Διαβάστε στην ιστοσελίδα Ancient Jew Review ένα πολύ ενδιαφέρον κείμενο του Blossom Stefaniow σχετικά με τη σημασία των αρχείων και τη διαχείριση της υλικής ιστορίας από τον ερευνητή:
Τακτική επισκόπηση ειδήσεων σχετικών με τις βιβλικές σπουδές και τον αρχέγονο Χριστιανισμό
Σάββατο 11 Μαΐου 2019
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του BThZ / In the current issue of BThZ
Berliner Theologische Zeitschrift 36:1 (2019)
Franziska Ede, "„Es ist ein Gott im Himmel, der kann verborgene Dinge offenbaren“ (Dan 2,28). Traum- und Rätseldeutung in Gen 40 f. und Dan 2; 5"
Konrad Huber, "Visionen, Epiphanien, Nachtgesichte. Ihr Beitrag zur Charakterisierung des Paulus in der Apostelgeschichte"
Franziska Ede, "„Es ist ein Gott im Himmel, der kann verborgene Dinge offenbaren“ (Dan 2,28). Traum- und Rätseldeutung in Gen 40 f. und Dan 2; 5"
This essay attempts to illuminate the traditio-historical background of dream and riddle interpretation in Gen 40 f.; Dan 2; 5 and offer reflections on the literary and theological function of this divinatory practice within the micro- and macro-context of the above Hebrew Bible / Old Testament narratives.
Konrad Huber, "Visionen, Epiphanien, Nachtgesichte. Ihr Beitrag zur Charakterisierung des Paulus in der Apostelgeschichte"
In the Acts of the Apostles, narratives of visionary experiences occur strikingly frequently and in manifold forms. Within the framework of the overall composition, they have a signal effect and the function of legitimizing significant turning points in the course of events. With regard to visions attributed to Paul, the present article asks for their particular contribution to the characterization of the visionary himself. Content-related as well as formal aspects are intertwined, in particular when it comes to presenting Paul as a prophetic character.
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του RThL / In the current issue of RThL
Revue théologique de Louvain 50:1 (2019)
Cécile du Champs - Régis Burnet,"Barabbas: Conséquences littéraires de l'histoire de la réception d'un personnage biblique," 21-38 (abstract)
Cécile du Champs - Régis Burnet,"Barabbas: Conséquences littéraires de l'histoire de la réception d'un personnage biblique," 21-38 (abstract)
Marginalia Forum: μια συζήτηση του βιβλίου του D. Boyarin, Judaism / Marginalia: A discussion of D. Boyarin's Judaism
Στο ηλεκτρονικό περιοδικό Marginalia έχει ξεκινήσει ένα νέο forum όπου ειδικοί συζητούν το βιβλίο του D. Boyarin, Judaism: The Genealogy of a Modern Nation (2018):
- Annette Yoshiko Reed and Shaul Magid, “Introduction: Marginalia Forum on Daniel Boyarin’s Judaism”
- Adele Reinhartz (University of Ottawa), “Was the Word in the Beginning? On the Relationship between Language and Concepts”
- Simcha Gross (University of California Irvine), “‘Judaism’ Here, There, but Not Everywhere: Persian and Other Non-Western Perspectives”
Παρασκευή 10 Μαΐου 2019
Το τρέχον τεύχος του FilNeot / The current issue of FilNeot
Filologia neotestamentaria 51 (2018)
- Stanley E. Porter, Revisiting the Greek Verb: An Extended Critique.
- Juan Barreto - Carmen Rita Jorge - María Maite García, Aproximación al estudio del campo semántico de los lexemas verbales de movimiento en el Griego del Nuevo Testamento.
- Paul L. Danove, Interpreting and Translating Γίνομαι as a Verb of Process in the New Testament.
- Didier Lafleur, Greek New Testament and Purple Manuscripts: The Case of Beratinus 1 (Φ.043) and Beratinus 2 (min. 1143).
- Karl L. Amstrong, The End of Acts and the Comparable Age of its Variants.
- Peter R. Rodgers, The Question of 1 Peter 3:13.
1 Πέτρου,
ιστορία κειμένου,
Νέες ανακαλύψεις στο ανάκτορο του Νέρωνα στη Ρώμη / New archaeological findings in Nero's palace in Rome
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Παράσταση από τη νέα αίθουσα της Domus Aurea (φωτο: Parco archeologico del Colosseo) |
Σύμφωνα με δημοσιεύματα στον ηλεκτρονικό τύπο αρχαιολόγοι εντόπισαν μία νέα αίθουσα κατά τη διάρκεια αναστηλωτικών εργασιών στο ανάκτορο του Νέρωνα Domus Aurea στη Ρώμη. Πρόκειται για μία αίθουσα διακοσμημένη με παραστάσεις πανθήρων, σφίγγες, τον Πάνα κι άλλα μυθικά πλάσματα. Σύμφωνα με τις εκτιμήσεις των ειδικών οι παραστάσεις χρονολογούνται μεταξύ του 65 και του 68 μ.Χ. Στους επόμενους μήνες τα συνεργεία θα προχωρήσουν στον καθαρισμό του χώρου προκειμένου να αποκαλυφθεί όλο το εικονογραφικό πρόγραμμα των τοιχογραφιών:
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JJS / In the current issue of JJS
Journal of Jewish Studies 70:1 (2019)
Arnon Atzmon, "The original order of Pesikta de-Rav Kahana," 1-23
Arnon Atzmon, "The original order of Pesikta de-Rav Kahana," 1-23
Determining the original order of the text of Pesikta de-Rav Kahana has plagued scholars since its discovery and reconstruction. This question is not merely technical; rather, it relates to the very essence of the work. The fact that multiple full and partial textual witnesses of the Pesikta have been discovered has not brought this question to its resolution, for these witnesses present the Pesikta in three significantly different orders. This article analyses the textual evidence supporting the order of the text found in these three different versions of the Pesikta. The article also takes into consideration the conceptual consequences of these findings on the nature and essence of the Pesikta. The article concludes by arguing in favour of the order found in one of these versions and with an explanation of the processes that led to the creation of the other two orders.
Barak S. Cohen, "Citation formulae in the Babylonian Talmud: from transmission to authoritative traditions," 24-44
Scholars have generally viewed the citation formula ‘thus R. X said’ (over 200 appearances) as identical to the more typical formulae used to quote Amoraic statements. In contrast I argue that this particular citation formula differs from the more typical formula in that it is used only when there is an attempt to establish a Halakhic norm, especially when it contradicts alternative traditions. I will further argue that late Babylonian Amoraim use this formula to quote an earlier authoritative source whereas earlier Amoraim use it to quote a sage with whom they had contact. These findings testify to a trend among later Amoraim to issue Halakhic rulings based on the authority of dominant figures from earlier generations and contribute to our understanding of how Halakhic decisions were formulated to accord with particularly prominent rabbis in talmudic Babylonia.
Jonathan Jacobs, "Nahmanides and Ibn Ezra’s commentaries on Genesis," 45-67
In this article I re-examine the question of which of Ibn Ezra’s commentaries on Genesis was available to Nahmanides when he wrote his own commentary on the book. The consensus until now had been that Nahmanides was familiar with both the short commentary and the second recension. A comprehensive analysis of Nahmanides’ commentary on Genesis demonstrates that this consensus is incorrect – Nahmanides was only familiar with Ibn Ezra’s short commentary. This conclusion is based on our familiarity with Nahmanides’ inclusive approach to his sources, as well as specific examples which prove that Nahmanides was not familiar with the second recension (and not even the ‘third approach’).
Miriam Sklarz, "Nahmanides’ typological interpretation of the encounter between Abram and Melchizedek (Gen. 14:18–20)," 68-82
Many of Nahmanides’ typological interpretations are closely associated with rabbinic Midrash and with Rashi’s comments, themselves based on Midrash. An exceptional deviation from the interpretation of the Midrash and Rashi is found in Nahmanides’ typological commentary on the encounter between Abram and Melchizedek (Gen. 14:18–20). Nahmanides, like the Midrash and Rashi, explains the encounter as hinting to the future priestly services in the Temple. But while the Midrash and Rashi emphasize the bread and wine offerings of Melchizedek, these are omitted from Nahmanides’ commentary. The focus is shifted from Melchizedek’s actions and gifts to those of Abram. Thus Nahmanides’ interpretation offers an alternative typology to that of the rabbis and Rashi and he refrains from even mentioning their typological interpretation. The present article offers an explanation for this exception, in the light of anti-Christian polemic and the typological significance of Melchizedek and his offerings in the Christian interpretation.
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του RSR / In the current issue of RHR
Recherches de Science Religieuse 107:2 (2019)
Céline Rohmer, "De la tradition synodale à l’événement synodal ou comment la Bible interroge la pratique," 207-224 (abstract)
Céline Rohmer, "De la tradition synodale à l’événement synodal ou comment la Bible interroge la pratique," 207-224 (abstract)
Τετάρτη 8 Μαΐου 2019
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JSQ / In the current issue of JSQ
Jewish Studies Quarterly 26:1 (2019)
Shaul Shaked, Rivka Elitzur-Leiman, "An Aramaic Amulet for Winning a Case in a Court of Law," 1-16 (abstract)
Shaul Shaked, Rivka Elitzur-Leiman, "An Aramaic Amulet for Winning a Case in a Court of Law," 1-16 (abstract)
Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSOT / The current issue of JSOT
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 43:3 (2019)
- Nathan Chambers, "Reading Joshua with Augustine and Sommer: Two frameworks for interpreting theophany narratives," 273-283 (abstract)
- Kasper Siegismund, "The death of a virtuous woman? Proverbs 31.10-31, gnomic qatal, and the role of translation in the analysis of the Hebrew verbal system," 284-300 (abstract)
- Jon-Michael Carman, "Abimelech the manly man? Judges 9.1-57 and the performance of hegemonic masculinity," 301-316 (abstract)
- Geula Twersky, "Genesis 49: The foundation of Israelite monarchy and priesthood," 317-333 (abstract)
- Matthew J Korpman, "Can anything good come from Sodom? A feminist and narrative critique of Lot’s daughters in Gen. 19.30-38," 334-342 (abstract)
- Stephen Llewelyn, Natasha Heap, Alexandra Wrathall, "Reading the Siloam inscription as narrative," 343-358 (abstract)
- Geoff John Aimers, "Theodicy in an ironical sense: The Joban Wager and the portrait of folly," 359-370 (abstract)
- Koog P. Hong, "Abraham, our father, the father of all: A perspective from ancient Korean history," 371-384 (abstract)
- Nathan Chambers, "Genesis 1.1 as the first act of creation," 385-394 (abstract)
- James ‘Seth’ Adcock, "Does Jeremiah dispel diaspora demons? How Septuagint Jeremiah and 4Q71 (4QJerb) rewrote their text structures around an Aramaic war taunt which mocks Zion’s idolatry," 395-416 (abstract)
- David Willgren, "‘May YHWH avenge me on you; but my hand shall not be against you’ (1 Sam. 24:13): Mapping land and resistance in the ‘biographical’ notes of the ‘Book’ of Psalms," 417-435 (abstract)
- Rannfrid Irene Thelle, "Matrices of motherhood in Judges 5," 436-452 (abstract)
- Ellen van Wolde, "The Niphal as middle voice and its consequence for meaning," 453-478 (abstract)
- Jonathan A Thambyrajah, "Mordecai’s dream in Esther—The Greek and Latin versions, character, and the tradition of interpretation," 479-490 (abstract)
- John William Herbst, "Valuing leadership and love: David exceeding Samson," 491-505 (abstract)
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
Η ταυτότητα του Ισραήλ στη μεταιχμαλωσιακή περίοδο / Israel's identity in post-exilic period
Στην ιστοσελίδα The Bible and Interpetation η Maria Häusl (Τεχνικό Πανεπιστήμιο της Δρέσδης) γράφει για τους τρόπους και τα μέσα με τα οποία κατασκευάζεται η ταυτότητα και εξασφαλίζεται η συνοχή της ισραηλιτικής κοινότητας στη μεταιχμαλωσιακή περίοδο:
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
Οι μη χριστιανικές μαρτυρίες για τον Ιησού / Jesus in the non-Christian sources
Ο Lester Grabbe συγκεντρώνει και παρουσιάζει τις λιγοστές μη χριστιανικές μαρτυρίες για τον Ιησού στην πρόσφατή του ανάρτηση στο ιστολόγιο ANE Today:
Τρίτη 7 Μαΐου 2019
Το τρέχον τεύχος του EC / The current issue of EC
Early Christianity 10:1 (2019)
- Clare K. Rothschild, "Editorial: Christian Oxyrhynchus," 1-2
- Thomas A. Wayment, "Oxyrhynchus as a Test Case: Describing the Tensions That Led to the Creation of Textual Variation Units," 3-20 (abstract)
- Malcolm Choat, Rachel Yuen-Collingridge, "Texts without Authors: Unidentified Texts in the Christian Tradition from Roman Oxyrhynchus," 56-71 (abstract)
- Peter Arzt-Grabner, "Three Weavers of the First Century CE: Tryphon of Oxyrhynchus, Pausiris of Oxyrhynchus, and Paul of Tarsus," 72-86 (abstract)
- Brice C. Jones, "A Newly Published Fragment of the Gospel of Mark (P¹³⁷), " 89-93 (abstract)
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του ZThK / In the current issue of ZThK
Zeitschrift für Theologie und Kirche 116:1 (2019)
Benjamin Schliesser, "Vom Jordan an den Tiber: Wie die Jesusbewegung in den Städten des Römischen Reiches ankam," 1-45
Benjamin Schliesser, "Vom Jordan an den Tiber: Wie die Jesusbewegung in den Städten des Römischen Reiches ankam," 1-45
αρχέγονος Χριστιανισμός,
ιστορικός Ιησούς,
Δευτέρα 6 Μαΐου 2019
Η αρχαία Άζωτος / The ancient Ashdod
Με αφορμή τον εντοπισμό μάλλον της βυζαντινής πόλης της Αζώτου Παραλίου δημοσιεύεται στην ηλεκτρονική εφημερίδα Haaretz ένα εκτενές άρθρο σχετικά με τις αρχαιολογικές ανακαλύψεις που συνδέονται με τις διάφορες φάσεις ζωής αυτής της αρχαίας πόλης:
Παλαιά Διαθήκη
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του ITQ / In the current issue of ITQ
Irish Theological Quarterly 84:2 (2019)
- Candida R. Moss, "Dying to Live Forever: Identity and Virtue in the Resurrection of the Martyrs," 155-174 (abstract)
- Gerald O’Collins, SJ, "‘His Life Rose With Him’—John 21 and the Resurrection of Jesus," 194-211 (abstract)
κατά Ιωάννην,
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του RHPR / In the current issue of RHPR
Revue d'Histoire et de Philosophie Religieuses 99:1 (2019)
Qu'est -ce que la verité? Hommage à André Birmerlé
Qu'est -ce que la verité? Hommage à André Birmerlé
1 Κορινθίους,
κατά Ιωάννην,
Το τρέχον τεύχος του SJOT / The current issue of SJOT
Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 33:1 (2019)
- Ehud Ben Zvi, "Memories of Kings of Israel and Judah within the Mnemonic Landscape of the Literati of the Late Persian/Early Hellenistic Period: Exploratory Considerations," 1-15 (abstract)
- Jørn Varhaug, "The Decline of the Shepherd Metaphor as Royal Self-Expression," 16-23 (abstract)
- Louis C. Jonker, "Achaemenid Understanding of Law and Justice in Darius I’s Tomb Inscriptions: Are There Any Connections with Hebrew Bible Pentateuchal Conceptions?" 24-41 (abstract)
- Tamara Prosic, "Experimental Pesah or, How do you Eat a Lamb while Holding a Staff in your Hand?" 42-64 (abstract)
- Michael Nathanson, "The Name Game: Archaeologies of the Land of the Bible, Eretz Yisrael, the Holy Land and Palestine," 65-81 (abstract)
- Årstein Justnes, "Predetermined for Predestination? On the Assumed Notion of Predestination in the Dead Sea Scrolls," 82-94 (abstract)
- Frank Clancy, "The Chronicler’s Vorlage, Kalimi verses Auld," 95-110 (abstract)
- Pauli Rahkonen, "Personal Names of the Pentateuch in the Northwest Semitic Context: A Comparative Study," 111-135 (abstract)
- Nadav Na’aman, "The Jacob Story: Between Oral and Written Modes," 136-158 (abstract)
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
Κυριακή 5 Μαΐου 2019
Το τρέχον τεύχος του VT / The current issue of VT
Vetus Testamentum 69:2 (2019)
- Avraham Faust, "The World of P: The Material Realm of Priestly Writings," 173–218 (abstract)
- Marianne Grohmann, "Metaphors of Miscarriage in the Psalms," 219–231 (abstract)
- Andrew Messmer, "A Possible Chiastic Center for Primary History (Genesis-2 Kings)," 232–240 (abstract)
- Michael Pietsch, "König und Tempel: Die Nathanverheißung in der ‚deuteronomistischen‘ Geschichtsschreibung," 241–257 (abstract)
- Aron Pinker, "On the Odd לארצו in Job 37:13," 258–276 (abstract)
- Hermann-Josef Stipp, "Jer 25,1-14 im masoretischen und im alexandrinischen Text des Jeremiabuchs Ein Gespräch mit Shimon Gesundheit," 277–306 (abstract)
- Jonathan Yogev, "The Seven Eyes of God," 307–319 (abstract)
- Reinhart Ceulemans, "Hexaplaric Excavations: (Genesis, the Psalms, Micah, Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel), 321–327 (abstract)
Vetus Testamentum
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του PRS / In the current issue of PRS
Perspectives in Religious Studies 49:1 (2019)
Nicholas R. Werse, "The Literary Function of ψευδοπροφήτης in Jeremiah LXX," 3–17
Nicholas R. Werse, "The Literary Function of ψευδοπροφήτης in Jeremiah LXX," 3–17
The Jeremiah LXX selectively employs the term ψευδοπροφήτης in nine instances within the four conflict pericopes of Jer 33-36 (MT 26-29) and one oracle (6:13-15). Scholars struggle to explain the reason for this selective use in light of the vast number of instances in which the LXX presents a false prophet with the common term προφήτης. This article argues that by selectively employing ψευδοπροφήτης in these passages, the translator links the false prophets of the conflict pericopes (Jer 33-36 [MT 26-29]) with the condemnation of false prophets in Jer 6:13-15 for trivially responding to the destruction of the Lord’s people. This concern with the false prophets’ response unifies these five pericopes and distinguishes them from the broader condemnation of false prophets in Jeremiah LXX. This selective use of ψευδοπροφήτης fits within the broader theological concern of Jeremiah LXX over the destruction of Jerusalem.
Tony W. Cartledge, "The Use, Misuse, and Abuse of Archaeology in the Media," 19–28
Media providers make use of archaeological finds for commercial, political, or religious purposes. Commercial users report or interpret finds in order to promote tourism at biblical/historical sites or to attract readers. These sometimes over-hype or misunderstand new finds but generally remain true to the archaeologists’ reports or interviews. Academic and some religious media tend to report stories responsibly. Unfortunately, many popular religion-based sites exaggerate and misuse archaeological finds, drawing unwarranted conclusions to promote Israeli nationalism and Zionist expansion into the West Bank, or to claim “proof” of biblical stories in support of fundamentalist Christian interpretations of scripture. This article reviews specific examples of such use in recent years and bemoans the rise of “fake news” in the reporting of archaeology.
Perspectives in Religious Studies
Διεθνές Συνέδριο: Παύλος και ρητορική τέχνη / International conference: Paul and rhetoric

Πρόγραμμα / Programme
Jeudi 16 mai
- 14h Accueil par James Hirstein, directeur du CARRA Accueil par Laurent Pernot, membre de l’Institut, directeur de l’Institut de Grec
- 14h20 Introduction aux travaux par Jonathan Thiessen
- 14h45 Stanley Porter, McMaster Divinity College, Hamilton, Ontario: “Paul among the Rhetoricians and Epistolographers”
- 15h30 Marc Philonenko, Membre de l’Institut, Université de Strasbourg: « L’illumination du cœur : une métaphore paulinienne »
- 16h15 Pause
- 16h45 Roy Jeal, Booth University College, Winnipeg, Manitoba: “From Method to Analytic: Pauline Rhetoric Calling for Wisdom”
- 17h30 Jonathan Thiessen Université de Strasbourg, “How to study the rhetoric of one ‘ignorant in speech’ (ἰδιώτης τῷ λόγῳ)”
Vendredi 17 mai
- 9h Christos Kremmydas, Royal Holloway, London/Humboldt Universität, Berlin “Emotions and argumentation in Paul’s Pastoral Epistles and in the Epistle to the Philippians”
- 9h45 Ian Henderson, McGill University, Montreal, Québec, “The Rhetoric of the Thessalonian Letters Revisited: a Case-Study in contrastive (Classical) Rhetoric 30 years after F.W. Hughes”
- 10h30 Pause
- 11h00 Jaqueline Assaël, Université de Nice-Sophia-Antipolis, « La rhétorique spirituelle et l’éloquence singulière et univoque de Paul dans 2 Corinthiens 1, 13-19 »
- 11h45 Jean-Noël Aletti, Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome, “Milestones on the Road to Understanding Paul’s Rhetoric”
- 12h30 Conclusions des travaux par Jonathan Thiessen
Η στήλη του Mesha και ο οίκος του Δαυίδ / The Mesha stele and the House of David
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Η στήλη του Mesha (Φωτο: wikipedia commons) |
Η στήλη του Mesha και η πιθανή αναφορά της στον οίκο του Δαυίδ αποτελεί το θέμα ενός νέου ακαδημαϊκού άρθρου και μίας σειράς δημοσιευμάτων στο διαδίκτυο. Η στήλη αυτή βρέθηκε στα 1868, χρονολογείται στον 9ο αι. και συνδέεται με το βασίλειο του Μωάβ. Δυστυχώς έχει υποστεί σημαντική φθορά με αποτέλεσμα η αποκατάσταση του κειμένου σε κάποια σημεία να προκαλεί διαφωνίες στην επιστημονική κοινότητα. Αυτό ισχύει και για τον στ. 31, όπου ο ερευνητής André Lemaire αναγνώρισε τη φράση beit David και συνέδεσε την στήλη με τον οίκο Δαυίδ. Αυτή η ανάγνωση σήμερα αμφισβητείται από ένα άρθρο στο περιοδικό Tel-Aviv που συνοψίζει την έρευνα με τη βοήθεια ηλεκτρονικών υπολογιστών, η οποία δημοσιεύθηκε πριν λίγες (αναφορά έγινε ήδη σε χτεσινή ανάρτηση στο ιστολόγιο). Σύμφωνα με τις πληροφορίες της ηλεκτρονικής Times of Israel θα υπάρξει συνέχεια στη συζήτηση με ένα άρθρο στο νέο τεύχος του περιοδικού Semitica. Από ό,τι φαίνεται η στήλη του Mesha θα συνεχίσει να απασχολεί την επιστημονική κοινότητα για πολύ καιρό:
"High-tech study of ancient stone suggests new proof of King David’s dynasty" (Times of Israel)
Κι εδώ μπορείτε να βρείτε το πλήρες άρθρο του περιοδικού Tel-Aviv:
Παλαιά Διαθήκη
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