Σάββατο 3 Απριλίου 2021

Δουλεύοντας με την πλατφόρμα NTVMR / Working on the platform NTVMR

 Διαβάστε στο ιστολόγιο The Digital Orientalist την κατατοπιστική παρουσίαση από τον Gregory Paulson της πλατφόρμας NTVMR για την ευρετηριοποίηση και μεταγραφή των χειρογράφων της Καινής Διαθήκης: παπύρων, μεγαλογραμμάτων, μικρογραμμάτων και εκλογαδίων. Πρόκειται για ένα εξαιρετικό εργαλείο που επιτρέπει την πρόσβαση και τη μελέτη στον καταπληκτικό κόσμο των χειρογράφων:

Introduction to the NTVMR

Ένα νέο άρθρο στο τρέχον τεύχος του In die Skriflig / A new article in the current issue of In die Skriflig

 In die Skriflig 55/3 (2021)

Albert J. Coetsee, "By everyone and for everyone: The principles underlying ‘justice’ in Deuteronomy 16:18–20"

To τρέχον τεύχος του JBL / The current issue of JBL

 Journal of Biblical Literature 140/1 (2021)

  • Adele Reinhartz, "The Hermeneutics of Chutzpah: A Disquisition on the Value/s of 'Critical Investigation of the Bible'," 8-30 (abstract)
  • Mark McEntire -Wongi Park, "Ethnic Fission and Fusion in Biblical Genealogies," 31-47 (abstract)
  • David Frankel, " Noah’s Drunkenness and the Curse of Canaan: A New Approach," 49-68 (abstract)
  • James D. Moore, "Who Gave You a Decree? Anonymity as a Narrative Technique in Ezra 5:3, 9 in Light of Persian-Period Decrees and Administrative Sources," 69-89 (abstract)
  • Alice Ogden Bellis, "I Am Burnt but Beautiful: Translating Song 1:5a," 91-111 (abstract)
  • Elena Dugan, "Enochic Biography and the Manuscript History of 1 Enoch: The Codex Panopolitanus Book of the Watchers," 113-138 (abstract)
  • Katherine A. Shaner, " The Danger of Singular Saviors: Vulnerability, Political Power, and Jesus’s Disturbance in the Temple (Mark 11:15–19)," 139-161 (abstract)
  • Joshua M. Reno, "Pornographic Desire in the Pauline Corpus," 163-185 (abstract)
  • Nathan Leach, "Epaphroditus and Archippus, Paul’s Fellow Soldiers: Reexamining Paul’s Rhetorical Use of συστρατιώτης," 187-206 (abstract)
  • Simon J. Joseph, "'In the Days of His Flesh, He Offered Up Prayers': Reimagining the Sacrifice(s) of Jesus in the Letter to the Hebrews," 207-227 (abstract)

Το τρέχον τεύχος του CBQ / The current issue of CBQ

Catholic Biblical Quarterly 83/2 (2021)

  • Richard Whitekettle, "Three Divided into Two: The Zoological/Physical Structure of the World in Israelite Thought," 191-207 (abstract)
  • Scott B. Noegel, "The Women of Asherah: Weaving Wickedness in 2 Kings 23:7," 208-219 (abstract)
  • Klaus-Peter Adam, "Gillûlîm: Rollers, Scarabs in Ezekiel," 220-240 (abstract)
  • Erich B. Pracht, "The Tragic Death of John the Baptist: Reading Mark 6:17–29 with Other Banquet Travesties," 241-256 (abstract)
  • Brittany E. Wilson, "The Smell of Sacrifice: Scenting the Christian Story in Luke-Acts," 257-275 (abstract)
  • Timothy A. Gabrielson, "Identifying a Mysterious “Scripture”: Romans 4:6 as Further Evidence That James 4:5–6 Is a Gloss of Proverbs 3:34," 276-293 (abstract)
  • James B. Prothro, "Theories of Inspiration and Catholic Exegesis: Scripture and Criticism in Dialogue with Denis Farkasfalvy," 294-314 (abstract)

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Biblische Notizen / The current issue of Biblische Notizen

 Biblische Notizen 188 (2021)

  • Cornelius Vollmer, "„Und es waren Hirten in demselben Land…“ Vom Verständnis der Hirten zu einer neuen Hermeneutik der lukanischen Weihnachtsgeschichte (Teil 2)," 3-25
  • Ludwig Thiele, "JHWH und die Götter in Jes 41,21-29," 27-41
  • Nadav Naʼaman, "Harsh Criticism of Pekahʼs Rebellion in the Book of Hosea," 43-49
  • Markus Zehnder, "The Promise Section in Leviticus 26:3-13: Structural Observations and Consequences for the Interpretation," 51-62
  • Stefan Beyerle, "Textempirie und systematisch-theologische Prinzipienlehre. Anmerkungen eines Exegeten zur aktuellen fundamentaltheologischen Diskussion (Teil 1)," 63-81
  • Trevor Tibbertsma, "The Ambiguous Way to Wisdom in Baruch 3,9-4,4," 83-99
  • Holger Szesnat, "Interpreting the Third Version of the Story of Entrusted Money: Revisiting Richard Rohrbaugh’s Chiastic Reading," 101-118

Τετάρτη 31 Μαρτίου 2021

Ένα νέο άρθρο στο τρέχον τεύχος του In die Skriflig / A new article in the current issue of In die Skriflig

In die Skriflig 55/1 (2021)

Christopher Magezi, "Shifting negative migrant categories to encourage embrace and inclusivity: Perspective from Matthew 22:34–40"

Το τρέχον τεύχος του SNTU / The current issue of SNTU

 Studien zum Neuen Testament und seiner Umwelt 44-45 (2019-20)

Veronika Burz-Tropper, "Philonische Gottesvorstellungen als ein Kontext der johanneischen Theo-Logie?" 5-32
There are so far hardly any considerations concerning philonic influence on the Johannine theo-logy, i.e. the idea of God. Therefore, it is the goal of this article, to give a – mainly textbased – insight into the – not at all simple – conceptions of God of Philo of Alexandria and to give a brief insight into my view of the Johannine theo-logy. In a conclusion, it should be possible to ask whether and to what extent the philonic conceptions of God can be regarded as a context of Johannine theo-logy.

Hans Förster, "Bleibt alle vor Gott, worin ihr berufen seid? Philologische Überlegungen zu 1 Kor 7,24 im Kontext," 33-56
One verse from the first letter to the Corinthians (1 Cor 7:21) is in its Greek way of phrasing the basis for two contrary and inconsolable translations. The discussion has so far focussed on the philological problems of 1 Cor 7:21. It had escaped notice that the punctuation of 1 Cor 7:16 and 17 in New Testament editions is producing a syntactically highly troubled text. The Vulgate’s punctuation has been used by Erasmus’ edition of the New Testament and found its way into the editions of Novum Testamentum Graece where it was kept up to the 28th edition. A syntactically correct punctuation in 1 Cor 7:16.17 is the basis of a new and improved translation of the entire passage (1 Cor 7:17-24). This makes an interpretation possible which shows that central topics of Pauline theology are dealt with here.

Katja Hess, "Das matthäische Vaterunser (Mt 6,9-13): Ein Kompendium jesuanischer Gotteslehre und Ethik," 57-80
The article deals with the Lord՚s Prayer according to Matthew (Mt 6:9-13). It shows that Matthew has a specific interest in understanding the Lord՚s Prayer not only as a prayer of supplication, in which all concerns can be confidently addressed to the Heavenly Father, who knows what we need (cf. Mt 6:32). Rather, this prayer of supplication is also connected with an adequate human response in the sense of a responsorial ethics. A synoptic comparison with the parallel passage found in the Gospel of Luke (Lk 11:2c-4) not only reveals differences in scope and wording, but also different forms of contextualization, which suggests specific editorial interests. The position of the Lord՚s Prayer at the center of the Sermon on the Mount and the consideration of inner-textual references within the Gospel of Matthew when analyzing the individual components of the Lord՚s Prayer confirm the thesis that Matthew wanted to refer to the Prayer’s ethical aspects as well as its supplicatory character. Therefore, the Lord՚s Prayer according to Matthew can be described as a compendium of Jesus՚s teaching of God and of his ethics.

Karl Matthias Schmidt, "Benjamin und sein Bruder. Die lukanische Konturierung pharisäischer Selbstgewissheit in Lk 15,11-32," 81-140
The contribution at hand, which leans on prior research, interprets the Parable of the Prodigal Son as the Evangelist’s creation. The spread of both male and female versions of various parables is indicative of Lk 15:11-32 having been added to Lk 15:4-10. However, in Lk 15:11-32 motifs appear to be borrowed from the schools of rhetoric and declamation, and an adaptation of the Greek story of Joseph is featured, all of which renders plausible that the parable originated in the Greco-Roman domain. Against this backdrop, and factoring in the cross-linking of the parable within the gospel, it makes sense that Luke is the originator of the text. This thesis holds even if considering the possibility that Matthew uses the Gospel of Luke.

Dominik Stockinger / Christoph Niemand, "Analysing New Testament Parables Informed by Theories of Imagination," 141-160
This article comprises the substance of a proposed research project currently in the process of review and assessment. Its main idea is that the analysis and exposition of New Testament parables will substantially profit from an interdisciplinary effort adopting theoretical concepts of imagination theory and related practical tools (as employed in various therapeutic approaches). If informed by theory of imagination the established canon of exegetical methods may bring forth a specific understanding of why and how Jesus’ parables are able to affect and alter their recipients’ moral values and social habits in thinking and acting.

Thomas Witulski, "Christus, die sieben Sterne und die sieben „Gemeindeengel“: Zeitgeschichtliche Bemerkungen zu einer Motivdisposition in Offb 1,20; 2f.," 161-204
Especially numismatic evidence leads to the plausible assumption that the author of Revelation drew the image of the ἑπτὰ ἀστέρες from the iconographic pool of the Imperial coinage in order to oppose the corresponding Imperial propaganda with a “Christian” contrasting analogy. Those who are able to perceive the truth understand that the Roman Augusti do not reign the world, but the figure of the ὅμοιος υἱὸν ἀνθρώπου, – usually – enthroned in heaven, does. The ἑπτὰ ἀστέρες are identified as the angels of the seven churches. These are humans who are ruled and protected by the figure of the ὅμοιος υἱὸν ἀνθρώπου, to whom they are subordinated in the ecclesiological and political hierarchy and to whom they are, at the same time, answerable. They hold responsible positions in their respective city or congregation. The identification of the seven stars as the angels of the seven churches is motivated by the identification, as it was propagated by Hadrianus, of his favourite Antinoos, who drowned in the river of Nile, as a star or as a stellar constellation.

Adrian Wypaldo, "Jakob im Kontext der wettkämpfenden Erzväter: Der Ringkampf Jakobs am Jabbok in der philosophisch-allegorischen Deutung des Philo von Alexandrien," 205-228
This contribution examines the use of sporting or agonistic terminology in an area where it would be less likely to be used, namely within the Torah exegesis of Philo of Alexandria. Despite his tendency to read the biblical text as a call to overcome the material world and to turn to ideal values, which can be grasped especially in the allegorical early work, Philo knows surprisingly well sporty competitions, appreciates them highly and uses the training efforts in sport and competition as blueprint for the practice of a virtuous and/or spiritual life. His interest is intensified among the competing patriarchs Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, whose common characteristic is a particularly intensive preparation for the sacred competitions within the vicissitudes of life. At the top is Jakob, whose wrestling fight at the Jabbok (Gen 32:25-33 LXX) Philo interprets as a virtue fight, which lets the patriarch become the biblical athlete par excellence.

Τρίτη 30 Μαρτίου 2021

Η σημασία του Φίλωνα / Philo's importance

 Στην ιστοσελίδα Marginalia ο Gregory E. Sterling (Yale Divinity School) εξηγεί γιατί ο Φίλων είναι σημαντικός κι επίκαιρος ακόμη και σήμερα:

Why Philo Matters

Η περιτομή κι η έρημος / Circumcision and the wilderness

 Στην ιστοσελίδα TheTorah.com o David Frankel εξετάζει τις ραββινικές απαντήσεις στο ερώτημα γιατί ο Ιησούς του Ναυί δεν επέτρεψε στους Ισραηλίτες να περιτμηθούν όσο ήταν στην έρημο:

Why Didn’t the Israelites Circumcise in the Wilderness?

Το τρέχον τεύχος του HeBAI / The current issue of HeBAI

Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel 9/4 (2020)

Tōrâ-centred Israel. When a Yehudite Concept Met Ptolemaic Egypt

  • Ehud Ben Zvi, Sylvie Honigman, "Tōrâ-centred Israel. When a Yehudite Concept Met Ptolemaic Egypt," 367-369
  • Sylvie Honigman, Ehud Ben Zvi, "The Spread of the Ideological Concept of a (Jerusalem-Centred) Tōrâ-centred Israel beyond Yehud: Observations and Implications," 370-397 (abstract)
  • James K. Aitken, "The Ptolemaic Setting for the Translation of the Greek Pentateuch," 398-414 (abstract)
  • Kimberley Czajkowski, Stéphanie Wackenier, "Legal Strategies of Judaeans in Herakleopolis, Middle Egypt, according to the Archives of the Politeuma," 415-434 (abstract)
  • Anna Angelini, "The Reception and Idealization of the Torah in the Letter of Aristeas: The Case of the Dietary Laws," 435-447 (abstract)

Το τρέχον τεύχος του ZAW / The current issue of ZAW

 Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 133/1 (2021)


  • Benjamin Ziemer, "A Critique of Torleif Elgvin’s Reconstructions of 1QSamuel," 56-63 (abstract)
  • Torleif Elgvin, "More on 1QSamuel and the Theory of Literary Growth. Response to Benjamin Ziemer," 64-72 (abstract)

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Early Christianity / The current issue of Early Christianity

 Early Christianity 12/1 (2021)

  • Jeremiah Coogan, David Lincicum, Teresa Morgan, "The Material Gospel," 1-4
  • Chris Keith, "The Gospel Read, Sliced, and Burned: The Material Gospel and the Construction of Christian Identity," 7-27 (abstract)
  • Clare K. Rothschild, "Galen's De indolentia and the Early Christian Codex," 28-39 (abstract)
  • Jeremiah Coogan, "Gospel as Recipe Book: Nonlinear Reading and Practical Texts in Late Antiquity," 40-60 (abstract)
  • Sofía Torallas Tovar, "Resisting the Codex: The Christian Use of the Roll in Late Antiquity," 61-84 (abstract)
  • Angela Zautcke, "Erasing the Gospels: Sinaiticus Syriacus and Patterns among Syriac Gospel Palimpsests," 85-102 (abstract)
  • Matthew D.C. Larsen, "The Real-and-Imagined Biography of a Gospel Manuscript," 103-131 (abstract)

New Discoveries

  • Annette Weissenrieder, André Luiz Visinoni, "The Fragmenta Curiensia (a²) as Witnesses of the Gospel of Luke, " 135-136

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Neotestamentica / The current issue of Neotestamentica

 Neotestamentica 54/2 (2020)

  • Scott Lewis Adams, "An Examination of Prayer in 3 John 2 and the Farewell Discourse in Light of the Mission of God," 187-207 (abstract)
  • Alease A. Brown, "Honour Not Non-Violence: Retrieving a Concept from the First-Century Context of Christian Marginalisation," 209-222 (abstract)
  • Chris L. de Wet, "A Walk through the City with John Chrysostom: Psychogeography, Virtue and the Urban Ascetic in the Homilies On Ephesians 15 and On Hebrews 28," 223-238 (abstract)
  • June F. Dickie, Petra Dijkhuizen, "The Burial of Jesus Compared with the Burial of Covid-19 Victims: Dishonour and Damage Control," 239-274 (abstract)
  • Philip La G. du Toit, "Reconsidering 'Law' in the Letter of James," 275-305 (abstract)
  • Priscille Marschall, "Refining the Criteria for Delineating Côla and Periods: Some Remarks on the First and Second Steps of 'Sound Mapping',"  307-328 (abstract)
  • Omaka K. Ngele, Daniel C. Unachukwu, "Exegetical Exploration of 1 John 4:7–21 in the Context of the Nigerian Church," 329-349 (abstract)
  • Ludvig Nyman, "New Perspectives on the Old Covenant: 2 Corinthians 3 and Paul within Judaism," 351-371 (abstract)
  • Jeremy Punt, "(Post-)Perspectivally, Paul?" 373-398 (abstract)