Πέμπτη 5 Ιουλίου 2018

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του RRE / In the current issue of RRE

Religion in the Roman Empire 4:1 (2018)

  • Roberto Alciati, "Introduction: The Ascetic Use of the Body," 3-8
  • Catherine Hezser, "Self-Control in a World Controlled By Others: Palestinian Rabbinic 'Asceticism' in Late Antiquity," 9-27 (abstract)
  • Andrea Piras, "Sealing the Body: Theory and Practices of Manichaean Asceticism," 28-44 (abstract)
  • Roberto Alciati, "The Ascetic Knowledge: The Importance of Sense-Perception in Ancient Christian Asceticism," 45-62 (abstract)
Open Submissions
  • Brandon Walker, "With Peter at the Games: Ritual Memory and the Acts of Peter," 65-89 (abstract)
  • Petter Spjut, "The Counterfeit Spirit and the Concept of Fate in the Apocryphon of John: An Analysis of the Narrative Structure in NH II 20:9–21:12 and NH II 27:33–28:32," 90-104 (abstract)
Discussion Religious Change
  • Jan N. Bremmer, "Jörg Rüpke's Pantheon," 107-112
  • Corinne Bonnet, "Coping with Pantheon," 113-119
  • Judith Lieu, "Jörg Rüpke's Pantheon: Some Personal Reflections," 120-126
  • Zsuzsanna Varhelyi, "Jörg Rüpke's Pantheon: A Comprehensive History of Lived Religion in Ancient Rome," 127-131
  • Jörg Rüpke, "Reflecting on Dealing with Religious Change," 132-154

Το τρέχον τεύχος του RB / The current issue of RB

Revue Biblique 125:1 (2018)

  • Nissim Amzallag, "Beyond Nose and Anger: A Reinterpretation of 'ap in YHWH's Context,"  5-28 (abstract)
  • Marie de Lovinfosse, "Priorité et Fonctions singulières des foules chez Luc,"  29-56 (abstract)
  • Dominique-Marie Cabaret, "La basilique royale du Temple hérodien selon Flavius Josèphe et les dernières découvertes archéologiques: À propos d'un récent rapport final de fouilles," 57-89 (abstract)
  • Eitan Klein / Gidon Goldenberg / Ilan Hadad, "Kh. Umm er-Rus (Horbat Bet Bad) Reconsidered: New Insights from an Underground Archaeological Survey,"  90-119 (abstract)

Notes épigraphiques

  • Émile Pech, "La tablette cunéiforme de Tell Ta'anak,"  120-123

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Classical Antiquity / In the current issue of Classical Antiquity

Classical Antiquity 37:1 (2018)

  • Andrew J. Horne, "Hypothêkai: On Wisdom Sayings and Wisdom Poems," 31-62 (abstract)
  • Nathaniel B. Jones, "Exemplarity and Encyclopedism at the Tomb of Eurysaces,"  63-107 (abstract)
  • Laurialan Reitzammer, "Sightseeing at Colonus: Oedipus, Ismene, and Antigone as Theôroi in Sophocles' Oedipus at Colonus," 108-150 (abstract)
  • Garrett Ryan, "Building Order: Unified Cityscapes and Elite Collaboration in Roman Asia Minor," 151-185 (abstract)

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JEChrS / In the current issue of JEChrS

Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 70:1/2 (2018)
Arabica sunt, non leguntur... 
Studies on the Arabic Versions of the Bible in Jewish, Christian and Islamic Tradition

  • Sara Schulthess / Herman Teule / Joseph Verheyden, "Introduction," 1-5
  • Arik Sadan, "Differences and Similarities between Early Christian and Judaeo-Arabic (Rabbinical and Karaite) Translations of the Bible into Arabic: The Case of the Book of Job," 7-33 (abstract)
  • Juan Pedro Monferrer-Sala, "Scripture and Translation: An Arabic Fragment of the Gospel of Mark Preserved in Ms 4971 BNM," 35-62 (abstract)
  • Sara Schulthess, " Vaticanus Arabicus 13: What do we Really Know about the Manuscript? With an Additional Note on the Ending of Mark," 63-84 (abstract)
  • David Thomas, "Making Sense of the Bible in Early kalām," 85-103 (abstract)
  • Ute Pietruschka, " Präsentation und Umformung biblischen Materials in den 'Uyūn al-aḫbūr des Ibn Qutayba (828-889 AD),"  105-122 (abstract)

Τετάρτη 4 Ιουλίου 2018

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του HTS / In the current issue of HTS

Hervormde teologiese studies 74:1 (2018)

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Lectio Difficilior / The current issue of Lectio Difficilior

Lectio difficilior 1 (2018)

Το τρέχον τεύχος του BN / The current issue of BN

Biblische Notizen 177 (2018)

  • Rolf Krauss, "Kritische Bemerkungen zur Erklärung von ṣāracat als schuppende Hautkrankheit, insbesondere als Psoriasis," 3-24
  • Wolfgang Schütte, "Die Vetus Latina und die Samuel-Könige-Bücher. Zum Miteinander von Textkritik und Exegese," 25-43
  • Wolfgang Zwickel, "Armōn bēt hammäläk – der Wohnturm in königlichen Palästen," 45-60
  • Marjo Korpel, "The Ariel of his David," 61-64
  • Bob Becking, "Does Ezra Present the Return from Exile as a Second Exodus?,"  65-73
  • Rachelle Gilmour, "Jeremiah at the Gate: Identifying the People’s Gate in Jeremiah 17:19,"  75-82
  • Raik Heckl, "Die Anrede אדם בן im Ezechielbuch. Zur Bedeutung von Konnotationen bei der Auslegung,"  83-91
  • Cornelius Vollmer, "Wer ist die Braut in Hld 3,6-11?," 93-121
  • Mark W. Elliott, "Acta Apostolorum mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Auslegungsgeschichte von Apg 1 & 15 in der Reformationszeit," 123-139
  • Hans-Georg von Mutius, "Báau bei Philo von Byblos, Bohu in Genesis 1,2 und ein bemerkenswertes Zeugnis in der ältesten synagogalen Poesie," 141-146

Περιλήψεις / Abstracts