Σάββατο 9 Μαρτίου 2019

Το τρέχον τεύχος του BBR / The current issue of BBR

Bulletin of Biblical Research 28:3 (2018)

  • John A. Cook, "Grammar and Theology in Daniel 3:16–18," 367-380 (abstract)
  • Benjamin J. Ribbens, "Whose “Mercy”? What “Sacrifice”? A Proposed Reading of Matthew’s Hosea 6:6 Quotations," 381-404 (abstract)
  • B. J. Oropeza, "New Covenant Knowledge in an Earthenware Jar: Intertextual Reconfigurations of Jeremiah in 2 Corinthians 1:21–22, 3:2–11, and 4:7," 405-424 (abstract)
  • Joseph R. Greene, "Jesus as the Heavenly Temple in the Fourth Gospel," 425-446 (abstract)

Ένα νέο άρθρο στο τρέχον τεύχος του JHS / A new article in the current issue of JHS

Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 18 (2018)

Ben Zvi, Ehud and Sylvie Honigman, "Remembering Three Nehemiahs in Late Second Temple Times: Patterns and Trajectories in Memory Shaping"

Παρασκευή 8 Μαρτίου 2019

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Journal of Late Antiquity / In the current issue of Journal of Late Antiquity

Journal of Late Antiquity 11:2 (2018)

Evgenïa Moiseeva, "The Old Testament in Fourth-Century Christian-Manichaean Polemic," 274-297 (abstract)

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Studies in Late Antiquity / In the current issue of Studies in Late Antiquity

Studies in Late Antiquity 3:1 (2019)

  • Elizabeth Depalma Digeser, "Embodying the Past," 1-3 (abstract)
  • Victoria Leonard, Sarah E. Bond, "Advancing Feminism OnlineOnline Tools, Visibility, and Women in Classics," 4-16 (abstract)
  • Sarah Wolf, "Suffering and Sacrifice: The Hermeneutics of Yisurin in the Babylonian Talmud," 56-76 (abstract)

50 χρόνια JSJ: το δώρο της Brill / 50 years JSJ: Brill's present

Ο εκδοτικός οίκος Brill γιορτάζει τα 50 χρόνια του περιοδικού Journal for the Study of Judaism in the Persian, Hellenistic, and Roman Period και διαθέτει μέχρι τις 15 Απριλίου, ελεύθερα σε μορφή pdf τα εξής άρθρα:

Zum Text Von "Joseph Und Aseneth"
- Christoph Burchard (Volume 1, No. 1, 1970)

The Future of Israel in the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs
- M. de Jonge (Volume 17, No. 2, 1986)

The Figure of Adam in Pseudo-Philo's Biblical Antiquities
- C.T.R. Hayward (Volume 23, No. 1, 1992)

Early Christian Authors on Samaritans and Samaritanism: A Review Article
- Leah Di Segni (Volume 37, No. 2, 2006)

The Construction and Subversion of Patriarchal Perfection: Abraham and Exemplarity in Philo, Josephus, and the Testament of Abraham
- Annette Yoshiko Reed (Volume 40, No. 2, 2009)

Πέμπτη 7 Μαρτίου 2019

Το τρέχον τεύχος του ASE / The current issue of ASE

Annali di Storia dell' Esegesi 35:2 (2018)

Ancient Followers of Jesus

  • Mauro Pesce, "Momenti creativi brevi. Ipotesi. Per una diversa comprensione del movimento di Gesù," 299-322
  • Andrea Annese, "The Sources of the Gospel of Thomas: Methodological Issues and the Case of the Pauline Epistles (With a Focus on Th 17 // 1 Cor 2:9)," 323-350
  • Mariano Agustín Spléndido, "«He venido a traer la espada». El uso de máchaira en el Evangelio de Mateo," 351-369
  • Enrico Mazza, "Le fonti del racconto dell’Ultima cena. Una ipotesi," 371-390
  • Giulio Michelini, "Gesù e la chiesa delle origini alla ricerca di certezze. Confronto tra la Vita di Alessandro di Plutarco e alcuni testi dei vangeli e di Atti in risposta a M. Pesce, “Gesù alla ricerca di certezze e le forme di mediazione della divinità nel giudaismo di età ellenistico-romana”," 391-413

Ancient Christianity

  • Osvalda Andrei, "Il cristianesimo di Giulio Africano: i Kestoi tra “precetto aureo” e “guerra giusta”," 415-448
  • Raúl González Salinero, "Los orígenes de la ideología cristiana: de la desjudaización al antijudaísmo
  • Modernity and Ancient Religions," 449-471
  • Guglielmo Forni Rosa, "Introduzione allo studio di san Giovanni della Croce," 473-514
  • Elisabetta Colagrossi, "Tradurre gli dèi. Percorsi, tracce e destini di un’antica pratica religiosa," 515-534

Discussion of Books

  • Claudio Gianotto, "Il Vangelo ebraico/aramaico di Matteo, il Vangelo di Marcione e la formazione del “vangelo tetramorfo”," 535-548
  • Andrea Nicolotti, "Due nuovi studi sul Vangelo di Marcione," 549-561

Τετάρτη 6 Μαρτίου 2019

Ένα νέο άρθρο στο τρέχον τεύχος του JHS / A new article in the current issue of JHS

Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 18 (2018)

Michael H Floyd, "The Meaning of Maśśāʾ as a Prophetic Term In Isaiah"
In contrast with conventional etymological explanations of maśśā’ as a prophetic term, Richard Weis has proposed that this word refers to a genre whose definitive characteristic is the reinterpretation of an already promulgated prophecy. This article counters recent criticisms of Weis’s position and, using a simplified methodology, reaffirms his basic insight with regard to the maśśā’ texts in Isaiah.

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του ThSt / In the current issue of ThSt

Theological Studies 80:1 (2019)

Robert D. Miller, II, OFS, "Dragon Myths and Biblical Theology," 37-56 (abstract)

Τρίτη 5 Μαρτίου 2019

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Sacra Scripta / The current issue of Sacra Scripta

Sacra Scripta 16:2 (2018)

E. Tsalampouni, "Citizens of Heavens in res publica colonia Philippensium: Constructing Christian Identity in the Roman Colony of Philippi," 127-149
In this article the construction of the identity of the members of the Christian community in Philippi is discussed. To achieve this goal, the archaeological evidence from the colony and Phil 1:12-28 and 3:4-16 are examined with the help of the social identity theory. The article is divided in three parts. In a first part the political and religious ambience in the colony is reconstructed. In the second part the text of Paul’s letter to the Philippians is closely examined in order to locate indications of the way the members of the community understood their existence in the colony. Finally, in the last part the problem of the social and political profile of the members of the Philippian church is also addressed.

Martin Meiser, "Die Jesus-Remembered Debatte," 150-177
Within the horizon of modern reflection of historiography on the one hand, oral tradition on the other, James D.G. Dunn and Jens Schröter developed “Jesus-Remembered”-Concepts. After a short presentation of these concepts, this article recapitulates insights from modern humanities and offers a short portrait on early Jesus tradition. 

Silviu Tatu, "The Political Involvement of the Individual in the Ancient Israelite Society: A Preliminary Presentation of the Alternatives Found in the Hebrew Bible," 178-197
Although the Bible does not carry a united answer to the issue of political involvement, one can trace several solutions suggested both when monotheism was a major phenomenon in the society and when it reflected the belief of a minority only. At first, four basic hermeneutical principles are presented followed by six contextual features. The alternatives of political involvement are laid out as four antithetical pairs: respect vs. disobedience, material support vs. sabotage, propaganda vs. criticism, political involvement vs. revolt. They reach the four domains of life: attitude, goods, words, and actions. All eight alternatives have the support of some Biblical texts, but their contribution has to be evaluated in accordance with the events they promote. It can be safely said that the individual should support God given authority and institutions, but rising against them is authorized whenever those institutions trespass their legal boundaries and obligations.

Renate Klein, "„Die Sünde meines Volkes essen sie..." (Hos 4,8a). Priesterkritik in Dodekapropheton,"  198-228
Corruption and every kind of abuse are contemporary issues in today's society. This article deals with the abuse of authority and of power practiced by priests as it is revealed by the texts of the dodecapropheton. Priests can be subordinated to an authority conflict. They are accused to search their own benefit instead of preaching knowledge of God. They take payment for instruction. Their teaching is formal, without the right content. They're not able to oppose to foreign influences. The sacrifices they offer up are not corresponding to the cultic requirements. Abuse of authority and power turn up where priests are acting in own interest instead of taking seriously their mediator role between God and the people.

Stelian Paşca-Tuşa, "Joseph and His Brothers -  Biblical Reflections on the Spirit of Brotherhood," 229-247 
Maintaining brotherly relationships or at least a spirit of brotherhood is an ever growing challenge for the contemporary human being. Family, social, inter-ethnic, political or religious conflicts are putting strains on humanity, which is barely finding the necessary resources to maintain order among fellow human beings. Unfortunately, people have forgotten that they have the same parents, that our face shows we are all related first to Adam and Eve and then to Jesus Christ, the new Adam, in whom we are all one (Gal 3:28). In other words, human beings are brothers, whether we relate to our forefathers or to Him who would be the first-born among many brothers (Rom 8:29).Wishing to offer concrete solutions to restore brotherly relationships, we have chosen a paradigm from the Old Testament whose protagonists are the Patriarch Jacob, Joseph and his brothers. Through Jacob, we shall understand in a tangible way how to maintain brotherly relationships and what to do in order to correct possible deviations. Likewise, by means of this endeavour, I envisage highlighting a biblical model that would allow me to pinpoint the manner in which the Holy Scripture perceives the spirit of brotherhood that, according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, lies at the basis of inter-human relationships.

AJR Forum: Η κατασκευή των εθνικών στον Ιουδαϊσμού μέρος Β΄ / AJR Forum: The contruction of the Gentiles in Judaism, part II

Διαβάστε τα άρθρα των Yair Furstenberg, Christine Hayes και Cavan Concannon στο AJR Forum για την κατασκευή του Άλλου και Εθνικού στον Ιουδαϊσμό:

Οι Σελευκίδες και τα νομίσματά τους Β΄ / Seleucids and their coins II

Στην ιστοσελίδα CoinWeek συνεχίζεται το αφιέρωμα στα νομίσματα της εποχής των Σελευκιδών με το δεύτερο μέρος του άρθρου του Mike Markowitz. Πολλά ενδιαφέροντα στοιχεία για την ιστορία της εποχής συνοδευμένα με φωτογραφίες νομισμάτων των διαφόρων βασιλέων της δυναστείας:

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Biblische Zeitschrift / The current issue of Biblische Zeitschrift

Biblische Zeitschrift 63:1 (2019)

  • Nicoletta Gatti and Daniel Yeboah, "Cursing Back to Life? From Psalms to Imprecatory Prayers: An Intercultural Reading," 1-29 (abstract)
  • Christian Gers-Uphaus, "Gott als wahrer אלהים und Retter der Armen – Psalm 82 im Korpus der Asafpsalmen," 30-48 (abstract)
  • Thomas Söding, "Das Zeichen des Widerspruchs.Die Prophetie des Simeon (Lk 2,34) und die lukanischen Deutungen des Todes Jesu," 49-70 (abstract)
  • Martin Stowasser, "Bundestheologie in der Johannesoffenbarung – eine Spurensuche," 71-91 (abstract)
  • Wilfried Warning, "Gedanken zu Genesis 46,8–27," 92-104 (abstract)
  • Mark W. Hamilton, "History among the Junipers: Hosea 14:2–10 as Metahistoriography,"  105-116 (abstract)