- Heckl Raik, "Die Rolle Samarias bei der Entstehung des Judentums: Auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Sicht der nachexilischen Geschichte Israels," 1-31 (abstract)
- Alexander Weihs, "Jesus, der Herzenskenner: Die καρδία-Motivik als Schlüssel zum Verständnis von Mk 2,1–12," 32-62 (abstract)
- Daniel Lanzinger, "„Der Felsen aber war Christus“ (1 Kor 10,4): Überlegungen zu Funktion und Bedeutung einer schwierigen paulinischen Bemerkung," 63-79 (abstract)
- Winkler Mathias, "Die drei Sprüche zum „weisen Sohn“: Zur Diskussion um Komposition und Redaktion in Spr 10–15," 81-99 (abstract)
- David Rothstein, "Cultic Offerings of Foreigners: The Exegetical Logic Informing Pesiqta Rabbati’s “Exclusivist” Interpretation of Lev 22:17–25 and Related Biblical Passages," 100-116 (abstract)
- Walter Groß, "Die Angst der neuen Einheitsübersetzung vor ihren Lesern," 117-125 (abstract)
Τακτική επισκόπηση ειδήσεων σχετικών με τις βιβλικές σπουδές και τον αρχέγονο Χριστιανισμό
Παρασκευή 13 Απριλίου 2018
Το τρέχον τεύχος του BZ / The current issue of BZ
Biblische Zeitschrift 62:1 (2018)
1 Κορινθίους,
κατά Μάρκον,
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
Πέμπτη 12 Απριλίου 2018
Η Adele Reinhartz για τον κατά Ιωάννην / Adele Reinhartz on the Gospel of John
Η Adele Reinhartz, καθηγήτρια της Καινής Διαθήκης στο Πανεπιστήμιο της Ottawa, συζητά το προσωπικό της ταξίδι στην έρευνα και ερμηνεία του κατά Ιωάννην ευαγγελίου:
ιστορία έρευνας,
κατά Ιωάννην
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JSPs / In the current issue of JSPs
Journal for the Study of Pseudepigrapha 27:3 (2018)
μεταποικιακή θεωρία,
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JAJ / In the current issue of JAJ
Journal of Ancient Judaism 8:1 (2017)
- Aaron Koller, "The Self-Referential Coda to Avot and the Egyptian-Israelite Literary Tradition of Wisdom," 2-25
- Siegbert Riecker, "Die Erkenntnisverheißung im Buch Exodus: Ein verunglückter Sprechakt?," 26-41
- Elisa Uusimäki, "Maskil among the Hellenistic Jewish Sages," 42-68
- Justin P. Jeffcoat Schedtler, "Perplexing Pseudepigraphy: The Pseudonymous Greek Poets," 69-89
- Tzvi Novick, "'I am Not a Butcher': Authority and Expertise in Rabbinic Laws of Meat Production in Classical Rabbinic Literature," 112-144
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του HTS / In the current issue of HTS
Hervormde Teologiese Studies 74:1 (2018)
- Abraham O. Shemesh, "‘And God gave Solomon wisdom’: Proficiency in ornithomancy"
- Peet J. van Dyk, "When misinterpreting the Bible becomes a habit"
Εγγύς Ανατολή,
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
Τετάρτη 11 Απριλίου 2018
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JThS / In the current issue of JThS
Journal of Theological Studies 69:1 (2018)
- Will Kynes, "The ‘Wisdom Literature’ Category: An Obituary," 1-24 (abstract)
- Anthony Harvey, "Daily Bread," 25-38 (abstract)
- Jonathan Bourgel, "John 4:4–42: Defining A Modus Vivendi Between Jews And The Samaritans," 39-65 (abstract)
- Stephan Witetschek, "Peter in Corinth? A Review of the Evidence from 1 Corinthians," 66-82 (abstract)
- Peter Malik / Darius Müller, "Recovering the Lost Contents of PSI X 1166 (GA 0207): Codicological Reflections on a Fourth-Century De Luxe Copy of the Apocalypse," 83-95 (abstract)
- Alin Suciu, "Note on the Alleged Arabic Manuscript of the Life of Adam, " 96-100 (abstract)
- David Neal Greenwood, "New Testament Christology, Athanasian Apologetic, and Pagan Polemic," 101-105 (abstract)
1 Κορινθίους,
ιστορία κειμένου,
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του HTR / In the current issue of HTR
Harvard Theological Review 112:2 (2018)
Paul A. Holloway, "Deliberating Life and Death: Paul's Tragic Dubitatio in Philippians 1:22–26," 174-191 (abstract)
Paul A. Holloway, "Deliberating Life and Death: Paul's Tragic Dubitatio in Philippians 1:22–26," 174-191 (abstract)
Τρίτη 10 Απριλίου 2018
To τρέχον τεύχος του Henoch / The current issue of Henoch
Henoch 39:2 (2017)
Dangerous Books: Scribal Activity and Religious Boundaries in Late Antiquity and Beyond
Dangerous Books: Scribal Activity and Religious Boundaries in Late Antiquity and Beyond
- Flavia Ruani - Joseph E. Sanzo, "Introduction," 195-200
- Daniele Tripaldi, "Secret Books and Corporate Oaths. Coping with the Danger of Circulating ‘Sacred’ Texts in Some Early Christian Writings (2nd - 4th century C.E.)," 201-226
- Joseph E. Sanzo, "Magic and Communal Boundaries. The Problems with Amulets in Chrysostom, Adv. Iud. 8, and Augustine, In Io. tra. 7," 227-246
- Eduard Iricinschi, " 'They fabricate books in Ialdabaoth’s name' (Pan. 25,3). Threatening Religious Books in Epiphanius of Cyprus’ Heresiology and in the Nag Hammadi Writings," 247-269
- Flavia Ruani, "Books of Protection, Books of Perdition. Book Imagery in Ephrem the Syrian’s Heresiology," 270-286
- Yonatan Moss, "'A Religion Assembled from Many Religions'. A Syncretizing Characterization of Islam attributed to Cyril of Alexandria," 287-305
- Gideon Bohak, "Dangerous Books. The Hekhalot Texts as Physical Objects," 306-324
- David Frankfurter, Dangerous Books. An Afterword," 325-330
- Paola Mollo, "The dôr of Hezekiah and the shepherd’s tent. Analysis of a metaphor (Isa 38:12)," 331-350
- Dorota Hartman, "The 'Children of Abraham' in Luke-Acts," 351-365
- Silvia Castelli, "'Non temere admittendae nec temere reiiciendae'. An Early Enlightenment Plea for Conjectural Emendation in Biblical Textual Criticism," 366-383
- Shalom Sadik, "La place de la doctrine aristotélicienne du juste milieu et la primauté du peuple juif dans la pensée de R. Levi Ben Abraham," 384-396
- Stefano Pellò, Iconografie testuali giudaiche nei versi di Xāqānī Širwānī (xii sec.)," 397-
αρχαία Εκκλησία,
κριτική κειμένου,
Παλαιά Διαθήκη,
To όραμα του Ιεζεκιήλ για τα ξηρά οστά στον αρχαίο Ιουδαϊσμό / Ezekiel's vision of the dry bones in ancient Judaism
Η ομότιμη καθηγήτρια του Πανεπιστημίου της Haiffa, Devorah Dimant, δημοσιεύει στο ιστολόγιο The Torah ένα πολύ ενδιαφέρον κείμενο για την ιστορία της ερμηνείας του οράματος του Ιεζεκιήλ για τα ξηρά οστά στον αρχαίο Ιουδαϊσμό κι εξηγεί πώς από προφητεία για την επιστροφή του εξόριστου ιουδαϊκού λαού έγινε βασικό στοιχείο της πίστης του αρχαίου Ιουδαϊσμού στην ανάσταση:
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του GRBS / In the current issue of GRBS
Greek Roman and Byzantine Studies 58:1 (2018)
- Ergün Laflï / Hadrien Bru, "Hair Dedication in Caria: An Inscribed Blade from Stratonikeia," 47-54
- Christopher P Jones, "A Letter of Antoninus Pius and an Antonine Rescript concerning Christians," 67-76
- Lijuan Lin, "Galen on to kalon and to agathon in De Moribus," 77-101
αρχαία Εκκλησία,
ελληνορωμαϊκός κόσμος,
Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JECSt / In the current issue of JECSt
Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 69:1-4 (2017)
- Paul L. Gavrilyuk, "The Epistemological Contours of Florovsky's Neopatristic Theology," 11-24 (abstract)
- Calinic Berger, "Florovsky's 'Mind of the Fathers' and the Neo-Patristic Synthesis of Dumitru Stăniloae," 25-50 (abstract)
- John Fotopoulos, "'Let Us Exercise in the Field of Scripture': The Correspondence between Jerome and Augustine for Insights into Contemporary Issues in Orthodox Biblical Scholarship," 223-247 (abstract)
Journal of Eastern Christian Studies
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