Σάββατο 6 Ιουνίου 2015

James Louis Martyn (1925- +2015)

Στα μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης κυκλοφόρησε η είδηση η είδηση του θανάτου του James Louis Martyn, καθηγητή της Καινής Διαθήκης στο Union Theological Seminary, New York. Ο Martyn είναι γνωστός για το έργο του στο κατά Ιωάννην ευαγγέλιο (History and Theology in the Fourth Gospel,1968) και για την επίδραση της αποκαλυπτικής στη σκέψη του Παύλου. Σημαντικό είναι επίσης το υπόμνημά του επίσης στην προς Γαλάτας στη σειρά The Anchor Bible (1998).
Με το έργο του συνεχίζει την παράδοση του R. Bultmann και του E. Käsemann ιδιαίτερα στον τρόπο  που κατανοεί την ιστορία και τη κήρυγμα για την Ανάσταση.
Για μία κριτική του υπομνήματος και της σκέψης γενικότερα του J.L. Martyn από την B. Gaventa, πατήστε εδώ.

Συνέδριο "Το Βάπτισμα στην Καινή Διαθήκη" / Conference:"Baptism in the New Testament"

Volos Academy for Theological Studies
in cooperation with 
Roman Catholic Theological Faculty of Florence

2nd International meeting of Roman-Catholic and Orthodox Biblical Scholars

Thessalia Conference Center
June 11-13, 2015

Baptism in the New Testament

Thursday June 11

17.00-17.30 Welcome address-Greetings
17.30-18.00 Coffee break

1st Session
18.00-18.45 Baptism in the New Testament: An Orthodox View (Petros Vassileiadis, Faculty of Theology, Aristotle Univ. of Thessaloniki)
18.45-19.00 Discussion
19.00-19.45 Baptism in the New Testament: A Catholic View (Filippo Belli, Faculty of Theology, University of Central Italy, Florence)
19.45-20.00 Discussion

20.00 Dinner

Friday June 12 morning
2nd Session

9.00-9.45 Baptism in Judaism and in Graeco-Roman Mystery Cults (Konstantinos Zarras, Faculty of Theology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
9.45-10.00 Discussion

10.00-10.30 Coffee break

10.30-11.15 Baptism in the Synoptic Gospels and Acts (Stefano Tarocchi, Faculty of Theology, University of Central Italy, Florence)
11.15-11.30 Discussion
11.30-12.15 Baptism in the Gospel of John (Christos Karakolis, Faculty of Theology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens)
12.15-12.30 Discussion
12.30-13.00 General discussion

13.00 Lunch

3rd Session

17.00-20.00 Workshop on the patristic and liturgical reception of Gal 3:26-28
17.00-17.30 A Roman-Catholic Perspective (Elena Giannarelli, Faculty of Letters, University of Central Italy, Florence)
17.30-18.00 Discussion

18.00-18.30 Break
18.30-19.00 An Orthodox Perspective (Dimitrios Bathrellos, Hellenic Open University-Patras / Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies - Cambridge)
19.00-19.30 Discussion
19.30-20.00 General Discussion

Saturday June 13
4th Session
9.00-9.45 Baptism in Paul (Francesco Bianchini, Faculty of Theology, Pontifical Urbanian University, Rome)
9.45-10.00 Discussion

10.00-10.30 Coffee break

10.30-11.15 The Holy Spirit as Agent and Gift in the Baptism according to the Pauline Letters (Gioietta Casella, Faculty of Theology, University of Central Italy, Florence)
11.15-11.30 Discussion
11.30-12.15 Baptism in Hebrews (Moschos Goutzioudis, Faculty of Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
12.15-12.30 Discussion
12.30-13.00 General Discussion

13.00 Lunch

5th Session
17.00-20.00 Workshop on Rom 6
17.00-17.30 A Roman-Catholic Perspective (Stefano Romanello, Interdiocesan Theological Studium of Gorizia, Udine, Trieste)
17.30-18.00 Discussion

18.00-18.30 Break

18.30-19.00 An Orthodox Perspective (Ekaterini Tsalampouni, Faculty of Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki)
19.00-19.30 Discussion
19.30-20.00 General discussion-Conclusions

20.15 Dinner

Πληροφορίες για την εγγραφή στο συνέδριο εδώ.

Ένα άρθρο βιβλικού ενδιαφέροντος στο τρέχον τεύχος του VE / A new article of biblical interest in the current issue of VE

Verbum et Ecclesia 36:1 (2015)

Ndikhokele Mtshiselwa, "Reconstructing a Deuteronomistic Athaliah in the (South) African context: A critique of the patriarchal perception of women"

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSPs / The current issue of JSPs

Journal for the Study of Pseudepigrapha 24:2 (2015)

  • Angela Standhartinger, "Humour in Joseph and Aseneth," 239-259 (abstract)
  • Zvi Ron, "A Possible Origin of the Eleventh Day of the Eighth Month as the Date of Rachel's Death," 260-267 (abstract)
  • Lydia Gore-Jones, "Animals, Humans, Angels and God: Animal Symbolism in the Historiography of the ‘Animal Apocalypse’ of 1 Enoch," 268-287 (abstract)
  • Alin Suciu, "4 Ezra 5.33–40 in a Bilingual Copto-Arabic Holy Week Lectionary," 288-300 (abstract)
  • Hanna Tervanotko, "‘Obey me like your mother’: Deborah's Leadership in Light of Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum 33," 24: 301-323 (abstract)

RBL 5.6.2015

Pablo R. Andiñach, Introducción hermenéutica al Antiguo Testamento
Reviewed by Diego Pérez Gondar
Reviewed by Edesio Sánchez-Cetina

Bradley Beach and Matthew Powell, eds., Interpreting Abraham: Journeys to Moriah
Reviewed by Simon Lasair

Katell Berthelot, Joseph E. David, and Marc Hirshman, eds., The Gift of the Land and the Fate of the Canaanites in Jewish Thought
Reviewed by Joshua Schwartz

James V. Brownson, Bible, Gender, Sexuality: Reframing the Church's Debate on Same-Sex Relationships
Reviewed by Hermias van Zyl

Walter Brueggemann, Reality, Grief, Hope: Three Urgent Prophetic Tasks
Reviewed by H. F. Van Rooy

Peter W. Flint, The Dead Sea Scrolls
Reviewed by Daniel K. Falk

R. Michael Fox, Reverberations of the Exodus in Scripture
Reviewed by Jordan M. Scheetz

Matthias Henze and Gabriele Boccaccini, eds., Fourth Ezra and Second Baruch: Reconstruction after the Fall
Reviewed by Kai Akagi

Detlef Jericke, Die Ortsangaben im Buch Genesis: Ein historisch-topographischer und literarisch-topographischer Kommentar
Reviewed by Bálint Károly Zabán

Simon J. Joseph, The Nonviolent Messiah: Jesus, Q, and the Enochic Tradition
Reviewed by Sarah E. Rollens

Henk Leene, Newness in Old Testament Prophecy: An Intertextual Study
Reviewed by J. Michael Thigpen

Gerd Lüdemann, The Earliest Christian Text: 1 Thessalonians
Reviewed by Trevor J. Burke

M. Pina Scanu, ed., Alla luce delle Scritture: Studi in onore di Giovanni Odasso
Reviewed by Andrea Ravasco

Werner H. Schmidt, Das Buch Jeremia: Kapitel 21–52
Reviewed by Bob Becking

Marty E. Stevens, Leadership Roles of the Old Testament: King, Prophet, Priest, Sage
Reviewed by Daniel S. Diffey

N. T. Wright, Paul and the Faithfulness of God
Reviewed by Russell Morton

Τρίτη 2 Ιουνίου 2015

Τα δύο τελευταία τεύχη του JSOT / The two recent issues of the JSOT

Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 39:4 (2015)
  • Matthew McAffee, "The Good Word: Its Non-Covenant and Covenant Significance in the Old Testament," 377-404 (abstract)
  • Rachelle Gilmour, "The Function of Place Naming in 2 Samuel 5–6: A Study in Collective Memory," 405-431 (abstract)
  • Tchavdar S. Hadjiev, "Elijah's Alleged Megalomania: Reading Strategies for Composite Texts, with 1 Kings 19 as an Example," 433-449 (abstract)
  • Ryan Cook, "Prayers That Form Us: Rhetoric and Psalms Interpretation," 451-467 (abstract)
  • Tova Ganzel, "Isaiah's Critique of Shebna's Trespass: A Reconsideration of Isaiah 22.15–25," 469-487 (abstract)
  • Seung Ho Bang, "For Whom the Plowshares and Pruning Hooks Toil: A Tradition-Historical Reading of Joel 4.10," 489-512 (abstract)
Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 39:5 (2015)
Book Lists 2015

  • "General (including Introductions and Collections of Essays)," 1-33
  • "Archaeology and Epigraphy," 34-42
  • "History, Geography and Sociology," 43-49
  • "Texts and Versions," 50-56
  • "Studies on Specific Books," 57-102
  • "Literary Studies and History of Interpretation," 103-117
  • "Law, Religion and Theology," 118-132
  • "The Life and Thought of the Surrounding Peoples," 133-153
  • "Apocrypha and Postbiblical Studies," 154-182
  • "The Dead Sea Scrolls," 183-190
  • "Philology and Grammar," 191-197

Δευτέρα 1 Ιουνίου 2015

RBL 1.6.2015

Moshe Bar-Asher; Aaron Koller, ed., Studies in Classical Hebrew
Reviewed by Jerome A. Lund

Sungho Choi, The Messianic Kingship of Jesus: A Study of Christology and Redemptive History in Matthew’s Gospel with Special Reference to the “Royal Enthronment” Psalms
Reviewed by Robert L. Foster

S. Min Chun, Ethics and Biblical Narrative: A Literary and Discourse-Analytical Approach to the Story of Josiah
Reviewed by Benjamin J. M. Johnson

Lutz Doering, Ancient Jewish Letters and the Beginnings of Christian Epistolography
Reviewed by B. J. Oropeza

Joel B. Green, Lee Martin McDonald, eds., The World of the New Testament: Cultural, Social, and Historical Contexts
Reviewed by Kathleen E. Mills

Minna Heimola, Christian Identity in the Gospel of Philip
Reviewed by Tavis A. Bohlinger

Jan Willem van Henten, Judean Antiquities 15: Translation and Commentary
Reviewed by Arie W. Zwiep

Ulrich Huttner, Early Christianity in the Lycus Valley
Reviewed by John C. Poirier

Amy Kalmanofsky, Dangerous Sisters of the Hebrew Bible
Reviewed by Glenn Pemberton

Craig S. Keener, Jeremy S. Crenshaw, and Jordan Daniel May, eds., But These Are Written…: Essays on Johannine Literature in Honor of Professor Benny C. Aker
Reviewed by Phillip J. Long

Kai Lämmerhirt, Die sumerische Königshymne Šulgi F
Reviewed by Niek Veldhuis

Josef Lössl and John W. Watt, eds., Interpreting the Bible and Aristotle in Late Antiquity: The Alexandrian Commentary Tradition between Rome and Baghdad
Reviewed by Siam Bhayro

Bieke Mahieu, Between Rome and Jerusalem: Herod the Great and His Sons in Their Struggle for Recognition
Reviewed by Frank E. Dicken

Emanuel Pfoh and Keith W. Whitelam, eds., The Politics of Israel’s Past: The Bible, Archaeology and Nation-Building
Reviewed by Pekka Pitkanen

Stanley E. Porter, How We Got the New Testament: Text, Transmission, Translation
Reviewed by Pheme Perkins
Reviewed by Sylvie Raquel

John R. Spencer, Robert A. Mullins, and Aaron J. Brody, eds., Material Culture Matters: Essays on the Archaeology of the Southern Levant in Honor of Seymour Gitin
Reviewed by Raz Kletter

David Stacey and Gregory Doudna, Qumran Revisted: A Reassessment of the Archaeology of the Site and Its Texts
Reviewed by Ian Werrett
Reviewed by James H. Charlesworth

Markus Zehnder and Hallvard Hagelia, eds., Encountering Violence in the Bible
Reviewed by Paul Middleton

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του ETL / In the current issue of ETL

Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 91:1 (2015)

  • Harry T. Fleddermann, "The Resurrection of Jesus in the Plot of Q," 1-32 (abstract)
  • Francis J. Moloney, "The Literary Unity of John 13,1-38," 33-53 (abstract
  • Thomas Witulski, "Bischof contra Prophet. Das kleinasiatische Christentum des 2. Jahrhunderts zwischen lokaler Verfaßtheit und universaler Freiheit," 55-86 (abstract)
  • John Nolland, "Does the Cultic אשׁם Make Reparation to God?," 87-110 (abstract)
  • Thomas J. Kraus, "Kritische Ausgaben des Neuen Testaments und Textkritik Anmerkungen anhand von Lk 14,5 als Testfall?," 111-130 (abstract)
  • Peter Juhás / Róbert Lapko, "Aspis und Draqōnē und die mythologischen Wesen der Syrischen Baruch-Apokalypse," 131-144 (abstract)

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του BABELAO / In the current issue of BABELAO

BABELAO 4 (2015)