Σάββατο 19 Μαΐου 2018

To 1 Ενώχ και η σημασία του / 1 Enoch and its significance

Ο Philip Esler δημοσιεύει στην ιστοσελίδα The Bible and Interpretation ένα σύντομο αλλά εξαιρετικά ενδιαφέρον άρθρο για το 1 Ενώχ, τους συγγραφείς του και τη σημασία του:

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JSOT / The current issue of JSOT

Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 42:3 (2018)

  • Louis C. Jonker, "Chronicles in an (Un)Changing World: The ‘Persian Context’ in Biblical Studies," 267-283 (abstract)
  • Stuart A. Irvine, "‘Is Anything Too Hard for Yahweh?’: Fulfillment of Promise and Threat in Genesis 18–19" 285-302 (abstract)
  • Karl G. Wilcox, "Job, His Daughters and His Wife," 303-315 (abstract)
  • Sarah Schwartz, "Bridge over Troubled Waters: Psalm 147," 317-339 (abstract)
  • Christopher Meredith, "‘Eating Sex’ and the Unlovely Song of Songs: Reading Consumption, Excretion and D.H. Lawrence," 341-362 (abstract)
  • Csaba Balogh, "The Problem with Isaiah's So-Called ‘Refrain Poem’: A New Look at the Compositional History of Isaiah 9.7–20," 363-390 (abstract)

Το τρέχον τεύχος του CBQ / The current issue of CBQ

Catholic Biblical Quarterly 28:2 (2018)

  • Anne Marie Kitz, "To Be or Not to Be, That Is the Question: Yhwh and Ea," 191-214
  • Mark S. Smith , "Before Human Sin and Evil: Desire and Fear in the Garden of God," 215-230
  • Isabel Cranz, "Advice for a Successful Doctor's Visit: King Asa Meets Ben Sira," 231-246
  • Nathan C. Johnson, "The Passion according to David: Matthew's Arrest Narrative, the Absalom Revolt, and Militant Messianism," 247-272
  • Elizabeth E. Shively, "Recognizing Penguins: Audience Expectation, Cognitive Genre Theory, and the Ending of Mark's Gospel," 273-292
  • W. Daniel Jackson, "The Logic of Divine Presence in Romans 3:23," 293-305

Παρασκευή 18 Μαΐου 2018

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Int / In the current issue of Int

Interpretation 72:2 (2018)

  • Shani Tzoref, "Knowing the Heart of the Stranger: Empathy, Remembrance, and Narrative in Jewish Reception of Exodus 22:21, Deuteronomy 10:19, and Parallels," 19-32 (abstract)
  • Chad Thomas Beck, "Sanctuary for Immigrants and Refugees in Our Legal and Ethical Wilderness," 132-145 (abstract)
  • Tessa Rajak, "The Jewish Diaspora in Greco-Roman Antiquity," 146-162 (abstract)
  • Tim Luckritz Marquis, "Movement, Performance, and Choice in Earliest Christianity," 163-174 (abstract)
  • Eric D. Barreto, "A Gospel on the Move: Practice, Proclamation, and Place in Luke-Acts," 175-187 (abstract)

Πέμπτη 17 Μαΐου 2018

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JSHJ / In the current issue of JSHJ

Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus 16:1 (2018)

  • Simon J. Joseph, "Exit the ‘Great Man’: On James Crossley’s Jesus and the Chaos of History," 3-22 (abstract)
  • James Crossley, "A Chaotic Jesus: A Response to Simon Joseph," 23-30 (abstract)
  • Rafael Rodríguez, "What is History? Reading John 1 as Historical Representation," 31-51 (abstract)
  • Andrew Gregory, "Memory as Method: Some Observations on Two Recent Accounts," 52-61 (abstract)
  • Bruce Chilton, "Implications and Prospects of Jewish Jesus Research," 62-79 (abstract)

Τετάρτη 16 Μαΐου 2018

Τα ζώα στο κείμενα του αρχέγονου Χριστιανισμού / Animals in the text of early Christianity

H Janet Spittler δημοσιεύει στη γνωστή ιστοσελίδα Ancient Jew Review μία ενδιαφέρουσα ανάρτηση για το ρόλο που διαδραματίζουν τα ζώα στα διάφορα κείμενα του αρχέγονου Χριστιανισμού (κυρίως στην απόκρυφες Πράξεις). Ας σημειωθεί ότι η Spittler έχει ειδικευθεί στο θέμα κι έχει ήδη δημοσιεύσει ειδική μελέτη στις εκδόσεις Mohr Siebeck (Animals in the Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles [Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2007]):

To τρέχον τεύχος του JSNT / The current issue of JSNT

Journal for the Study of the New Testament 40:4 (2018)

  • Michael R. Whitenton, "Tasting the Kingdom: Wine-Drinking and Audience Inference in Mark 15.36," 403-423 (abstract)
  • Blaire A. French, "The Completion of King Saul in Acts," 424-433 (abstract)
  • Neil Martin, "Returning to the stoicheia tou kosmou: Enslavement to the Physical Elements in Galatians 4.3 and 9?," 434-452 (abstract)
  • J. Andrew Cowan, "The Legal Significance of Christ’s Risen Life: Union with Christ and Justification in Galatians 2.17-20," 453-472 (abstract)
  • Robert Moses, "Discerning the Body of Christ: Paul, Poverty and the Powers," 473-493 (abstract)
  • Michael Spezio, "Reframing Paul’s Anthropology in Light of the Cognitive Sciences: Exercising Care in Interdisciplinary New Testament Scholarship," 494-502 (abstract)
  • Volker Rabens, "Reframing Paul’s Anthropology in the Light of the Dichotomies of Pauline Research," 503-515 (abstract)
  • Jonathan A. Linebaugh, "Participation and the Person in Pauline Theology: A Response to Susan Eastman’s Paul and the Person," 516-523 (abstract)
  • Susan G. Eastman, "Divine Love and the Constitution of the Self," 524-537 (abstract)

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του The Bible and Critical Theory / In the current issue of The Bible and Critical Theory

The Bible and Critical Theory 14:1 (2018)

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του ThZ / In the current issue of ThZ

Theologische Zeitschrift 74:1 (2018)

  • Johannes F. Diehl, "Von der Syntax zur Theologie. Entsprechungssätze im Biblischen Hebräisch und syntaktische Strukturen in Psalm 19," 4-47 (abstract)
  • Annette Schellenberg, "Warum Hiob trotz Krankheit getröstet sein kann. Beobachtungen zum Thema Ehre und Würde im Hiobbuch," 48-68 (abstract)