- Albert Pietersma, "The IOSCS at Fifty," 5-18
- Trevor V. Evans, "A Brief History of Septuagint Studies in Australia,"19-27
- Luca Mazzinghi, "Die Septuaginta-Forschung in Italien: Ein Überblick," 29-37
- John A.L. Lee, " Freek Idiom in the LXX-Pentateuch: The Preposition para," 39-51 (abstract)
- Jan Joosten, "Biblical Greek and Post-Biblical Hebrew in the Minor Greek Versions: On the Verb συνετίζω 'to Render Intelligent' in a Scholion on Gen 3:5, 7," 53-61 (abstract)
- Gregory R. Lanier, "'You Shall Observe His Heel': On the Use of τηρέω in Greek Genesis 3:15b," 63-72 (abstract)
- Larry Perkins, "Observations on the Plague Narrative in Greek Exodus: Strategies Used by the Translator to Shape the Narrative," 73-89 (abstract)
- Amy Balogh, "Negotiating Moses's Divine-Human Identity in LXX Exodus," 91-101 (abstract)
- George M. Hollenback, "Translating Leviticus 20:13," 103-105
- Jean Maurais, "Righteousness and Mercy in Greek Deuteronomy: On the Translation of צדקה by ἐλεημοσύνη," 107-117 (abstract)
- Antony J. Khokhar, "The Numeruswechsel as a Content and Context Related Criterion in the Characterisation of LXX Translation Tehnique: Deuteronomy 29 as a Test Case," 119-131 (abstract)
- Jannes Smith, "Psalm 7 in Greek: Three Forays into the Secret World of OG," 133-143 (abstract)
- Alexey Somov, "'Physicians' in LXX Ps 87:11 and Isa 26:14: The Septuagint Rendering as a Polemic against the Hellenistic Cultural-Religious Environment," 145-156 (abstract)
- Christa Müller-Kessler, "Proverbs 11:1b-15 as Transmitted in an Unpublished Chμετristian Palestinian Aramaic Palimpsest from St Catherine's Monastery (Sinai, Greek NF MG 14)," 157-165 (abstract)
- Mark A. Awabdy, "'Their Sacrifices with Psalms' in the Septuagint of Isaiah 66:20," 167-175 (abstract)
- Daniel Olariu, "The Mechanics of the Recensional Process: Theodotion's Treatment of First-Found Equivalents in Old Greek Daniel," 177-195 (abstract)
- Bradley J. Marsh, "Jacob of Edessa's Witness to the 'Theodotion' Daniel Text: Preliminary Observations," 197-215 (abstract)