Από το ιστολόγιο
Early Christian History πληροφορούμαστε για τις νέες ομάδες εργασίας στο πλαίσιο της
European Association of Biblical Studies. Το συνέδριο 2008, στο οποίο συμμετείχα (στις συνεδρίες με θέμα
The Use of the Bible for Group Demarcation in the Second Temple Period and Late Antiquity) έλαβε χώρα στη Λισαβώνα και ήταν πραγματικά μια εξαιρετική εμπειρία. Το 2009 το συνέδριο θα λάβει χώρα στο Lincoln της Αγγλίας. Φέτος εκτός από όλες τις άλλες ομάδες εργασίας θα υπάρχουν επίσης οι εξής νέες ομάδες (τις παραθέτουμε, όπως τις βρήκαμε στο παραπάνω ιστολόγιο):
Social History of Modern Biblical ScholarshipChairsWard Blanton (
James Crossley (james.crossley@shef.ac.uk) and Halvor Moxnes (halvor.moxnes@teologi.uio.no )
ProgrammeThe purpose of this programme is to foster cross-disciplinary and collaborative research into the social history of modern biblical scholarship. A growing number of scholars have pursued such research of late, with the salutary effect of producing self-reflexive histories of the cultural, ideological and political entanglements of biblical studies as an academic discipline.This research programme intends to (a) provoke more professionally trained biblical scholars to examine the social and historical construction of the field in which they practise; and (b) give concentrated visibility to emerging work that defines this trajectory among the sub-divisions of contemporary biblical research. The programme was launched in 2007, with lectures by scholars who have devoted significant energies to this type of intellectual history. All colleagues who are currently carrying out research on this topic or interested in participating in the programme, are cordially invited to contact the chairs.
Sociology and the Bible
In the light of increasing interest in the use of the social sciences in Biblical Studies this research programme concentrates on the use of sociological theory and method in particular, but expands the role of sociology in Biblical studies to cover a number of distinct, yet related areas of interest. The extension of the role of sociology in Biblical studies is predicated on the notion that since sociology emerges from and seeks to address the rise of modernity, its nature and its possible futures, any use of sociology to understand the ancient social worlds of the Hebrew Bible, Qumran, and the New Testament, involves appreciating the nature of the social realities in which we live and conducting a constant dialogue in which past and present are both needed to be interwoven but also kept separate. The past and present need to be kept separate so as to appreciate both the continuities and the ruptures between modern social forms and social life and social life in the past.
The Research Programme includes:
1. Sociology and Historical Reconstruction: The use of sociology for the analysis of biblical and related (especially Qumranic) texts for the reconstruction of ancient social worlds and processes of social change. Theoretical, methodological and substantive contributions are relevant.
2. Sociologists and the Bible: (a) the work of specific sociologists (e.g. Spencer, Durkheim, Weber and more recent sociologists such as Talcott Parsons, Barrington Moore and Harvey Sacks) and how they themselves sought to make sense of ancient Israel and emergent Christianity, and (b) analysing the texts of these sociologists for the manner in which they directly and indirectly make use of Biblical ideas, themes, tropes and metaphors in their sociological writing. The aim is to contextualise and understand the merits and limitations of their approaches to Biblical history, and to assess their contributions in the light of developments in Biblical studies (based on improved data as well as methodological advances) and in the light of contemporary social theory. A central question involves the extent to which sociologists disenchanted their moral worlds and how this process can be mapped through analysis of their use of the Bible.
3. The Sociology of The Bible in Historical and Contemporary Culture and Society: promoting (a) theoretical and empirical work, grounded in sociological method, concepts and theorisations, on the actual use by specific individuals and groups, especially in contemporary society, of the Bible in their everyday lives, for example in recovering previous ethnographic and survey work by sociologists, theologians and other agencies on individual and social use of the Bible; and (b) advancing methodological debate through field work application of sociological research methodologies and modes of theorising and gaining sociological understanding of the use and abuse of the Bible in various social settings such as kindergartens, schools, churches, Sabbath schools, sports, local and national political arenas.This Research Programme will thus offer a space in which empirical work and its methodological issues can be discussed and presented and seek to raise the profile of such work and encourage further research.
Programme for 2009
In the first instance the research programme will accept papers addressing any of the above themes. It is hoped to create a session in which aspects of the three themes articulated above can come together, under the theme of 'The Bible and the Sociology of Disaster'. Papers are invited that make use of sociological and social science research on the nature of disasters and trauma and their impact on individual and group life to reconsider biblical narratives of natural and political disasters (the defeat in war, the destruction of Israel and Judah, and the exile) and to consider the way in which contemporary sociology of disaster and trauma (e.g. on 9/11, Hurricane Katrina, or the Holocaust) might benefit from or is comparable to, biblical responses.
Paper proposals are invited, to be sent to David Chalcraft
Anthropology and the Bible
The aim of this unit is to foster ethnographic readings of biblical stories and anthropological perspectives on the archaeology and history of ancient Palestine. Relevant topics for discussion are:
Political and historical anthropology of ancient Palestine (city-states, urbanization, state-formation processes, ethnogenesis)Mediterranean anthropology in biblical narratives (patronage, hospitality,feud, honour and shame, food)Sociology and anthropology of religion and ancient Palestinian cultic and ritual data (aniconism, iconography, burial, cultic places, etc.)
Proposals for papers should be sent by the end of January 2009 to Emanuel Pfoh (epfoh@yahoo.com.ar)