Τρίτη 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2021

Το τρέχον τεύχος του DWJ / The current issue of DWJ

 Distant World Journal 5 (2020)

Άρθρα βιβλικού ενδιαφέροντος στα τελευταία τεύχη του PRSt / Articles of biblical interest in the last issues of PRSt

Perspectives in Religious Studies 47/3 (2020)

Ivan Bankhead, "The Dual Impairments of the “Paralytic” of the Synoptic Gospels," 267–82
The “paralytic” who was lowered through a roof into Jesus’ presence is commonly seen as having been an adult, lame, and cognitively unimpaired. From a review of key contemporary medical writings and a critical and rational reading of the three Synoptic accounts of the incident, other NT narratives and two recent portrayals of the paralytic, this paper constructs a case for his having been envisioned originally as profoundly impaired mentally as well as physically. It shows how this reading can resolve several otherwise problematic issues within the accounts and concludes by suggesting that vicarious faith may prove efficacious for persons with profound intellectual disabilities today.

Rodney K. Duke, "The Idiom of 'Weeping and Gnashing of Teeth' in the Gospels: A Funerary Formula," 283–98
Τhis article examines the idiom of weeping and gnashing of teeth that occurs in Matthew and Luke. This idiom does not support a popular conclusion that the recipients of judgment existed in a continued state of anguish. After identifying some common presuppositions that readers often impose on the interpretation of this and other NT eschatological, judgment texts, the article turns to a fresh look at the idiom in context. I examine the two actions of weeping and gnashing of teeth as a single idiom, not separately. The idiom occurs in an independent clause with set formulaic wording. That formula does not express an action of those receiving judgment. They are dead. Drawing on Ugaritic parallels, the author concludes that idiom was likely a funerary expression in the mouth of mourners and functions in the Gospels as a literary motif for death.

Carey C. Newman, "Paul on God and Glory," 299–316


Perspectives in Religious Studies 47/4 (2020)

Mark McEntire,  "Competing Visions of the Wilderness in Numbers 10–21," 367–83

Numbers 10–21 is a combination of three wilderness traditions that can be adequately separated by procedures common to the Neo-Documentary Hypothesis. The test of applying a source-critical evaluation is threefold here. First, do the three separate accounts each exhibit a high degree of narrative coherence? Second, can asking a question related to the larger biblical narrative yield a distinctive answer from each narrative? This question will be: How does the wilderness story understand the place to which the Israelites are travelling?  Finally, can the answers to this question shed light on how the accounts were used to create single narrative?

Nijay Gupta, "Reconstructing Junia’s Imprisonment: Examining a Neglected Pauline Comment in Romans 16:7," 385–97
The person called “Junia” in Romans 16:7 has been the subject of extensive research, discussion, and debate for several decades, but especially for the last twenty years. Most of that scholarship has focused on Junia’s sex and whether or not Paul was referring to Junia as an apostle. One of the unfortunate and unintended consequences of the narrow focus on Junia’s sex and apostleship is the academic neglect of Paul’s mention of Junia’s imprisonment 3 (συναιχμαλώτους μου). This article seeks to fill that lacuna by imagining or reconstructing the situation and circumstances of the incarceration of which Paul mentions. Very little Pauline scholarship has considered the circumstances of Paul’s prison companions. Even less has there been consideration of the challenges faced by women who were detained. In the hopes that such an imaginative exercise would contribute to a better understanding of the experience of women in early Christianity, we will consider several factors including: crimes leading to imprisonment, the conditions of imprisonment, the experience of women in particular in Roman confinement, and the (potential) survival and after effects of female prisoners.

Carey C. Newman, "Paul on Christ and Glory, " 399–413

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSCS / The current issue of JSCS

Journal of Septuagint and Cognate Studies 53 (2020)

  • Natia Dundua / Natia Mirotadze, "History of Biblical Studies in Georgia," 5-18 
  • Bryan Beeckman, "Unitas Vegetabilium? The Greek Rendering of Hebrew Floral, Plant and Herb Names in LXX-Proverbs and LXX-Job," 19-41
  • Larry Perkins, "ἀκούειν/εἰσακούειν (שמע) in Greek Exodus," 43-65 
  • Tuukka Kauhanen - Leonardo Pessoa da Silva Pinto, "Recognizing Kaige-Readings in Samuel-Kings," 67-86
  • Jonathan Thambyrajah, "The Samuel Intertexts in the Versions of Esther," 87-100
  • Dionisio Candido, " The Pluses of the Vetus Latina of the Book of Esther," 101-114
  • Dimitrios Papanikolaou, "Learning Greek Grammar from the Psalms in the Middle Ages: The Case of Psalm Epimerisms," 115-132
  • Cameron Boyd-Taylor, "From Text to Discourse: Parrhesiastic Speech in Greek Job," 133-144

Δύο νέα άρθρα στο τρέχον τεύχος του Open Theology / Two new article in the current issue of Open Theology

 Open Theology 7/1 (2021)

Δευτέρα 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2021

Tι άκουσαν στο Σινά οι Ισραηλίτες / What did Israelites hear at Mount Sinai

 Στην ιστοσελίδα TheTorah.com ο Kenneth Seeskin προσπαθεί να εξηγήσει τι άκουσαν οι Ισραηλίτες στο όρος Σινά (τη φωνή του Θεού, τον Δεκάλογο, κάτι άλλο ή απλά τίποτε;) και συζητά τη σχέση μεταξύ θεϊκής αποκάλυψης και ανθρώπινης ερμηνείας μέσα στα βιβλικά κείμενα:

What Did the People Hear at Mount Sinai?

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του ThLZ / In the current issue of ThLZ

 Theologische Literaturzeitung 146 (2021)

Kathy Ehrensperger, "Jesus der Jude: Beobachtungen zu den jüdisch-christlichen Beziehungen in der gegenwärtigen Forschung," 21-36

Ένα νέο άρθρο στο τρέχον τεύχος του Verbum et Ecclesia / A new article in the current issue of Verbum et Ecclesia

 Verbum et Ecclesia 42/1 (2021)

Philip La.G. du Toit, "Reconsidering ‘law’ in Hebrews"

Κυριακή 7 Φεβρουαρίου 2021

Hershel Shanks (1930-2021)

Έφυγε από τη ζωή στα 90 του χρόνια, κτυπημένος από τον κορονοϊό, ο Hershel Shanks, ιδρυτής κι εκδότης για πολλά έτη του περιοδικού Biblical Archaeology Review. O εκλιπών αφιέρωσε ένα μεγάλο μέρος της ζωής του στη βιβλική αρχαιολογία. Το 1974 ίδρυσε την Biblical Archaeology Society και την επόμενη χρονιά το περιοδικό Biblical Archaeology Review,  στο οποίο χρημάτισε εκδότης έως το 2018. Έγραψε μια σειρά βιβλίων για την βιβλική αρχαιολογία που απευθύνονταν στο ευρύτερο κοινό και συμμετείχε σε αρκετές τηλεοπτικές εκπομπές με θέμα τη βιβλική αρχαιολογία.

Το τρέχον τεύχος του SEÅ / The current issue of SEÅ

 Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok 85 (2020)

  • Anneli Aejmelaeus, "New Perspectives on the Textual Character of Codex Vaticanus: A New Chapter in the Textual Criticism of the Septuagint, Especially the Books of Samuel"
  • Jennifer Knust and Tommy Wasserman "The Pericope of the Adulteress (John 7:53–8:11): A New Chapter in Its Textual Transmission"
  • Juha Pakkala "Historical Criticism in Light of Documented Evidence: What Does Text-Critical and Other Documented Evidence Tell Us About the Early Transmission of the Hebrew Bible?"
  • David Davage "Textkritik och ny filologi i exegetisk undervisning Några reflektioner och praktiska exempel"
  • Tommy Wasserman "En kort introduktion till nytestamentlig textkritik"
  • Tord Fornberg, David Hellholm, James A. Kelhoffer, and Marianne Wifstrand Schiebe "In Memoriam Lars Hartman (1930–2019)"
  • Simon Johansson ”Tog ni emot helig Ande när ni kom till tro?” (Apg 19:2): En studie av Andemottagande och dess relation till omvändelse-initiation i Luk–Apg"
  • Pauli Rahkonen "Biblical Hebrew Personal Names in Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and 1–2 Samuel: A Comparative Study"
  • Victoria Vasquez "Jesu död i Markusevangeliet – skamlig eller ärofull? En jämförelse mellan antika framställningar av ärofull död och Markusevangeliets passionsberättelse (14:32–15:39)"

Ηλεκτρονική βάση για τα νομίσματα των Πτολεμαίων / Database of Ptolemaic coins


Η Αμερικανική Νομισματική Εταιρία σε συνεργασία με μία μεγάλη ομάδα πανεπιστημίων, ερευνητικών κέντρων και μουσείων δημιούργησε μία εξαιρετικά χρήσιμη βάση για τα νομίσματα των Πτολεμαίων με τη δυνατότητα αναζήτησης. Η συλλογή, η οποία ενημερώνεται συχνά, περιέχει νομίσματα που βρέθηκαν σε όλη την ανατολική Μεσόγειο: 

Ptolemaic Coins Online