- Philip L. Tite, "It’s Not So Secret Anymore Shifts in the Study of Christian Apocrypha"
- Tony Burke, "Even More Christian Apocrypha"
- Tyler M. Tully, "Collusion or Critique? Reading the Exorcism of Mary Magdalene through a Postcolonial Optic"
- Isidora Ana Stambolić, "The Study of Serbian Medieval Apocrypha"
- Marijana Vuković, "The Role Of Apocrypha and Saints’ Lives, Their Transmission and Readership in The history of Childhood and Family: Methodological Challenges and the State of the Art"
Τακτική επισκόπηση ειδήσεων σχετικών με τις βιβλικές σπουδές και τον αρχέγονο Χριστιανισμό
Παρασκευή 12 Ιουνίου 2020
Το τρέχον τεύχος του Bulletin for the Study of Religion / The current issue of Bulletin for the Study of Religion
Bulletin for the Study of Religion 48/3-4 (2019)
Ένα άρθρο βιβλικού ενδιαφέροντος στο τρέχον τεύχος του HTS / An article of biblical interest in the current issue of HTS
Hervormde teologiese studies 76:2 (2020)
Christoph W. Stenschke, "Lifestyle and leadership according to Paul’s statement of account before the Ephesian elders in Acts 20:17–35"
Christoph W. Stenschke, "Lifestyle and leadership according to Paul’s statement of account before the Ephesian elders in Acts 20:17–35"
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JECS / In the current issue of JECS
Journal of Early Christian Studies 28:2 (2020)
- Elizabeth Klein, "Perpetua, Cheese, and Martyrdom as Public Liturgy in the Passion of Perpetua and Felicity," 175-202 (abstract)
- Robert G. T. Edwards, "Healing Despondency with Biblical Narrative in John Chrysostom’s Letters to Olympias," 203-231 (abstract)
- Averil Cameron, "Patristics and Late Antiquity: Partners or Rivals?" 283-302 (abstract)
- Peter W. Martens, "The Modern Editions of Peri Archon," 303-331
Γλωσσικά δάνεια της αρχαίας εβραϊκής / Loanwords of ancient Hebrew
Ο Ben Noonan συζητά τα γλωσσικά δάνεια της αρχαίας εβραϊκής από μη σημιτικές γλώσσες σε ένα σύντομο άρθρο στη σελίδα ANE Today:
Οι δύο λειτουργίες της Κιβωτού του αρχαίου Ισραήλ / The two functions of the Ark
Στη σελίδα The Torah ο ραββίνος Tzemah Yoreh, συζητά τις δύο λειτουργίες της Κιβωτού του αρχαίου Ισραήλ, ως απαραίτητης συνοδού στις μάχες του αρχαίου Ισραήλ (Κιβωτός της Διαθήκης) κι ως του θρόνου του Γιαχβέ (Κιβωτός του Μαρτυρίου) μέσα στην Παλαιά Διαθήκη:
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
Οι απαρχές του Palestine Exploration Fund / The beginning of Palestine Exploration Fund
Ο David Jacobson παρουσιάζει το ρόλο του George Grove στην ίδρυση και τα πρώτα βήματα του Palestine Exploration Fund στα μέσα του 19ου αι.:
George Grove and the Establishment of the Palestine Exploration Fund (1) (2)
Πέμπτη 11 Ιουνίου 2020
Klaus Berger (25.11.1940-8.6.2020)
Τετάρτη 10 Ιουνίου 2020
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JTI / In the current issue of JTI
Journal of Theological Interpretation 14:1 (2020)
- Wesley Hill, "In Defense of “Doctrinal Exegesis”: A Proposal, with Reference to Trinitarian Theology and the Fourth Gospel," 20-35 (abstract)
- Loveday Alexander, "A Response to Wesley Hill, “In Defense of ‘Doctrinal Exegesis’: A Proposal, with Reference to Trinitarian Theology and the Fourth Gospel," 36-40 (abstract)
- Richard S. Briggs, "A Test Case in Ascriptive Realism: The Quest of the Historical Daniel and Its Complex Relationship to the Practices of Scriptural Interpretation, 41-59 (abstract)
- Darren Sarisky, "Ascriptive Realism and the Book of Daniel: Questions for Richard Briggs," 60-64 (abstract)
- Francis Watson, "Putting “Theological Interpretation” in Its Place: Three Models and Their Limits," 65-73 (abstract)
κατά Ιωάννην,
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JBR / In the current issue of JBR
Journal of the Bible and its Reception 6:2 (2019)
- Phillip Michael Lasater, "Not So Vain After All: Hannah Arendt’s Reception of Ecclesiastes," 163–196 (abstract)
- Mark Lackowski, "Victim, Victor, or Villain? The Unfinalizability of Delilah," 197–225 (abstract)
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
Το τρέχον τεύχος του NTS / The current issue of NTS
New Testament Studies 66:3 (2020)
- John S. Kloppenborg, "Recruitment to Elective Cults: Network Structure and Ecology," 323-350 (abstract)
- Candida R. Moss, Liane M. Feldman, "The New Jerusalem: Wealth, Ancient Building Projects and Revelation 21–22," 351-366 (abstract)
- Martinus C. De Boer, "Expulsion from the Synagogue: J. L. Martyn's History and Theology in the Fourth Gospel Revisited," 367-391 (abstract)
- Monique Cuany, "The Divine Necessity of the Resurrection: A Re-Assessment of the Use of Psalm 16 in Acts 2," 392-405 (abstract)
- Alain Gignac, "Lorsque le katechon permet de repenser le politique. Discussion critique d'une thèse de Georgio Agamben en regard de la discursivité de 2 Th 2.1–17," 406-432 (abstract)
- Ruben van Wingerden, "Carrying a patibulum: A Reassessment of Non-Christian Latin Sources," 433-453 (abstract)
- Warren C. Campbell, "The Residue of Matthean Polemics in the Ascension of Isaiah," 454-470 (abstract)
2 Θεσσαλονικείς,
αρχέγονος Χριστιανισμός,
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