Σάββατο 13 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

Το τρέχον τεύχος του ETL / The current issue of ETL

Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 91:4 (2015)

  • Christopher M. Tuckett, "'For Freedom Christ Has Set Us Free' (Gal 5,1) Freedom and Constraints in Paul's Hermeneutics and Ethics," 547-567 (abstract)
  • Geert van Oyern / Pattu van Cappelen, "Mark 15,34 and the Sitz im Leben of the Real Reader," 569-599 (abstract
  • Armin D. Baum, "Das Verhältnis der Apostelgeschichte zu Epos und 'Roman' aus der Perspektive der antiken Literaturtheorie," 601-626 (abstract)

Notes and Comments 

  • Adela Yabro Collins, "New Perspectives on the Book of Revelation Report on the 64th Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense (July 23-25, 2015)," 627-635 (abstract)
  • David Lincicum, "Εφφατα (Mark 7,34): An Apocalyptic Trope?," 649-653 (abstract)

Τετάρτη 10 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

Η βάση δεδομένων για μαγικά φυλακτήρια της συλλογής του Campbell Bonner / The Campbell Bonner Magical Gems Database

Mία χρήσιμη σελίδα που φιλοξενεί τη βάση δεδομένων για τα μαγικά φυλακτήρια της συλλογής του Campbell Bonner δίνει πρόσβαση σε ένα ιδιαίτερα ενδιαφέρον υλικό που σχετίζεται με την θρησκευτική ζωή του ελληνορωμαϊκού κόσμου:

Gorgias Book Grant

Gorgias Press is pleased to announce that applications may now be submitted for the Gorgias Book Grant. Every year, Gorgias chooses two graduate students to receive an award of $500 worth of Gorgias titles (each) for demonstrating excellence in their fields.

2015-2016 Grant Field: Any field within the scope of Gorgias Publications 
Application Deadline April 6, 2016
Grant Date May 6, 2016

1. Candidate must be enrolled in a graduate program (Master's or Ph.D.) in an accredited university or an institution of learning in the field of the grant. 
2. Candidate must have the equivalent of a GPA of 3.0 or higher. 

Application Process
To apply, please email the following to Jeff Haines mailto:jeff@gorgiaspress.com)
1. A letter indicating your interests in your field and plans for the future. 
2. A two-page description of your thesis, or a one-page description of your course work in the case of course-based programs. 
Send the following items by mail to: Gorgias Press LLC, Book Grants Program, 954 River Rd., Piscataway, NJ 08854. 
3. Official transcripts of the previous 2 years of university education. If the institutions you come from do not give out transcripts, please contact us to make alternative arrangements to satisfy this requirement. 
4. Two letters of recommendations from professors familiar with your work (one must be your current supervisor in the field of the grant).

Please bear in mind that all documents, except for official transcripts, should be in English. 
In order to be considered for the grant, please submit all documents by April 6 (snail-mail documents should be postmarked by the due date). We’ll announce the lucky winners at the beginning of May. 

To view the Book Grant website, click here: http://gorgiaspress.com/bookshop/t-grants.aspx

Δευτέρα 8 Φεβρουαρίου 2016

e-Clavis: βάση δεδομένων για τα απόκρυφα / e-Clavis: bibliographical database for the apocrypha

Ένα εξαιρετικά χρήσιμο εργαλείο για όσους ασχολούνται με τη μελέτη των αποκρύφων έχει σχεδιασθεί από μέλη της North Americal Society for the Study of Christian Apocryphal Literature (NASSCAL) και διατίθεται δωρεάν στο διαδίκτυο. Κάθε λήμμα αφορά σε ένα συγκεκριμένο απόκρυφο κείμενο και περιλαμβάνει εκτενή περιγραφή, πληροφορίες για τη χειρόγραφη παράδοση, ψηφιοποιημένο υλικό (εάν υπάρχει), εκτενή βιβλιογραφία και πληροφορίες για τη χρήση του κειμένου στην εικονογραφία και στο λαϊκό πολιτισμό. 

Το τρέχον τεύχος του BTB / The current issue of BTB

Biblical Theology Bulletin 46:1 (2016)

  • Nina L. Collins, "Did the Israelites Leave Egypt with Unleavened Bread? The Historical Significance of the Israelites' Food," 3-11 (abstract)
  • Peter-Ben Smit, "Crucifiction? The Reimagination of Crucifixion as Failed Imperial Ritual in Philippians 2:5–11," 12-24 (abstract)
  • Lee A. Johnson, "Paul's Letters as Artifacts: The Value of the Written Text among Non-Literate People," 25-34 (abstract)
  • Arthur J. Keefer, "The Use of the Book of Proverbs in Systematic Theology," 35-44 (abstract)

Το τρέχον τεύχος του ΖΑW / The current issue of ZAW

Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 127:4 (2015)

  • Manfred Hutter, "Probleme iranischer Literatur und Religion unter den Achämeniden," 547-564 (abstract)
  • Uta Schmidt, "Die Perser im Jesajabuch: Beobachtungen zu »den Persern« in Jesaja 40–48," 165-186 (abstract)
  • Uwe Becker, "Die Perser im Esra- und Nehemiabuch,"  607-627 (abstract)
  • Heath D. Dewrell, "»Whoring after the mōlek« in Leviticus 20,5. A text-critical examination,"  628-635
  • Lydia Lee, "Hope or Judgment in Ez 25,12–17,"  636-651 (abstract)
  • Phillip Michael Lasater, "Law for what ails the heart: Moral frailty in Psalm 86," 652-668 (abstract)
  • Israel Finkelstein, "The expansion of Judah in II Chronicles: Territorial legitimation for the Hasmoneans?," 669-695 (abstract)
  • Christian Blumenthal, "Der weitgehend verborgene Hauptakteur: Zur expliziten Rede von Gott in I Makk," 696-715 (abstract)
  • Lawrence Zalcman, "An unnoticed pun at Job 20,7," 716-718 (abstract)