Τετάρτη 25 Ιουλίου 2018

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του HR / In the current issue of HR

History of Religions 58:1 (2018)

Doron Bar, "Holy Places or Historical Sites? Defining Sacred and Archaeological Sites in Israel, 1948–1967," 1-23

Στο πρόσφατο τεύχος του AN / In the recent issue of AN

Ancient Narrative 14 (2017)

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του PRSt / In the current issue of PRSt

Perspectives in Religious Studies 45:1 (2018)

William Briggs, "The Textualization of Prophecy: The Lachish Letters in Light of Evidence from Mari, Nineveh, and Literacy in Judah," 3–13
An investigation of the Lachish letters themselves in comparison with the biblical, Mariote, and Neo-Assyrian prophetic materials demonstrates three primary conclusions concerning the textualization of prophecy. First, state officials significantly concerned themselves with prophetic messages in each Mari, Assyria, and Israel/Judah. Second, there were multiple forms in which prophecy became textualized in ancient Israel/Judah, Third, the Lachish letters demonstrate that, in preexilic Israel/Judah, orality and literacy as they relate to prophecy operated side by side rather than in opposition to or replacement of one another.

Τρίτη 24 Ιουλίου 2018

H ιστορία της Ραχάβ / The story of Rahab

Στην ιστοσελίδα The Bible and Interpretation έχει αναρτηθεί το κείμενο του Andrzej Toczyski σχετικά με την αφήγηση της Ραχαβ και την αφηγηματική της αξία:

Δύο νέα άρθρα στο τρέχον τεύχος του TC/ Two new articles in the current issue of TC

TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism 23 (2018)

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του HTR / In the current issue of HTR

Harvard Theological Review 111:3 (2018)

  • Richard Whitekettle, "Life's Labors Lost: Priestly Death and Returning Home From a City of Refuge in Ancient Israel," 333-356 (abstract)
  • Sarit Kattan Gribetz, "The Festival of Every Day: Philo and Seneca on Quotidian Time," 357-381 (abstract)
  • Paul Clogher, "Moving Texts: A Hermeneutics of the Gospel According to Hollywood," 382-400 (abstract)
  • Laura S. Lieber, "With One Voice: Elements of Acclamation in Early Jewish Liturgical Poetry," 401-424 (abstract)
  • Moshe Simon-Shoshan, "Did the Rabbis Believe in Agreus Pan? Rabbinic Relationships with Roman Power, Culture, and Religion in Genesis Rabbah 63," 425-450 (abstract)

Ένα νέο άρθρο στο τρέχον τεύχος του VE / A new article in the current issue of VE

Verbum et ecclesia 39:1 (2018)

June F. Dickie, "Revisiting the practice of Bible-translation: The need to engage ordinary believers when translating the Psalms"

Δευτέρα 23 Ιουλίου 2018

Η ανακάλυψη κι η ερμηνεία των χειρογράφων / The discovery and interpretation of manuscripts

Στη σειρά άρθρων σχετικά με την ανακάλυψη, ερμηνεία και πλαστογράφηση χειρογράφων δημοσιεύθηκαν στη γνωστή ιστοσελίδα Marginalia δύο ακόμη κείμενα: 

Nils Hallvard Korsvoll (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) – Seeing the forest but Missing the Trees
Samuel Collins (George Mason University) –  The Staffordshire Hoard and the Distance of the Past

Αρχαία εθνογραφία και χριστιανική αιρεσιολογία (2) / Ancient topography and Christian Heresiology (2)

Στη συνέχεια της συζήτησης του νέου βιβλίου του Todd Berzon, Classifying Christians: Ethnography, Heresiology, and the Limits of Knowledge in Late Antiquity η σελίδα Αncient Jew Review φιλοξενεί ένα ακόμη κείμενο σχολασμού της μελέτης του Berzon:

Το τρέχον τεύχος του HeBAI / The current issue of HeBAI

Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 6:4 (2017)

  • Yitzhaq Feder, "Moral Norm Formation and Transformation in Ancient Israel," 383-385
  • T.M. Oshima, "Morality and the Minds of Gods," 386-430 (abstract)
  • Thomas Kazen, "Emotional Ethics in Biblical Texts: Cultural Construction and Biological Bases of Morality,"431-456 (abstract)
  • Thomas Staubli, "Disgusting Deeds and Disgusting Gods: Ethnic and Ethical Constructions of Disgust in the Hebrew Bible," 457-487 (abstract)
  • Carol A. Newsom, "Moral "Recipes" in Deuteronomy and Ezekiel: Divine Authority and Human Agency," 488-509 (abstract)
  • Idan Dershowitz, "Revealing Nakedness and Concealing Homosexual Intercourse: Legal and Lexical Evolution in Leviticus 18," 510-526 (abstract)

Το τρέχον τεύχος του EC / The current issue of EC

Early Christianity 9:2  (2018)

  • Christopher J. Cornthwaite, "Seven Letters from Jesus and Manufacturing Social Capital in Revelation," 135-157 (abstract)
  • Charles H. Cosgrove, "The Syntax of Early Christian Hymns and Prayers Revisiting Relative and Participial Styles for Making Assertions about a Deity," 158-180 (abstract)
  • Michael W. Holmes, "Dating the Martyrdom of Polycarp," 181-200 (abstract)
  • Peter Malik, "Whose Fathers? A Note on the (Un-)Johannine Echo in the Egerton Gospel," 201-211 (abstract)
  • Roger S. Bagnall, "Christianity in the Smyrna Graffiti," 215-218
  • Mordechai Aviam, "First-Century Galilee – New Discoveries," 219-226