Numen 62:4 (2015)
Thomas Gaston, "The Egyptian Background of Gnostic Mythology," 389-407 (abstract)
Τακτική επισκόπηση ειδήσεων σχετικών με τις βιβλικές σπουδές και τον αρχέγονο Χριστιανισμό
Σάββατο 29 Αυγούστου 2015
Το λεξικό της ελληνικής της Βυζαντινής περιόδου online / The Dictionary of the Byzantine Greek Language (LBG) online
Είναι διαθέσιμο ως βάση δεδομένων με λειτουργίες αναζήτησης το Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität, ένα πολύτιμο λεξικογραφικό εργαλείο για όσους ασχολούνται με τα κείμενα της πατερικής περιόδου. Μέχρι τώρα διαθέσιμοι είναι οι τόμοι Α-Ρ και καλύπτει την περίοδο από τον 4ο έως και 15ο αι. μ.Χ.:
RSR: Παλαιότερα άρθρα ελεύθερα στο διαδίκτυο / RSR: older articles free online
Το περιοδικό Recherches de Science Religieuse δίνει τη δυνατότητα πρόσβασης σε μια σειρά παλαιότερων άρθρων του. Από τον κατάλογο επιλέγω όσα έχουν σχέση με τη θεματική του ιστολογίου:
- Η. Lubac, « “Typologie” et “allégorisme” », RSR (1947), p. 180-226
- A. Feuillet, « Le symbole de la colombre dans les récits évangéliques du baptême », RSR
- (1958), p. 524-542
- A. Pellettier, « L’originalité du témoignage de Flavius Josèphe sur Jésus », RSR (1964), p.
- 177-203
αρχέγονος Χριστιανισμός,
Το τρέχον τεύχος του ZNT / The current issue of ZNT
Zeitschrift für Neues Testament 18/35 (2015)
- Christian Strecker, "Anstöße der Ritualforschung Das Ritual als Forschungsfeld der neutestamentlichen Exegese"
- Hal Taussig, "Was bei Tisch passiert: Ein ritualtheoretischer Blick auf die eucharistischen »Einsetzungsworte«"
- Richard E. DeMaris, "Ritualforschung: Eine Bereicherung für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft"
- Peter Wick, "Übernahme und Zurückweisung von Ritualen und rituellen Praktiken im Markusevangelium"
- Kristina Dronsch, "Einleitung zur Kontroverse Setzt die Brotrede Joh 6 das Abendmahl voraus?"
- Jan Heilmann, "»Wer mein Fleisch isst und mein Blut trinkt, der hat das ewige Leben.« Zur Bedeutung einer schwer verdaulichen Aussage"
- Udo Schnell, "Symbol und Wirklichkeit Zu einer notwendigen Bedingung johanneischen Denkens"
- Anni Hentschel, "Die Fußwaschung – ein verhindertes Ritual"
κατά Ιωάννην,
κατά Μάρκον
Παρασκευή 28 Αυγούστου 2015
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του HTS / In the current issue of HTS
Hervomde teologiese studies 71:1 (2015)
- Dirk Venter, "Die Gees (πνεῦμα) en vrede (εἰρήνη) met God teenoor die Vlees (σάρξ) en vyandskap (ἔχθρα) met God in Romeine 8:6–8"
- Evangelia G. Dafni, "Genesis 2–3 and Alcibiades’s speech in Plato’s Symposium: A cultural critical reading"
- Jan G. van der Watt, "‘Breek die tempel af’: Etiese dimensies in Johannes 2:13-22?"
- Chris van der Walt, "Swaarde wat in ploegskare verander, is nie vrede nie – Vrede (שָׁלֹום) in Jesaja 40–66"
κατά Ιωάννην,
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
προς Ρωμαίους,
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του In die Skriflig / In the current issue of In die Skriflig
In die Skriflig / In Luce Verbi 49:1 (2015)
In die Skriflig / In Luce Verbi 49:2 (2015)
- Aran J.E. Persaud, "Yahweh’s ‘lord’ and Unrestrained Evil: An Exegesis of Psalm 110"
In die Skriflig / In Luce Verbi 49:2 (2015)
- Pieter G.R. de Villiers, "Geweld en geweldloosheid in Openbaring"
In die Skriflig
Η αλληγορική ερμηνεία του Μάρκου / The allegoric interpretation of Mark
Στην ιστοσελίδα The Bible and Interpretation έχει αναρτηθεί μία κριτική του James F. McGrath για την αλληγορική ερμηνεία που προτείνει για το ευαγγέλιο του Μάρκου ο Richard Carrier:
RBL 28.8.2015
Adesola Joan Akala, The Son-Father Relationship and Christological Symbolism in the Gospel of John
Reviewed by Sherri Brown
Eve-Marie Becker and Anders Runesson, eds., Mark and Matthew II: Comparative Readings: Reception History, Cultural Hermeneutics, and Theology
Reviewed by Craig A. Evans
Eberhard Bons, Ralph Brucker, and Jan Joosten, eds., The Reception of Septuagint Words in Jewish-Hellenistic and Christian Literature
Reviewed by Randall X. Gauthier
Paul J. Brown, Bodily Resurrection and Ethics in 1 Cor 15: Connecting Faith and Morality in the Context of Greco-Roman Mythology
Reviewed by Matthew R. Malcolm
Teresa J. Calpino, Women, Work and Leadership in Acts
Reviewed by Deborah Thompson Prince
James H. Charlesworth, ed., Jesus and Temple: Textual and Archaeological Explorations
Reviewed by S. Aaron Son
E. Anne Clements, Mothers on the Margin? The Significance of the Women in Matthew’s Genealogy
Reviewed by Erin K. Vearncombe
Lynn H. Cohick, Ephesians: A New Covenant Commentary
Reviewed by Brian C. Small
F. Stanley Jones, ed., The Rediscovery of Jewish Christianity: From Toland to Baur
Reviewed by Edwin Broadhead
Jennifer L. Koosed, ed., The Bible and Posthumanism
Reviewed by Norman Habel
Reviewed by Trevor W. Thompson
Jan Krans, Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte, Peter-Ben Smit, and Arie Zwiep, eds., Paul, John, and Apocalyptic Eschatology: Studies in Honour of Martinus C. de Boer
Reviewed by S. Michael Ahn
Carol Meyers, Rediscovering Eve: Ancient Israelite Women in Context
Reviewed by Linda S. Schearing
Merrill Morse, Isaiah Speaks: A Voice from the Past for the Present
Reviewed by Hélène Dallaire
Carl P. E. Springer, Sedulius, The Paschal Song and Hymns
Reviewed by Jade Weimer
David I. Starling, UnCorinthian Leadership: Thematic Reflections on 1 Corinthians
Reviewed by J. Brian Tucker
Reviewed by Sherri Brown
Eve-Marie Becker and Anders Runesson, eds., Mark and Matthew II: Comparative Readings: Reception History, Cultural Hermeneutics, and Theology
Reviewed by Craig A. Evans
Eberhard Bons, Ralph Brucker, and Jan Joosten, eds., The Reception of Septuagint Words in Jewish-Hellenistic and Christian Literature
Reviewed by Randall X. Gauthier
Paul J. Brown, Bodily Resurrection and Ethics in 1 Cor 15: Connecting Faith and Morality in the Context of Greco-Roman Mythology
Reviewed by Matthew R. Malcolm
Teresa J. Calpino, Women, Work and Leadership in Acts
Reviewed by Deborah Thompson Prince
James H. Charlesworth, ed., Jesus and Temple: Textual and Archaeological Explorations
Reviewed by S. Aaron Son
E. Anne Clements, Mothers on the Margin? The Significance of the Women in Matthew’s Genealogy
Reviewed by Erin K. Vearncombe
Lynn H. Cohick, Ephesians: A New Covenant Commentary
Reviewed by Brian C. Small
F. Stanley Jones, ed., The Rediscovery of Jewish Christianity: From Toland to Baur
Reviewed by Edwin Broadhead
Jennifer L. Koosed, ed., The Bible and Posthumanism
Reviewed by Norman Habel
Reviewed by Trevor W. Thompson
Jan Krans, Bert Jan Lietaert Peerbolte, Peter-Ben Smit, and Arie Zwiep, eds., Paul, John, and Apocalyptic Eschatology: Studies in Honour of Martinus C. de Boer
Reviewed by S. Michael Ahn
Carol Meyers, Rediscovering Eve: Ancient Israelite Women in Context
Reviewed by Linda S. Schearing
Merrill Morse, Isaiah Speaks: A Voice from the Past for the Present
Reviewed by Hélène Dallaire
Carl P. E. Springer, Sedulius, The Paschal Song and Hymns
Reviewed by Jade Weimer
David I. Starling, UnCorinthian Leadership: Thematic Reflections on 1 Corinthians
Reviewed by J. Brian Tucker
1 Κορινθίους,
κατά Ιωάννην,
κατά Μάρκον,
μετάφραση Ο΄,
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
Τετάρτη 26 Αυγούστου 2015
Το τρέχον τεύχος του JS / The current issue of JS
Journal of Semitics 24:1 (2015)
- Jaco Gericke, "Philosophical perspectives on theological why-questions in the Hebrew Bible," 1-19 (abstract)
- Annette Evans, "Two iconographical examples of sun-disc connections to the development of Jewish beliefs in angels," 20-35 (abstract)
- Hans-Georg Wunch, "Ruth, a proselyte par excellence - exegetical and structural observations," 36-64 (abstract)
- Joseph Jacobus De Bruyn, "Constructing a living deity - framing the god of Israel in the stories of Daniel and Bel and the dragon," 65-92 (abstract)
- Anne Marie Smith, "The Ashkelon dog cemetery conundrum," 93-108 (abstract)
- Susandra J. Van Wyk, "The concealed crime of the nadītu priestess in §110 of the laws of Hammurabi," 109-145 (abstract)
- Casper Greeff, "The significance of palaeodontology in revealing the palaeodemography of ancient Egypt," 146-168 (abstract)
- Pieter Van der Zwan, "Bedeutungen und Bilder der Gebärmutter in der Hebräischen Bibel," 169-197 (abstract)
- Evangelia G. Dafni, "Collective guilt and self-sacrifice in Sophocles' Antigone and in II & IV Maccabees - preliminary cultural-critical remarks : Septuagint conference articles (LXXSA 2014)," 198-215 (abstract)
- Johann Cook, "The intention, genre, dating and provenance of 2 and 4 Maccabees : Septuagint conference articles (LXXSA 2014)," 216-236 (abstract)
- Cynthia L. Miller-Naude / Naude, Jacobus A., "The metatexts of 1 and 2 Maccabees : Septuagint conference articles (LXXSA 2014)," 237-270 (abstract)
- Gert J. Steyn, "The Maccabean literature and Hebrews : some intertextual observations : Septuagint conference articles (LXXSA 2014)," 271-291 (abstract)
- Gerhard Swart, "Words of wisdom, words of war : a study of terms and concepts in IV Maccabees : Septuagint conference articles (LXXSA 2014)," 292-306 (abstract)
- Paul B. Decock, "Virtue and philosophy in 4 Maccabees : Septuagint conference articles (LXXSA 2014)," 307-324 (abstract)
- Gideon R. Kotze, "Lion imagery in 1 Maccabees 3:4 : Septuagint conference articles (LXXSA 2014)," 326-351 (abstract)
- Pierre J. Jordaan, "The temple in 2 Maccabees - dynamics and episodes : Septuagint conference articles (LXXSA 2014)," 352-365 (abstract)
- Eugene Coetzer, "A rhetorical analysis of the first prefixed letter (1:1-1:10a) in 2 Maccabees : Septuagint conference articles (LXXSA 2014)," 366-380 (abstract)
- Michael Tilly, "Use and function of metaphorical discourse in 1 Maccabees : Septuagint conference articles (LXXSA 2014)," 381-399 (abstract)
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
Journal of Semitics
Η ρητορική του Παύλου / Paul's rhetoric
Διαβάστε το κείμενο του Jerry L. Sumney για τη ρητορική του Παύλου στην σελίδα The Bible and Interpretation:
Το τρέχον τεύχος του ERRS / The current issue of ERRS
Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 6:1 (2015)
Το τρέχον τεύχος του περιοδικού είναι αφιερωμένο στα ζητήματα της μετάφρασης:
Το τρέχον τεύχος του περιοδικού είναι αφιερωμένο στα ζητήματα της μετάφρασης:
- B. Keith Putt, "Traduire C'est Trahir—Peut-être: Ricoeur and Derrida on the (In)Fidelity of Translation," 7-24
- Lisa Foran, "An Ethics Of Discomfort: Supplementing Ricœur On Translation," 25-45
- Dries Deweer, "Communication, Translation and the Global Community of Persons," 46-56
- Paul Marinescu, "Traduire le passé: Enjeux et défis d’une opération historiographique," 57-72
- Mohammad Ali Kharmandar, "Ricœur’s Extended Hermeneutic Translation Theory: Metaphysics, Narrative, Ethics, Politics," 73-93
Το ευαγγέλιο της Συζύγου του Ιησού ξανά / The Gospel of Jesus' Wife again
Το πολυσυζητημένο πλέον Ευαγγέλιο της Συζύγου του Ιησού εξακολουθεί να προκαλεί συζητήσεις στην ακαδημαϊκή κοινότητα, με αφορμή το πρόσφατο τεύχος του NTS αλλά και την πρόσφατη απάντηση της Karen King (BAR Sept-Oct 2015), η οποία δηλώνει ότι εξακολουθεί να πιστεύει στη γνησιότητα του παπύρου.
Μία συγκεντρωτική παρουσίαση των τελευταίων δημοσιεύσεων στο διαδίκτυο δίνει ο Christian Ashkeland στο ιστολόγιο Evangelical Textual Criticism με δικά του σχόλια κι εκτιμήσεις στο τέλος:
Τρίτη 25 Αυγούστου 2015
Το τρέχον τεύχος του OTE / The current issue of OTE
Old Testament Essays 28:2 (2015)
- Shaul Bar, "Incubation and traces of incubation in the Biblical Narrative," 243-256 (abstract)
- Blessing Onoriode Boloje / Alphonso Groenewald, "Literary analysis of covenant themes in the book of Malachi," 257-282 (abstract)
- Phil J. Botha, "Following the 'tracks of righteousness' of Psalm 23," 283-300 (abstract)
- Takuze Saul Chitsulo, "Exploring the role of the wicked in Habakkuk from Malawi socio-economic and political viewpoint," 301-325 (abstract)
- Pieter De Vries, "The relationship between the glory of YHWH and the spirit of YHWH in Ezekiel 33 - 48," 326-350 (abstract)
- Georg Fischer SJ, "Is there Shalom, or not? Jeremiah, a prophet for South Africa," 351-370 (abstract)
- Risimati S. Hobyane, "Actantial model of Judith, a key to unlocking its possible purpose : a greimassian contribution," 371-394 (abstract)
- Paul A. Kruger, "Emotions in the Hebrew Bible : a few observations on prospects and challenges," 395-420 (abstract)
- Madipoane Masenya, "In the Ant's school of wisdom : a holistic African - South African reading of Proverbs 6 : 6 - 11", 421-432 (abstract)
- Esias E. Meyer, "People and and in the holiness code : who is YHWH's favourite?," 433-450 (abstract)
- Michael Matthew, "Anger management and biblical characters : a study of "angry exchange" among characters of Hebrew narrative," 451-480 (abstract)
- Samson O. Olanisebe, "The justice of God in his anger : a narrative analysis of Isaiah 5 : 1-7 and its implications for socio-economic and security challenges in Nigeria," 481-496 (abstract)
- Aron Pinker, "The famous but difficult Psalm 90 : 10," 497-522 (abstract)
- Peet J. Van Dyk, "'Responsible stewardship' the root of all evil in eco-theology?," 523-535 (abstract)
- Pierre Auffret, "Note complementaire sur la structure du Ps 26 : a partir des occurrences du nom divin," 536-537 (abstract)
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
Το τρέχον τεύχος του SemBib / The current issue of SemBib
Semiotique et Bible 158 (Juin 2015)
- Elie Ayroulet, "Du progrès du lecteur et du texte sacré : la signifiance comme «virtus sacri eloquii»" (abstract)
- Philippe Dockwiller, "Et la parole ne parle pas, vue depuis la scène de Prologue au quatrième Évangile" (abstract)
- Bénédicte Descarpentries, "Un regard clinique sur les effets de la parole" (abstract)
- Carole Calistri, "Verbe de Dieu, mots de l’homme: quels dialogues dans l’homélie?" (abstract)
κατά Ιωάννην,
Δευτέρα 24 Αυγούστου 2015
Ένα νέο εγχειρίδιο για τα απόκρυφα / A new handbook on Christian apocrypha
Andrew Gregory / Christopher Tuckett / Tobias Nicklas /Joseph Verheyden, The Oxford Handbook of Early Christian Apocrypha (Oxford Handbooks in Religion and Theology), Οxford University Press 2015
496 pages
Part I: Introduction and overview
1: Christopher Tuckett: Introduction
2: Jörg Frey: Texts About Jesus: Non-canonical Gospels and Related Literature
3: Charlotte Touati and Claire Clivaz: Apocryphal Texts About Other Characters in the Canonical Gospels
4: Richard Pervo: Narratives About the Apostles: Non-canonical Acts and Related Literature
5: Andrew Gregory: Non-canonical Epistles and Related Literature
6: Richard Bauckham: Non-canonical Apocalypses and Prophetic Works
Part II: Key Issues and Themes
7: Tobias Nicklas: The Influence of Jewish Scriptures on Early Christian Apocrypha
8: L. W. Hurtado: Who Read Early Christian Apocrypha?
9: Jens Schröter: The Formation of the New Testament Canon and Early Christian Apocrypha
10: François Bovon: 'Useful for the Soul': Christian Apocrypha and Christian Spirituality
11: Pheme Perkins: Christology and Soteriology in Apocryphal Gospels
12: Paul Foster: Christology and Soteriology in Apocryphal Acts and Apocalypses
13: Stephen J. Patterson: The Gospel of Thomas and the Historical Jesus
14: Simon Gathercole: Other Apocryphal Gospels and the Historical Jesus
15: J. K. Elliott: Christian Apocrypha and the Developing Role of Mary
16: Robin M. Jensen: The Apocryphal Mary in Early Christian Art
17: Richard I. Pervo: The Role of the Apostles
18: Petri Luomanen: Judaism and Anti-Judaism in Early Christian Apocrypha
19: Outi Lehtipuu: Eschatology and the Fate of the Dead in Early Christian Apocrypha
20: Harald Buchinger: Liturgy and Early Christian Apocrypha
21: Candida R. Moss: Roman Imperialism: The Political Context of Early Christian Apocrypha
22: Judith Hartenstein: Encratism, Asceticism, and The Construction of Gender and Sexual Identity in Apocryphal Gospels
23: Yves Tissot: Encratism and the Apocryphal Acts
24: Tony Burke: Early Christian Apocrypha in Popular Culture
25: Tony Burke: Early Christian Apocrypha in Contemporary Theological Discourse
αρχέγονος Χριστιανισμός
Larry Hurtado: Ποιος διάβαζε τα χριστιανικά Απόκρυφα; / Larry Hurtado: Who read Christian Apocrypha?
O Larry Hurtado έχει αναρτήσει στο ιστολόγιό του ένα κείμενό του σχετικά με το αναγνωστικό κοινό των αποκρύφων. Το κείμενο αυτό δημοσιεύεται στο νέο συλλογικό τόμο που κυκλοφόρησε πριν λίγες μέρες από τον εκδοτικό οίκο Oxford University Press σχετικά με τα απόκρυφα (βλ. επόμενη ανάρτηση):
L. W. Hurtado, "Who Read Early Christian Apocrypha?"
Ένα νέο άρθρο στο τρέχον τεύχος του JHS / A new article in the current issue of JHS
Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 15 (2015)
Yitzhaq Feder, "Behind the Scenes of a Priestly Polemic: Leviticus 14 and its Extra-Biblical Parallels"
Yitzhaq Feder, "Behind the Scenes of a Priestly Polemic: Leviticus 14 and its Extra-Biblical Parallels"
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Chaos e Kosmos / In the current issue of Chaos e Kosmos
Chaos e Kosmos 14 (2013)
Από τις μελέτες που φιλοξενούνται στο τρέχον τεύχος σταχυολογούμε όσα έχουν ενδιαφέρον για τη μελέτη του αρχέγονου Χριστιανισμού:
Από τις μελέτες που φιλοξενούνται στο τρέχον τεύχος σταχυολογούμε όσα έχουν ενδιαφέρον για τη μελέτη του αρχέγονου Χριστιανισμού:
- Silvia M. A. Siqueira, "Clarissimae feminae nas comunidades cristãs: Uma reflexão sobre a “democratização” da cultura na Antiguidade Tardia"
- Lavinio Del Monaco, "Tra medicina e religione: amuleti tardoantichi contro il mal di testa"
- Celia Sánchez Natalías, "Le defixiones durante la Tarda Antichità e la loro iconografia"
- Alain Blomart, "Adapter l’ancien pour faire du nouveau: la réinterprétation de traditions païennes (evocatio et devotio) en contexte chrétien (IVe-Ve s.)"
- Dan-Tudor Ionescu, "Alexander the Great in the Persian Legends: From Alexander of Macedon to Sikandar. The Circulation of Mythical Topoi between the Greek Alexander Romance and Firdousi’s Shah-Nameh"
- Mar Marcos, "The Debate on Religious Coercion in Ancient Christianity"
- Iulian Moga, "Sharing the Will of Gods: Angels and Oracles in Roman Imperial Anatolia"
- John Pollini, "The Archaeology of Destruction: Christians, Images of Antiquity, and Some Problems of Interpretation"
- Ilaria Ramelli, "L’apocatastasi in Origene: un confronto con l’apocatastasi stoica"
- Giancarlo Rinaldi, "Il cristianesimo nell’Asia romana"
- Teresa Sardella, "La fine del mondo antico e il problema storiografico della Tarda Antichità: il ruolo del cristianesimo"
- Chiara Ombretta Tommasi, "L’“incerto Dio” degli Ebrei, ovvero i limiti dell’interpretatio"
- Claudia Santi, "Fata ac remedia Romana. I libri Sibyllini nella tarda Antichità"
Άρθρα βιβλικού ενδαφέροντος στο τρέχον τεύχος του In die Skriflig / Articles of biblical interest in the current issue of In die Skrifllig
In die Skriflig 49:2 (2015)
- R. Alan Culpepper, "Fulfilment of Scripture and Jesus’ Teachings in Matthew"
- Johannes Beutler, "Jesus in Judea"
- Stephan J. Joubert, "'Walking the talk': Paul’s authority in motion in 2 Corinthians 10–13"
2 Κορινθίους,
ιστορικός Ιησούς,
In die Skriflig
Κυριακή 23 Αυγούστου 2015
Ένα άρθρο βιβλικού ενδιαφέροντος στο τρέχον τεύχος του VE / A new article of biblical interest in the current issue of VE
Verbum et Ecclesia 36:1 (2015)
Christoph W. Stenschke, "The leadership challenges of Paul's collection for the saints in Jerusalem: Part I: Overcoming the obstacles on the side of the Gentile Christian donors"
Christoph W. Stenschke, "The leadership challenges of Paul's collection for the saints in Jerusalem: Part I: Overcoming the obstacles on the side of the Gentile Christian donors"
αρχέγονος Χριστιανισμός,
Verbum et ecclesia
Νέα άρθρα βιβλικού ενδιαφέροντος στο τρέχον τεύχος του HTS / New articles of biblical interest in the current issue of HTS
Hervomde teologiese studies 71:1 (2015)
- Dirk van der Merwe, "Early Christian spirituality of ‘seeing the divine’ in 1 John"
- Michael O'Sullivan, "Reading John 7:53–8:11 as a narrative against male violence against women"
- Herculaas (Herrie) F. van Rooy, "Vrede in die boek van Esegiël"
- Fanie (S.D.) Snyman, "Aspekte van versoening in die boek Genesis"
- William den Hollander, "Jesus, Josephus, and the fall of Jerusalem: On doing history with Scripture"
- Herman C. du Toit, "Exploring the function of relative sentences in New Testament Greek"
- Judy E. Lam, "Reading the Song of Songs through a spiritual direction lens"
- Wim J.C. Weren, "Messiaanse vredestichters: Intertekstuele relaties tussen Zacharia 9–14 en het Evangelie van Matteüs"
- Jörg Frey, "Die uitbouing van die Bybelse kanon in antieke Judaïsme en die vroeë Christendom"
- Craig Koester, "Gebed en die vorming van Christelike identiteit in Openbaring"
- Koert van Bekkum, "Impact of destruction – Introduction to the Josephus Seminar, Theological University Kampen"
καθολικές επιστολές,
κατά Ιωάννην,
Ένας νέος τόμος για το κείμενο της Αποκάλυψης / A new volume on the text of the Book of Revelation
Sigismund, Marcus / Karrer, Martin / Schmid, Ulrich (eds.), Studien zum Text der Apokalypse (Arbeiten zur neutestamentlichen Textforschung 47), de Gruyter, Berlin 2015
ISBN 978-3-11-041134-8
120 ευρώ
ISBN 978-3-11-041134-8
120 ευρώ
ιστορία κειμένου,
κριτική κειμένου,
Ένα άρθρο βιβλικού ενδιαφέροντος στο τρέχον τεύχος του ETL / An article of biblical interest in the current issue of ETL
Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 91:2 (2015)
Karim Schelkens, "'Le plus aristocratique des goûts' : modernist, orientalist and anti-Semitic Bible readings in late nineteenth-century Belgium," 311-332 (abstract)
Karim Schelkens, "'Le plus aristocratique des goûts' : modernist, orientalist and anti-Semitic Bible readings in late nineteenth-century Belgium," 311-332 (abstract)
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