Scrinium 12:1 (2016)
Carl Johan Berglund, "Understanding Origen: The Genre(s) of the Gospels in Light of Ancient Greek Philology and Modern Genre Theory
," 181-214 (abstract)
Τακτική επισκόπηση ειδήσεων σχετικών με τις βιβλικές σπουδές και τον αρχέγονο Χριστιανισμό
Τετάρτη 23 Νοεμβρίου 2016
Το τρέχον τεύχος του BSR / The current issue of BSR
Bulletin for the Study of Religion 45/3-4 (2016)
- Michael Jerryson, "Introduction: René Girard’s Legacy," 3-5
- Sandor Goodhart, "Criticism, Critique, and Crisis in Assessing the Work of René Girard," 6-15 (abstract)
- David Frankfurter, "The Study of Evil and Violence Without Girard," 17-21 (abstract)
- Jonathan Klawans, "Something Bigger than Girard," 23-27 (abstract)
- Vanessa J. Avery, "Whither Girard and Islam? Reflections on Text and Context," 29-34 (abstract)
- Martha J. Reineke, "The Worm in the Pudding Cup: Violence, Disgust, and Mimetic Theory," 34-46 (abstract)
- Margo Kitts, "Mimetic Theory, Sacrifice, and The Iliad?," 46-57 (abstract)
- Mark Juergensmeyer, "On Girard: Mimesis and Cosmic War," 59-65 (abstract)
Bulletin for the Study of Religion,
To τρέχον τεύχος του JTI / The current issue of JTI
Journal of Theological Interpretation 10:2 (2016)
- Michael G. Azar, "Origen, Scripture, and the Imprecision of 'Supersessionism'," 157-172
- Gratian Vandici, "Reading the Rules of Knowledge in the Story of the Fall: Calvin and Reformed Epistemology on the Noetic Effects of Original Sin," 173-192
- David Ney, "Allegory and Empiricism: Interpreting God’s Two Books in Newtonian England," 193-208
- Gerald P. Boersma, "Augustine’s Deer Visits the Ophthalmologist: Exercising the Eyes of Faith in Enarrationes in Psalmos 41," 209-226
- Bogdan G. Bucur, "Christophanic Exegesis and the Problem of Symbolization: Daniel 3 (the Fiery Furnace) as a Test Case," 227-244
- Tim Meadowcroft, "'One Like a Son of Man' in the Court of the Foreign King: Daniel 7 as Pointer to Wise Participation in the Divine Life," 245-264
- Philip Whitehead, "Habakkuk and the Problem of Suffering: Theodicy Deferred," 265-282
- K. R. Harriman, "The King Arrives, but for What Purpose? The Christological Use of Zechariah 13–14 in Mark 13," 283-298
- Thomas More Garrett, OP, "The Message to the Merchants in James 4:13–17 and Its Relevance for Today," 299-
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
Επιστημονική φαντασία και Βίβλος / Science Fiction and the Bible
Στη σελίδα του περιοδικού Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 16 (2016) φιλοξενείται μία συλλογή από κείμενα σε επιμέλεια της Frauke Uhlenbruch με θέμα την πρόσληψη της Βίβλου -και κυρίως της Παλαιάς Διαθήκης- σε έργα επιστημονικής φαντασίας:
Frauke Uhlenbruch, "Not in the Spaces We Know”: An Exploration of Science Fiction and the Bible"
Περιεχόμενα / Contents
1. Frauke Uhlenbruch, Introduction
2. Francis Landy, Seers, Fictions and Other Worlds
3. Ian D. Wilson, Faster than a Speeding Bullet, More Powerful
than a Locomotive, Able to Rule by Sense of Smell! Superhuman
Kingship in the Prophetic Books
4. Harold Torger Vedeler, Science Fiction, the Bible, and the
Narrative Mode
5. Frauke Uhlenbruch, Hacked Aqedah—Genesis 22 in Dialogue
with Contemporary Political Science Fiction
6. Ryan Higgins, Of Gods and Monsters: Supernatural Beings in
the Uncanny Valley
7. James F. McGrath, What has Coruscant to Do with Jerusalem? A
Response and Reflections at the Crossroads of Hebrew Bible and
Science Fiction
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
Τρίτη 22 Νοεμβρίου 2016
To τρέχον τεύχος του JSNT / The current issue of JSNT
Journal for the Study of the New Testament 39:2 (2016)
- James B. Prothro, "An Unhelpful Label: Reading the ‘Lutheran’ Reading of Paul," 119-140 (abstract)
- Judith M. Gundry, "Affliction for Procreators in the Eschatological Crisis: Paul’s Marital Counsel in 1 Corinthians 7.28 and Contraception in Greco-Roman Antiquity," 141-168 (abstract)
- Travis B. Williams, "Intertextuality and Methodological Bias: Prolegomena to the Evaluation of Source Materials in 1 Peter," 169-187 (abstract)
- Kylie Crabbe, "Accepting Prophecy: Paul’s Response to Agabus with Insights from Valerius Maximus and Josephus," 188-208 (abstract)
- Dean Furlong, "Theodore of Mopsuestia: New Evidence for the Proposed Papian Fragment in Hist. eccl. 3.24.5-13," 209-229 (abstract)
1 Κορινθίους,
1 Πέτρου,
Ένα νέο άρθρο βιβλικού ενδιαφέροντος στο τρέχον τεύχος του HTS / A new article of biblical interest in the current issue of HTS
Hervomde teologiese studies 72:1 (2016)
Δύο άρθρα βιβλικού ενδιαφέροντος στο τρέχον τεύχος του SJCR / Two articles of biblical interest in the current issue of SJCR
Studies in Jewish-Christian Relations 11:1 (2016)
- Arye Zoref, "The Influence of Syriac Bible Commentaries on Judeo Arabic Exegesis as Demonstrated by Several Stories from the Book of Genesis"
- Mark D. Nanos, "'Gifts and the Calling of God are Irrevocable' (Romans 11:29): If So, How Can Paul Declare that “Not All Israelites Truly Belong to Israel” (9:6)?"
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
προς Ρωμαίους,
Δευτέρα 21 Νοεμβρίου 2016
Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSJ / The current issue of JSJ
Journal for the Study of Judaism 47/4-5 (2016)
- Matthew David Larsen, "Listening with the Body, Seeing through the Ears: Contextualizing Philo’s Lecture Event in On the Contemplative Life," 447-474 (abstract)
- Marijn J. Vandenberghe, "Villains Called Sicarii: A Commonplace for Rhetorical Vituperation in the Texts of Flavius Josephus," 475-507 (abstract)
- Will Briggs, "The Preservation of Prophecy in the Jewish Antiquities: Josephus’s Account of Elisha’s Prophecy during the Campaign against Moab," 508-531 (abstract)
- José Costa, "Is 6, 3 et la qedusha dans le corpus rabbinique ancien : une approche phénoménologique," 532-590 (abstract)
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του VigChr / In the current issue of VigChr
Vigiliae Christianae 70:5 (2016)
- Kellen Plaxco, "'I Will Pour Out My Spirit': Didymus against Eunomius in Light of John 16:14’s History of Reception," 479-508 (abstract)
- Eric Crégheur, "Pachôme et les gnostiques : Sur l’occurrence du terme gréco-copte ⲅⲛⲱⲥϯⲕⲟⲥ dans le corpus pachômien et l’utilisation de l’épithète « gnostique » dans la littérature chrétienne ancienne," 565-589 (abstract)
κατά Ιωάννην,
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JRS / In the current issue of JRS
Journal of Roman Studies 106 (2016)
- Celia E. Schultz, "Roman Sacrifice, Inside and Out," 58-76 (abstract)
- Eleanor Cowan, "Contesting Clementia: the Rhetoric of Severitas in Tiberian Rome before and after the Trial of Clutorius Priscus," 77-101 (abstract)
- Virginia Closs, "Neronianis Temporibus: The So-Called Arae Incendii Neroniani and the Fire of A.D. 64 in Rome's Monumental Landscape," 102-123 (abstract)
- Benedikt Eckhardt, "Romanization and Isomorphic Change in Phrygia: the Case of Private Associations," 147-171 (abstract)
- Paul Schubert, "On the Form and Content of the Certificates of Pagan Sacrifice," 172-198 (abstract)
Το τρέχον τεύχος του BZ / The current issue of BZ
Biblische Zeitschrift 60:2 (2016)
Kleinere Beiträge
- Otto Schwankl, "Fundamentum et anima Theologiae. Zur Lage der biblischen Exegese 50 Jahre nach Dei Verbum," 161-18
- Thomas Witulski, "Die ὀνόματα der Figur des sog. ‚Messiasreiters‘ in Offb 19,11–16. Ein Versuch ihrer zeitgeschichtlichen Interpretation," 182-208
- Benedict Schöning, "Gott ruft zur Umkehr. Kontext und Kohärenz von Ps 50.," 209-227
- Manfred Oeming, "Die konservative Revolution. Zum neuen Ijob-Kommentar von C. Leong Seow," 228-247
- Dominik Helms, "Die neue Akzentsetzung der Septuaginta in Jes 6,8–13," 248-263
Kleinere Beiträge
- Hildegard Scherer, "Die Mühe der Frauen. „Charismatische Gemeindeleitung“ in Röm 16,6.12," 264-276
- Christian Blumenthal, "„Gott bewahre uns“ versus „Fern sei es von uns“. Zum Verständnis des Syntagmas ἵλεως ἡμῖν in 1 Makk 2,21," 277-281
μετάφραση Ο΄,
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
προς Ρωμαίους,
Κυριακή 20 Νοεμβρίου 2016
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του RThL / In the current issue of RThL
Revue Théologique de Louvain 47:3 (2016)
- Didier Luciani, "Les œuvres de miséricorde dans l'Ancien Testament: Des œuvres ou de la miséricorde?," 313-337 (abstract)
- Gordon W. Campbell, "Apocalypse johannique et Adorateur implicit," 338-352 (abstract)
- Olivier Riaudel, "Lire l'évangile de Marc comme un roman? Quelques réflexions à partir du livre de William Marx, Le tombeau d'Œdipe," 378-390 (abstract)
κατά Μάρκον,
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του AncSoc / In the current issue of AncSoc
Ancient Society 46 (2016)
- Dies van der Linde, "Artemis Ephesia, the Emperor and the City: Impact of the Imperial Cult and the Civic Identity of Roman Ephesos," 165-201 (abstract)
- Morris Silver, "Public Slaves in the Roman Army: An Exploratory Study," 203-240 (abstract)
- Maurizio Colombo, "P. Panop. Beatty 2 e la paga dell'esercito imperiale da Cesare Augusto a Diocleziano," 241-290 (abstract)
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Numen / In the current issue of Numen
Numen 63:5/6 (2016)
- Paul Linjamaa, "Savoring Life with an Unsympathetic World View: Sabbath as Rest and Contemplation in Gospel of Thomas Logion 27," 461-482 (abstract)
- Eyal Regev, "Early Christianity in Light of New Religious Movements," 483-510 (abstract)
- Robert Hannah - Giulio Magli - Antonella Palmieri, "Nero’s 'Solar' Kingship and the Architecture of the Domus Aurea," 511-524 (abstract)
αρχέγονος Χριστιανισμός,
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