In die Skriflig 51:1 (2017)
Benjamin W.W. Fung / Aida B. Spencer / Francois P. Viljoen, "What does καθεξῆς in Luke 1:3 mean? Discovering the writing order of the Gospel of Luke"
Τακτική επισκόπηση ειδήσεων σχετικών με τις βιβλικές σπουδές και τον αρχέγονο Χριστιανισμό
Πέμπτη 25 Μαΐου 2017
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Louvain Studies / In the current issue of Louvain Studies
Louvain Studies 40:1 (2017)
John Gillman, "The Story of Creation, Believing Humanity and God in Romans 8:18-25," 36-57 (abstract)
John Gillman, "The Story of Creation, Believing Humanity and God in Romans 8:18-25," 36-57 (abstract)
Louvain Studies
Βιβλιοκρισία του βιβλίου του L. Stuckenbruck για τους πεπτωκότες αγγέλους / Book review of L. Stuckenbruck's, The Myth of Rebellious Angels

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSNT / The current issue of JSNT
Journal for the Study of the New Testament 39:4 (2017)
- Morna D. Hooker, "‘The Sanctuary of his Body’: Body and Sanctuary in Paul and John," 347-361 (abstract)
- Matthew D.C. Larsen, "Accidental Publication, Unfinished Texts and the Traditional Goals of New Testament Textual Criticism," 362-387 (abstract)
- Adam G. White, "The Rod as Excommunication: A Possible Meaning for an Ambiguous Metaphor in 1 Corinthians 4.21," 388-411 (abstract)
- Benedict H. M. Kent, "Curses in Acts: Hearing the Apostles’ Words of Judgment Alongside ‘Magical’ Spell Texts," 412-440 (abstract)
- Monique Cuany, "Jesus, Barabbas and the People: The Climax of Luke’s Trial Narrative and Lukan Christology (Luke 23.13-25)," 441-458 (abstract)
- R. Drew Griffith, "Paul’s Knowledge of Aristophanes," 459-471 (abstract)
1 Κορινθίους,
αρχαίος κόσμος,
κατά Ιωάννην,
κατά Λουκάν,
κριτική κειμένου,
Τρίτη 23 Μαΐου 2017
Το τρέχον τεύχος του ETL / The current issue of ETL
Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 93:1 (2017)
- Stephen C. Carlson, "The Polysemy of Πάλιν: With Particular Attention to Mark 15,13 (and John 18,40)," 51-74 (abstract)
- Korinna Zamfir, "The Departing Paul: Some Reflections on the Meaning of Spendomai and its Early Christian Reception," 75-94 (abstract)
- Stefan Koch, "Die Horizonte der Gemeindekonflikte in den Sendschreiben der Johannesoffenbarung," 95-105 (abstract)
- Joseph Verheyden, "Eusthathius of Antioch on 'The Witch of Endor' (1 Sam 28): A Critique of Origen and Exegetical Method," 107-132 (abstract)
Ένα νέο βιβλίο για το κείμενο της Ιουδαϊκής Αρχαιολογίας του Ιωσήπου / A new book on the text of Josephus' Jewish Antiquities
É. Nodet, Texte et sommaires des «Antiquités» de Josèphe: Editions multiples (Cahiers de la Revue Biblique, 89; Leuven, Peeters 2017)
Σελίδες: IV-189
Τιμή: 56 €
ISBN: 978-90-429-3488-7
ιστορία κειμένου,
κριτική κειμένου
Το τρέχον τεύχος του ZNT / The current issue of ZNT
Zeitschrift für das Neue Testament 38/19 (2016)
2. Korintherbrief
Neues Testament aktuell
Zum Thema
2. Korintherbrief
Neues Testament aktuell
- Peter Arzt-Grabner, "aktuell Dokumentarische Papyri und 2. Korintherbrief"
Zum Thema
- Ivar Vegge, "Der Zweite Korintherbrief – ein Brief über Versöhnung: Eine psychagogische, epistolographische und rhetorische Analyse"
- Laurence L Welborn, "Paulus und der »Unrechttäter« des 2. Korintherbriefes: Das Ringen um Versöhnung"
- Manuel Vogel, "Einleitung zur Kontroverse"
- Reimund Bieringer, "Verluste und Gewinne: Hermeneutische Überlegungen zu den Teilungshypothesen zum 2. Korintherbrief"
- Lars Aejmelaeus, "Der 2. Korintherbrief als Drama von Streit und Versöhnung: Ein Plädoyer für die Briefteilung"
Hermeneutik und Vermittlung
- Thomas Schmeller, "Christsein nach dem 2. Korintherbrief"
2 Κορινθίους,
Ο Ιησούς κι η βία / Jesus and violence
Στην ιστοσελίδα The Bible and Interpretation αναδημοσιεύεται μέρος από το βιβλίο του Hector Avalos (Iowa State University) σχετικά με την βία στην Καινή Διαθήκη. Στο συγκεκριμένο απόσπασμα ο Avalos σχολιάζει το περιστατικό της εκδίωξης των εμπόρων από το Ναό στο Ιω 2,13-15 κι απαντά κριτικά σε όσους θεωρούν ότι δεν πρόκειται για μια πράξη βίας εκ μέρους του Ιησού:
ιστορικός Ιησούς,
κατά Ιωάννην
Δευτέρα 22 Μαΐου 2017
Το τρέχον τεύχος του Liber Annuus / The current issue of Liber Annuus
Liber Annuus 65 (2015)
- Riccardo Lufrani / Jordi Cervera, "The Episode of the Bronze Serpent (Num 21:4-9): Exegesis, Topography and Archaeology," 23-48 (abstract)
- Alviero Niccacci, "Due modelli di formazione nell’Antico Testamento," 49-75 (abstract)
- Vincenzo Lopasso, "L’elezione di Israele in Malachia 1,2-5," 77-86 (abstract)
- Yoel Elitzur, "The Divine Name ADNY in the Hebrew Bible: Surprising Findings," 87-106 (abstract)
- Gregor Geiger, "Das hebräische Pausalsystem: Rezensionsartikel zu E. J. Revell, The Pausal System," 107-123 (abstract)
- Matteo Munari, "‘No One Can Worship Two Lords’ (Matt 6:24a): Freeing the Logion from the Imagery of Slavery," 125-133 (abstract)
- Frédéric Manns, "La guérison de l’hémorroïsse à la lumière de Malachie 3,19-20," 135-141 (abstract)
- Romano Penna, "Paolo di Tarso: componenti tipiche e atipiche della sua giudaicità," 143-155 (abstract)
- Pino Di Luccio, "Il battesimo in Cristo Gesù," 157-178 (abstract)
- Gregor Geiger, "Röm 14,21 und koscherer Wein," 179-191 (abstract)
- Samuele Salvatori, "Paolo servo di Dio e padre dei Corinzi in 1Cor 1-4," 193-229 (abstract)
- Leonardo Giuliano, "La dispositio di 1Cor 12–14: una proposta di composizione," 231-247 (abstract)
- Antonio Pitta, "I gradi della mimesi nella Lettera ai Galati," 249-257 (abstract)
- Sandro Carbone, "Il discernimento dello Spirito in san Paolo," 259-281 (abstract)
- Alessandro Cavicchia, "Quale potere e quale compimento? La regalità di Gesù Nazareno e la dissolvenza dei poteri mondani. Struttura e significato di Gv 19,16-42," 283-313 (abstract)
- Cesare Marcheselli-Casale, "Il Sommo Sacerdote i sacerdoti il popolo sacerdotale (Lettera agli Ebrei)," 315-349 (abstract)
- Francesco Piazzolla, "La γυνή dell’Ap: funzione materna e sponsale della chiesa," 351-378 (abstract)
- Giovanni Loche, "Una Via Crucis nel 1431. La testimonianza del pellegrinaggio di Mariano da Siena," 379-386 (abstract)
- Asher Ovadiah / Sonia Mucznik, "Dionysos in the Decapolis," 387-405 (abstract)
- Francesco Testaferri, "Magdala: una cittadina al tempo di Gesù. Breve storia delle fasi dell’esplorazione archeologica," 407-429 (abstract)
- Gianantonio Urbani, "Il villaggio/città di Nain: archeologia delle architetture di un paesaggio antico," 431-452 (abstract)
- Debra Foran / Annlee Dolan / Steven Edwards, "The First Season of Excavations of the Khirbat al-Mukhayyat Archaeological Project," 453-469 (abstract)
- Rosario Pierri / Asher Ovadiah, "A Greek Dedicatory Inscription Found in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem," 471-481 (abstract)
- Émile Puech, "L’inscription grecque de la cuve baptismale de Tabgha," 483-491 (abstract)
1 Κορινθίους,
ιστορικός Ιησούς,
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
Liber Annuus
Marginalia: ο χαρακτηρισμός Ιουδαίος / Marginalia: the name 'Jew'

Daniel Boyarin, "Yeah Jew!"
Κυριακή 21 Μαΐου 2017
Ένα νέο άρθρο στο τρέχον τεύχος του HTS / A new article in the current issue of HTS
Hervomde teologiese studies 73:3 (2017)
Jacobus W. Gericke, "Metaphysical perspectives on YHWH as a fictional entity in the Hebrew Bible"
Jacobus W. Gericke, "Metaphysical perspectives on YHWH as a fictional entity in the Hebrew Bible"
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
+ Richard Pervo (11.5.1942-20.5.2017)

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