann, "Zion, Jakob und Abraham," 542-557 (abstract)
- Itzhak Amar, "Three Evil Kings and One Promise: Another Look at the Doctrine of Retribution and the Question of the Eternal Reign of the Davidic Dynasty in the Book of Chronicles," 558-572 (abstract)
- Erasmus Gaß, "David und Moab – Eine schwierige Verhältnisbestimmung," 573-593 (abstract)
- David M. Carr, "Rethinking the Materiality of Biblical Texts: From Source, Tradition and Redaction to a Scroll Approach," 594-621 (abstract)
- Konrad Schmid, "How Old Is the Hebrew Bible? A Response to Ronald Hendel and Jan Joosten," 622-631 (abstract)
- Matthias Hopf, "משׁפט und חק/חקה revisited. Neue rechtsanthropologische Impulse für ein altes Unterscheidungsproblem," 623-640 (abstract)
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Klio / In the current issue of Klio
Klio 102/2 (2020)
- Eduard V. Rung, "The Gestures of proskynēsis in the Achaemenid Empire," 405-444 (abstract)
- Michal Marciak, Marcin Sobiech, and Tomasz Pirowski, "Alexander the Great’s Route to Gaugamela and Arbela," 536-559 (abstract)
- Johannes Hackl, "Bemerkungen zur Chronologie der Seleukidenzeit: Die Koregentschaft von Seleukos I. Nikator und Antiochos (I. Soter)," 560-578 (abstract)
- Miran Leydold, "Wann eroberte Mithridates die Provinz Asia?" 579-600 (abstract)
- Piotr Berdowski, "Why Octavian Married Scribonia," 601-616 (abstract)
- Geoffrey S. Sumi, "Nero and Britannicus in the pompa circensis: The Circus Procession as Dynastic Ceremony in the Court of Claudius," 617-664 (abstract)
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του ARGe / In the current issue of ARGe
Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 21-22/1 (2020)
Magic and Ritual
- Oliver Pilz, "Überlegungen zu einigen griechischen Wetterritualen," 5-28 (abstract)
- Radcliffe G. Edmonds III, "And You Will Be Amazed: The Rhetoric of Authority in the Greek Magical Papyri," 29-49 (abstract)
- Michael Zellmann-Rohrer, "Lawsuits with Headless Foes: A Greek Incantation Motif," 51-83 (abstract)
- Attila Egyed, "A Syntactic Approach to the Orphic Gold Leaves," 85-121 (abstract)
Materiality and Ancient Religion
- Sandra Blakely, "Accumulation, authority, and the cultural lives of objects: materiality and ancient religion," 125-126
- K.A. Rask, "Familiarity and Phenomenology in Greece: Accumulated Votives as Group-made Monuments," 127-151 (abstract)
- Dina Boero, "The Cultural Biography of a Pilgrimage Token: From Hagiographical to Archaeological Evidence," 152-174 (abstract)
- Scott Possiel, "More than text: Approaching ritual papyri from Oxyrhynchus as inscribed objects," 175-200 (abstract)
- Mark F. McClay, "Rethinking Orphic ‘Bookishness’: Text and Performance in Classical Mystery Religion," 201-217 (abstract)
Divine Names
- Fabio Porzia and Sylvain Lebreton, "'Noms de dieux!' Gods at the borders," 221-224
- Alice Mouton, "Nommer les dieux hittites : au sujet de quelques épithètes divines," 225-243 (abstract)
- Gian Franco Chiai, "Le culte de Zeus Brontôn : l’espace et la morphologie du dieu de l’orage dans la Phrygie d’époque romaine," 245-275 (abstract)
- Françoise Van Haeperen, "Séquences onomastiques divines à Ostie-Portus," 277-308 (abstract)
Myths of Origin
- Marco Antonio Santamaría, "Ex arches: Looking Back at Greek Myths of Origin," 311-312
- Jenny Strauss Clay, "Typhoeus or Cosmic Regression (Theogony 821 – 880)," 313-326 (abstract)
- Warren Huard, "Herakles and the Order of Zeus in Hesiod’s Theogony," 327-342 (abstract)
- Marcus Ziemann, "The Politics of Beginnings: Hesiod and the Assyrian Ideological Appropriation of Enuma Eliš," 343-368 (abstract)
- Marco Antonio Santamaría, "Our Co(s)mic Origins: Theogonies in Greek Comedy," 369-386 (abstract)
- Ana Isabel Jiménez San Cristóbal, "At the Origins of Dionysus and Wine: Myths, Miracles, and Festivals," 387-407 (abstract)
- Fritz Graf, "Creation in the Poimandres and in Other Creation Stories," 411-421 (abstract)
- Carolina López-Ruiz, "The God Aion in a Mosaic from Nea Paphos (Cyprus) and Graeco-Phoenician Cosmogonies in the Roman East," 423-447 (abstract)
- Pierre Bonnechere and Gabriela Cursaru, "Ἀρχή and δῖνος: Vortices as Cosmogonic Powers and Cosmic Regulators. Study Case: The Whirling Lightning Bolt of Zeus," 449-478 (abstract)
Το τρέχον τεύχος του Semitica / The current issue of Semitica
Semitica 62 (2020)
- Michaël Guichard, "De Larsa à Mari (II): Nouvelles incantations paléo-babyloniennes," 5 - 20
- Valérie Matoïan - Juan-Pablo Vita, "Proportional Weights of Metals in Ugarit," 21 - 42
- Shira Faigenbaum-Golvin, Israel Finkelstein, Eythan Levy, Nadav Na'aman, Eli Piasetzky, "Arad Ostracon 24 Side A," 43 - 68
- Tallay Ornan, Oded Lipschits, "The Lion Stamp Impressions from Judah: Typology, Distribution, Iconography, and Historical Implications. A Preliminary Report," 69 - 91
- Matthieu Richelle, "Did Solomon 'Overlay the Whole Temple with Gold'? A New Look at 1 Kings 6:20-22," 93 - 110
- Cat Quine, "Athaliah and the Theopolitics of Royal Assassination," 111 - 127
- Reuben E. Duniya, "The Use of נחל in Deuteronomy 32:8: G.R. Driver and the Dictionary of Classical Hebrew," 129 - 136
- Marc Mendoza, "Achaemenid Deportations: Greek Perceptions, Persian Realities," 137 - 162
- Marie-Jeanne Roche, "Inscriptions en champlevé de Taymā'," 163 - 205
- François Bron, "Inscriptions néopuniques de Guelma et de Aïn Nechma au Musée du Louvre," 207 - 223
- François Bron, "Une troisième stèle funéraire d'un roi de Ma'īn," 225 - 227
La Bible hébraïque et les manuscrits de la mer Morte: Études en l'honneur de George Brooke
- Christophe Nihan, "Introduction," 231 - 242
- George J. Brooke, "The Dead Sea Scrolls and Comparisons," 243 - 266
- Philip R. Davies, "A Tale of Two Collections," 267 - 281
- Charlotte Hempel, "Why we should be Looking for Ezra's Legacy in the Dead Sea Scrolls," 283 - 305
- Julia Rhyder, "The Prohibition of Local Butchery in Leviticus 17:3-4: The Evidence from the Dead Sea Scrolls," 307 - 327
- Thomas Römer, "La fonction de l'arche dans les textes de Qumrân et les spéculations sur son destin dans des textes juifs et chrétiens," 329 - 339
- Dwight D. Swanson, "Insights from Qumran for the Exegesis of Scripture in the Gospel of Matthew," 341 - 366
- Peter Oakes, " George Brooke's The Dead Sea Scrolls and the New Testament: Reflections and Principles for Future Study," 367 - 382
- Luc Bulundwe, Simon Butticaz, "La critique paulinienne des «œuvres» au regard de 4QMMT et des Pastorales," 383 - 412
Δευτέρα 4 Ιανουαρίου 2021
Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSCS / The current issue of JSCS
Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies 53 (2020)
- Natia Dundua - Natia Mirotadze, "History of Biblical Studies in Georgia," 5-18
- Bryan Beeckman, "Unitas Vegetabilium? The Greek Rendering of Hebrew Floral, Plant and Herb Names in LXX-Proverbs and LXX-Job," 19-41 (abstract)
- Larry Perkins, "ἀκούειν/εἰσακούειν (שמע) in Greek Exodus," 43-65
- Tuukka Kauhanen - Leonardo Pessoa da Silva Pinto, "Recognizing Kaige-Readings in Samuel-Kings," 67-86
- Jonathan Thambyrajah, "The Samuel Intertexts in the Versions of Esther," 87-100
- Dionisio Candido, "The Pluses of the Vetus Latina of the Book of Esther," 101-114
- Dimitrios Papanikolaou, "Learning Greek Grammar from the Psalms in the Middle Ages: The Case of Psalm Epimerisms," 115-132
- Cameron Boyd-Taylor, "From Text to Discourse: Parrhesiastic Speech in Greek Job," 133-144
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του RÉJ / In the current issue of RÉJ
Revue des Études Juives 179/3-4 (2020)
- Emmanuel Friedheim, "Le judéo-polythéisme en Galilée au temps de la Mišna et du Talmud: Sources complémentaires," 291-313 (abstract)
- Marie Roux - Yael Wilfand, "'The Flower of the Whole World': A Homily on Converts from the Jerusalem Talmud Analyzed in Light of Greco-Roman Floral Motifs," 315-331 (abstract)
- Miriam Sklarz, "Joseph Kimhi's Threefold Priesthood Polemic," 333-349 (abstract)
Το τρέχον τεύχος του HIPHIL Novum / The current issue of HIPHIL Novum
HIPHIL Novum 6:1 (2020)
- Structure, Rhetoric, and Application: Modern Approaches to the Book of Leviticus
- Paul Hocking, "Repetition Indicating Form and Function: A Rhetorical-Critical Case Study in Leviticus 23," 2-19
- G. Geoffrey Harper, "'Do Not Eat the Owl': Hearing Leviticus 11 as Christian Scripture," 20-32
- David Instone-Brewer, "Are there two types of men in Leviticus 20:13?" 33-49
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Anatolian Studies / In the current issue of Anatolian Studies
Anatolian Studies 70 (2020)
Dario Calomino, "Caracalla and the divine: emperor worship and representation in the visual language of Roman Asia Minor," 153-169 (abstract)
Κυριακή 3 Ιανουαρίου 2021
Η ψηφιακή ξενάγηση στο Μουσείο της Ακρόπολης / A virtual tour to the Acropolis Museum
Καθώς ο αναγκαστικός εγκλεισμός που επιβάλλει η συνεχιζόμενη πανδημία μας κρατάει μακριά από αρχαιολογικούς τόπους και μουσεία, η ανάγκη της ψηφιοποίησης των αρχαιολογικών ευρημάτων και χώρων καθίσταται επιτακτική. Το Μουσείο της Ακρόπολης παρέχει τη δυνατότητα ψηφιακής περιήγησης στο χώρο του και αναλυτική παρουσίαση επιλεγμένων εκθεμάτων του. Αξίζει να το επισκεφτείτε και να το αξιοποιήσετε ως εκπαιδευτικό εργαλείο:
Open Access: ένα νέο βιβλίο για την προς Φιλιππησίους / Open Access: a new book on the Philippians
Eve-Marie Becker, Der Philipperbrief des Paulus : Vorarbeiten zu einem Kommentar. Neutestamentliche Entwürfe zur Theologie 29. Tübingen: Narr Francke Verlag 2020
ISBN : 978-3-7720-8688-5
Τα φράγματα και η πολιτιστική απώλεια / Dams and cultural loss
Oi Nicolò Marchetti και Federico Zaina αναλύουν το ρόλο που παίζουν τα φράγματα που κατασκευάστηκαν στις χώρες της περιοχής της αρχαίας Εγγύς Ανατολής όχι μόνο στην τοπική οικονομία κι ανάπτυξη αλλά και στην απώλεια αρχαιολογικών χώρων και πολιτιστικής κληρονομιάς. Παρουσιάζουν επίσης το project OrientDams που σκοπό έχει να αποτιμήσει το πολιτιστικό κόστος αυτών των φραγμάτων και να προτείνει τρόπους προστασίας της πολιτισμικής μνήμης:
OrientDams: The Impact of Dams on Cultural Heritage in the Middle East and North Africa
Οι τελευταίες οδηγίες του Δαυίδ / David's last instructions
Στην ιστοσελίδα ο David Glatt-Gilad αναλύει τη βιβλική αφήγηση για τις τελευταίες οδηγίες του Δαυίδ στο γιο κα διάδοχό του Σολομώντα και τη ραββινική της ερμηνεία στη συνέχεια:
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Religions / In the current issue of Religions
Religions 11/12 (2020)