- Dorothy Jean Weaver, "Inheriting the Earth: Towards a Geotheology of Matthew’s Narrative"
- Benson Goh, "The Charge of Being Deluded Interpreters of Scripture: A Reassessment of the Importance of Chiasms in Mark 11–12"
- Howard Tillman Kuist, "A Selection from The Pedagogy of St. Paul: Chapters 3-4, Bibliography"
- Michael D. Matlock, "Finding a Comfortable Home in Biblical Hermeneutics: The Hospitality and Expansiveness I Found in Inductive Biblical Studies"
Τακτική επισκόπηση ειδήσεων σχετικών με τις βιβλικές σπουδές και τον αρχέγονο Χριστιανισμό
Σάββατο 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Inductive Biblical Studies / In the current issue of Inductive Biblical Studies
Journal of Inductive Biblical Studies 2:1 (2015)
κατά Μάρκον,
Παρασκευή 18 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015
Το τρέχον τεύχος του NovT / The current issue of NovT
Novum Testamentum 57:4 (2015)
- Andrew R. Krause, "In Association with the Ancestral Customs: Pharisaic Ancestral Traditions as a Semi-Private Association Code in Matthew 15 and Antiquitates judaicae 13," 343-359 (abstract)
- Ronald H. van der Bergh, "'Old Testament Awareness' and the Textual Tradition of the Explicit Quotations of Isaiah in Codex Bezae’s Acts," 360 - 378 (abstract)
- James R. Unwin, "'Thrown down but not Destroyed," 379 - 412 (abstract)
- Benjamin Sargent, "The Exegetical Middah דבר הלמד מענינו and the New Testament," 413 - 417 (abstract)
- Laurent Pinchard, "Des traces vétérotestamentaires dans quelques variantes du Codex de Bèze traditionnellement jugées harmonisantes," 418 - 430 (abstract)
ιστορία κειμένου,
Codex Bezae,
CFP: Son of God: Divine Sonship in Jewish and Christian Antiquity

Son of God: Divine Sonship in Jewish and Christian Antiquity.
Invited addresses will be given by Menahem Kister (Hebrew University), Reinhard Kratz (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen), Jan Joosten (University of Oxford), Richard Bauckham (University of Cambridge), George Brooke (University of Manchester), N.T. Wright (University of St Andrews), Philip Alexander (University of Manchester), Madhavi Nevader (University of St Andrews), Michael Peppard (Fordham University), David Moffitt (University of St Andrews), William Tooman (University of St Andrews), and Matthew Novenson (University of Edinburgh)
Cost: Early bird (1 December 2015-29 February 2016) £50; Standard (1 March-1 May 2016) £75.
Please send short abstracts (250 words) engaging Hebrew Bible, Septuagint, Targumim, Dead Sea Scrolls, Pseudepigrapha, New Testament, Rabbinic Literature, or Early Christian Literature to Paul Sloan (ps343@st-andrews.ac.uk) by 15 February 2016 addressing the following questions
Ancient Israelite Religion
Angelology and heavenly mediums
Kingship and royal ideologies
Political ideologies in the Second Temple Period
Corporate sonship and the people of God
Christian origins/Christology
Son of God and ancient scriptural exegesis/interpretation
Early mystical traditions
Textual variation and divine sonship
Other related topics
Registration will be available from 1 December 2015. Please address all questions either to Garrick Allen (allen@isbtf.de) or Paul Sloan (ps343@st-andrews.ac.uk). Follow this blog for further updates.
αρχέγονος Χριστιανισμός,
θεολογία Κ.Δ.,
2015 York University Christian Apocrypha Symposium
To φετινό συνέδριο του Πανεπιστημίου του York σε συνεργασία με το Πανεπιστήμιο του Texas στο Austin για τα χριστιανικά απόκρυφα θα λάβει χώρα στο διάστημα 24-26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015 στο Vanier College, York University. Οι εισηγήσεις θα κινηθούν γύρω από δύο θεματικές: (α) τα πιθανά κίνητρα πίσω από την παραγωγή αποκρύφων από την αρχαιότητα μέχρι σήμερα, (β) την σύνδεση τον αποκρύφων του Μεσαίωνα και των νεότερων χρόνων (19ος-21ος αι.) με τη γενικότερη απόκρυφη γραμματεία, (γ) το Ευαγγέλιο της Συζύγου του Ιησού και τα στοιχεία που προκύπτουν από αυτό όσον αφορά στην σύνταξη, παράδοση και πρόσληψη των χριστιανικών αποκρύφων. Κύριος ομιλητής ο Bart Ehrman:
RBL 18.9.2015
Wilhelm Bousset, Kyrios Christos: A History of Belief in Christ from the Beginning of Christianity to Irenaeus
Reviewed by Jonathan M. Potter
Claire Clivaz, Corina Combet-Galland, Jean-Daniel Macchi, and Christophe Nihan, eds., Ecritures et réécritures: La reprise interprétative des traditions fondatrices par la littérature biblique et extra-biblique. Cinquième Colloque International du RRENAB, Université de Genève et Lausanne, 10-12 juin 2010
Reviewed by Renata Furst
Devorah Dimant, History, Ideology and Bible Interpretation in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Collected Studies
Reviewed by Peter Porzig
Benjamin H. Dunning, Christ without Adam: Subjectivity and Sexual Difference in the Philosophers’ Paul
Reviewed by Robert Paul Seesengood
Joseph R. Hacker and Adam Shear, eds., The Hebrew Book in Early Modern Italy
Reviewed by Jeffrey L. Morrow
Richard Horsley, The Prophet Jesus and the Renewal of Israel: Moving Beyond a Diversionary Debate
Reviewed by Chris L. de Wet
Gideon R. Kotzé, The Qumran Manuscripts of Lamentations: A Text-Critical Study
Reviewed by Pieter B. Hartog
Frans van Liere, An Introduction to the Medieval Bible
Reviewed by Marcus Elder
Heinz-Werner Neudorfer, Der Brief des Paulus an Titus
Reviewed by Manabu Tsuji
Walter T. Wilson, The Sentences of Sextus
Reviewed by Johan Thom
Reviewed by Jonathan M. Potter
Claire Clivaz, Corina Combet-Galland, Jean-Daniel Macchi, and Christophe Nihan, eds., Ecritures et réécritures: La reprise interprétative des traditions fondatrices par la littérature biblique et extra-biblique. Cinquième Colloque International du RRENAB, Université de Genève et Lausanne, 10-12 juin 2010
Reviewed by Renata Furst
Devorah Dimant, History, Ideology and Bible Interpretation in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Collected Studies
Reviewed by Peter Porzig
Benjamin H. Dunning, Christ without Adam: Subjectivity and Sexual Difference in the Philosophers’ Paul
Reviewed by Robert Paul Seesengood
Joseph R. Hacker and Adam Shear, eds., The Hebrew Book in Early Modern Italy
Reviewed by Jeffrey L. Morrow
Richard Horsley, The Prophet Jesus and the Renewal of Israel: Moving Beyond a Diversionary Debate
Reviewed by Chris L. de Wet
Gideon R. Kotzé, The Qumran Manuscripts of Lamentations: A Text-Critical Study
Reviewed by Pieter B. Hartog
Frans van Liere, An Introduction to the Medieval Bible
Reviewed by Marcus Elder
Heinz-Werner Neudorfer, Der Brief des Paulus an Titus
Reviewed by Manabu Tsuji
Walter T. Wilson, The Sentences of Sextus
Reviewed by Johan Thom
θεολογία Κ.Δ.,
ποιμαντικές επιστολές,
Πέμπτη 17 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015
Call for papers: Byzantines and the Bible
23rd International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Belgrade, 22-27 August 2016
Recent scholarship has turned its attention to the role of the Bible in the Byzantine world, notably with two recent Dumbarton Oaks Colloquia on the Old and New Testaments respectively, but much remains to be done in bridging the gap between mainstream Byzantine studies and the activities surrounding the reading, studying and copying of the principal sacred text in Christianity. Following a successful and stimulating paper session organized within the European Association of Biblical Studies meeting in Cordoba (July 2015), we would like to continue to open a dialogue between Byzantinists and biblical scholars by proposing a broader thematic session at the International Conference.
Papers can address any period of Byzantine history but must focus on the impact and reception of the biblical text on the work of known (or unknown) scholars, writers and readers in the Greek language. Papers can be manuscript-based (e.g. work on annotations to biblical mss or their illumination), author-based (e.g. focus on a particular author's use of the Bible), text-based (e.g. work on citations from the Bible in different authors) or period-based (e.g. intersecting the significance between a certain historical period and biblical themes). We welcome comparative contributions with respect to other languages (Latin, Hebrew, Syriac, Armenian, Arabic) and other cultures in relation to the concept of a sacred text: does its normative status encourage or impede philological study? What is the role of interpretation and what forms did it take in Byzantium? Was the Greek Bible a uniting force, or the first place of attrition between different readers, cultures and theologies?
Please send a title and short abstract (max. 3600 characters incl. spaces; no footnotes) of your proposed presentation to: barbara.crostini@gmail.com. Papers will be max. 15 mins long. We plan to publish the papers in a collected volume after peer-review. A financial contribution towards your attendance at the conference may become available.
The Organizers
Reinhart Ceulemans (Leuven), Barbara Crostini (Stockholm), Mariachiara Fincati (Milan)
Reinhart Ceulemans (Leuven), Barbara Crostini (Stockholm), Mariachiara Fincati (Milan)
Deadline for abstract submission:30 September 2015
Οι ανασκαφές κατά το 2015 στην κοιλάδα Jezreel / The 2015 Jezreel Expedition
Στην ιστοσελίδα The Bible and Interpretation έχει αναρτηθεί η προκαταρκτική έκθεση για τις ανασκαφές στην Κοιλάδα Jezreel κατά το έτος 2015:
RBL 15.9.2015
Mark W. Elliott, Scott J. Hafemann, N. T. Wright, and John Frederick, eds., Galatians and Christian Theology: Justification, the Gospel, and Ethics in Paul's Letter
Reviewed by Susan Eastman
Michael B. Hundley, Gods in Dwellings: Temples and Divine Presence in the Ancient Near East
Reviewed by Pekka Pitkanen
Reviewed by Paul Sanders
Mark D. Nanos and Magnus Zetterholm, eds., Paul within Judaism: Restoring the First-Century Context to the Apostle
Reviewed by Mark M. Mattison
Mark Reasoner, Roman Imperial Texts: A Sourcebook
Reviewed by Warren Carter
R. S. Sugirtharajah, The Bible and Asia: From the Pre-Christian Era to the Postcolonial Age
Reviewed by Alex Damm
Caroline Vander Stichele and Susanne Scholz, eds., Hidden Truths from Eden: Esoteric Readings of Genesis 1-3
Reviewed by Dylan M. Burns
Reviewed by Ronald Hendel
Wim J. C. Weren, Studies in Matthew's Gospel: Literary Design, Intertextuality, and Social Setting
Reviewed by Brian C. Dennert
David Wolpe, David: The Divided Heart
Reviewed by Walter Dietrich
Reviewed by Susan Eastman
Michael B. Hundley, Gods in Dwellings: Temples and Divine Presence in the Ancient Near East
Reviewed by Pekka Pitkanen
Reviewed by Paul Sanders
Mark D. Nanos and Magnus Zetterholm, eds., Paul within Judaism: Restoring the First-Century Context to the Apostle
Reviewed by Mark M. Mattison
Mark Reasoner, Roman Imperial Texts: A Sourcebook
Reviewed by Warren Carter
R. S. Sugirtharajah, The Bible and Asia: From the Pre-Christian Era to the Postcolonial Age
Reviewed by Alex Damm
Caroline Vander Stichele and Susanne Scholz, eds., Hidden Truths from Eden: Esoteric Readings of Genesis 1-3
Reviewed by Dylan M. Burns
Reviewed by Ronald Hendel
Wim J. C. Weren, Studies in Matthew's Gospel: Literary Design, Intertextuality, and Social Setting
Reviewed by Brian C. Dennert
David Wolpe, David: The Divided Heart
Reviewed by Walter Dietrich
μεταποικιακή θεωρία,
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
CFP: EABS Eighth Graduate Symposium (March 18-20, 2016 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
Eighth Graduate Symposium: March 18-20, 2016 in Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Call for Papers
EABS is excited to announce its eighth Graduate Symposium, which will take place in Cluj-Napoca, March 18-20, 2016. The symposium, which seeks to engender a supportive atmosphere for dialogue across a variety of biblical studies fields and subfields (Hebrew Scriptures, OT, NT, DSS, early Christianity, Septuagint studies, second temple Judaism, Rabbinics, reception history, methodologies, etc.), welcomes PhD candidates and postdoctoral researchers to present on a topic related to their research area(s).
Participants may format their presentation according to their preference: paper, seminar discussion, workshop session, poster or another form.
Every abstract will be reviewed by a team of scholars who will give feedback and suggestions for improvement, if necessary. Our goal is to assist in developing the abstracts to the best possible form and encourage the authors of the best abstracts to submit them to research seminars of the 2016 EABS Annual Meeting and to enter their papers for the EABS Student Prize.
During the symposium each student will get 20 minutes to submit his/her paper, which will be followed by an extended discussion. The EABS Graduate Symposium looks forward to welcoming some senior scholars, including the EABS president who will offer feedback and share from their own experience in the field. In addition, the symposium looks forward to continuing its tradition of holding a joint trans-Atlantic session with graduate students from the University of Emory.
Candidates should submit their abstracts and/or posters of no more than 300 words to students@eabs.net no later than November 1, 2015. Please do not forget to mention the preferred format in the abstract (i.e. paper, workshop, pre-circulated paper, discussion, poster, etc.).
Το τρέχον τεύχος του BBR / The current issue of BBR
Bulletin of Biblical Research 25:3 (2015)
- Aron Pinker, "The Wicked in Ambush (Job 27:18–19)," 295-310
- Nathanael James Warren, "'The Sin of the Sanctuary' and the Referent of מקדש in Ezekiel 44," 311-324
- Timothy J. Geddert, "The Implied Yhwh Christology of Mark's Gospel:Mark's Challenge to the Reader to 'Connect the Dots'," 325-340
- Christopher W. Skinner, "'Son of God' or 'God's Chosen One' (John 1:34)? A Narrative-Critical Solution to a Text-Critical Problem," 341-358
- Michael Chung, "A Bracketed Bethany Anointing," 359-370
Τρίτη 15 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015
O Παύλος κι η οικονομία / Paul and economics
H Λουθηρανική Θεολογική Σχολή του Chicago διοργανώνει διεπιστημονικό συνέδριο στο διάστημα 18-19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015 με θέμα την οικονομία και τις παύλειες επιστολές και κοινότητες. Για το πρόγραμμα του συνεδρίου πατήστε στον παρακάτω τίτλο:
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του GRBS / In the current issue of GRBS
Greek Roman and Byzantine Studies 55:3 (2015)
- Fernando Notario, "Food and Counter-cultural Identity in Ancient Cynicism," 583-607
- W. Graham Claytor / Roger S. Bagnall, "The Beginnings of the Roman Provincial Census: A New Declaration from 3 BCE," 637-653
- Rodney Ast / Julia Lougovaya, "Cybele on the Red Sea: New Verses from Berenike," 654-678
- Yanne Broux, "Graeco-Egyptian Naming Practices: A Network Perspective," 706-720
- Klaas Bentein, "Particle-usage in Documentary Papyri (I–IV A.D.): An Integrated Sociolinguistically-informed Approach," 721-753
- Daria D. Resh, "Toward a Byzantine Definition of Metaphrasis," 754-787
ελληνορωμαϊκός κόσμος,
Ιστορία Χρόνων Κ.Δ.,
Tα ελληνικά στη Γαλιλαία / Greek in Galilee
Το ζήτημα της διάδοσης της ελληνικής στην Γαλιλαία της εποχής του Ιησού πραγματεύεται στο σύντομο άρθρο του ο G. Scott Gleaves που δημοσιεύεται στη σελίδα The Bible and Interpretation:
Ιστορία Χρόνων Κ.Δ.,
ιστορικός Ιησούς
Το τρέχον τεύχος του ZNW / The current issue of ZNW
Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft 106:2 (2015)
- Christfried Böttrich, "Das lukanische Doppelwerk im Kontext frühjüdischer Literatur," 151-183 (abstract)
- Cornelius Vollmer, "Zu den Toponymen Lithostroton und Gabbatha in Joh 19,13. Mit einem Lokalisierungsversuch des Prätoriums des Pilatus," 184-200 (abstract)
- Stefan Schreiber, "Weitergedacht: Das versöhnende Weihegeschenk Gottes in Röm 3,25," 201-215 (abstract)
- Matthias Klinghardt, "Himmlische Körper. Hintergrund und argumentative Funktion von 1Kor 15,40f," 216-244 (abstract)
- Debbie Hunn, "Does the Law Condemn the World? Law, Sin, and Faith in Galatians 3,22–23," 245-261 (abstract)
- Benjamin Wold, "'Flesh' and 'Spirit' in Qumran Sapiential Literature as the Background to the Use in Pauline Epistles," 262-279 (abstract)
- Ole Jakob Filtvedt, "Creation and Salvation in Hebrews," 280-303 (abstract)
1 Κορινθίους,
κατά Ιωάννην,
προς Ρωμαίους,
Κυριακή 13 Σεπτεμβρίου 2015
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JECS / In the current issue of JECS
Journal of Early Christian Studies 23:3 (2015)
- Azzan Yadin-Israel, "'For Mark was Peter’s Tannaʾ': Tradition and Transmission in Papias and the Early Rabbis," 337-362 (abstract)
- Phillip Fackler, "Adversus Adversus Iudaeos?: Countering Christian Anti-Jewish Polemics in the Gospel of Nicodemus," 413-444 (abstract)
- Todd S. Berzon, "The Double Bind of Christianity’s Judaism: Language, Law, and the Incoherence of Late Antique Discourse," 445-480 (abstract)
κατά Μάρκον,
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