Σάββατο 2 Οκτωβρίου 2021

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Early Christianity / The current issue of Early Christianity

 Early Christianity 21/3 (2021)

Das Markusevangelium im Brennpunkt der Forschung

  • Jörg Frey, "Das Markusevangelium im Brennpunkt der Forschung," 287-296 
  • Cilliers Breytenbach, "Mark's Tense Future," 297-321 (abstract)
  • Jan Rüggemeier, "Mark's Narrative Christology Following the Cognitive Turn," 322-345 (abstract)
  • Markus Lau, "Ein politischer Markus?" 346-368 (abstract)
  • Elizabeth E. Shively, "The Eclipse of the Markan Narrative," 369-387 (abstract)
  • Morten Hørning Jensen, "The Temple “before the Temple” in the Gospel of Mark: How the Temple is a Focus in Mark 1-10," 388-420 (abstract)

Παρασκευή 1 Οκτωβρίου 2021

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του Theologische Beiträge / In the current issue of Theologische Beiträge

 Theologische Beiträge 21/4 (2021)

N. T. Wright (Übersetzt von Daniel N. Herrmann), "Die Bibel und christliche Mission," 239–249
The article argues that the Christian Bible hinges on Jesus. It looks forwards from his complex achievement to the ultimate establishment of his universal lordship, and to the tasks for which, in anticipation of that end, he commissions his followers and equips them by his Spirit. It looks back to the biblical narratives of creation and covenant, of Adam and Abraham, of Moses, David and the prophets, seeing there the deep roots both of Jesus‘ own work, present and future, and of the church‘s tasks in the interim. The Bible thus constitutes the God-given narrative within which the church discerns its vocation and orders its life. The first Christians did not suppose that their fresh readings of Israel‘s scriptures were identical to those on offer among their Jewishcontemporaries, though there are similarities and analogies. But they claimed that once they saw the events concerning Jesus as the goal towards which the scriptures had been tending they saw not only a deep coherence in the Bible itself but a fresh vision of how those same scriptures, with their tantalising glimpses of a glorious ultimate future, were to be fulfilled. The events concerning Jesus form a coherent whole, despite modern tendencies to break them up, whether into scattered fragments of early Christian reflection or into the two large (and to modern eyes somewhat contradictory) themes of ‘kingdom‘ and ‘cross‘. For clarity‘s sake the article separates the different strands of kingdom, cross, resurrection, ascension, second coming and the gift of the Spirit, concluding with an all-embracing reflection on the underlying theology of Temple and Creation.

E. J. David Kramer, "Mission in der Endzeit. N. T. Wrights Eschatologie und missionarische Ekklesiologie," 250–266
By interpreting the end times as commencing in the New Testament period, N. T. Wright locates the church’s mission within an eschatological framework. This article traces the contours of both the past and future dimensions of Wright’s eschatology and recognizes its linchpin in Jesus’ crucifixion and new-creation-inaugurating resurrection. A portrayal of Wright’s eschatologically conditioned missionary ecclesiology follows, focusing on his understanding of the gospel as the proclamation of Jesus’ lordship, his vision for the church’s mission, and his political theology. Finally, the author suggests that Wright’s work is conducive to a missionally focused biblical theology which challenges the church to live in anticipation of the new creation.

Florian Förg, "„Versiegle nicht die Worte der Weissagung“. (Apc 21,10): Apokalyptische Texte verstehen und predigen.," 267–279
Apocalyptic texts expect the visible kingdom of God to come and thus divide time into two eons. Besides, they distinguish between an earthly and a transcendent reality. Being pseudonymous in authorship, they share a global, sometimes cosmic horizon and expect a ruler who is coming down from God’s heavenly realm. – The exegete should put effort in studying how the text reuses earlier scriptures, motifs, and symbols, and try to understand the historical context as much as possible. – The main focus in preaching apocalyptic texts should be to convey hope to the listeners.

Reiner Braun, "Warum der Bibliolog viel Raum verdient, wenn es um die Vermittlung von Bibeltexten geht. ," 280–290
Among the didactic methods of biblestudy, the bibliodrama (German: "Bibliolog") is of special importance because it is oriented towards biblical and Jewish forms and stands for a unity of form and content. This is shown in particular by the parallelism membrorum. The bibliodrama is particularly close to the "core business" of the church and may become a unique selling point, opening up future perspectives for the church.  

Οι όροι tohu & bohu στην ιουδαϊκή παράδοση / Tohu and Bohu in Jewish tradition

 Ο James A. Diamond (University of Waterloo) συζητά τη σημασία των όρων tohu και bohu, που στο βιβλίο της Γένεσης αποδίδονται ως "ἀόρατος καὶ ἀκατασκεύαστος" και αναζητά το περιεχόμενο που αυτοί αποκτούν μέσα στην εβραϊκή Βίβλο, στη ραββινική γραμματεία και στην ιουδαϊκή φιλοσοφική παράδοση: 

Creating Order from Tohu and Bohu

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του VigChr / In the current issue of VigChr

Vigiliae Christianae 75/4 (2021)

Barbara Feichtinger, "Quid facit cum psalterio Horatius? (Hier. ep. 22,29,7): Untersuchung zu Hieronymus’ Umgang mit klassischen und biblischen Referenzen am Beispiel von Epistula 3 ad Rufinum," 389–454 (abstract)

Πέμπτη 30 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021

Το τρέχον τεύχος του CBQ / The current issue of CBQ

Catholic Biblical Quarterly 83/4 (2021)

  • Mark R. Glanville, "חרם (ḥērem) as Israelite Identity Formation: Canaanite Destruction and the Stranger (גר, gēr)," 547-570 (abstract)
  • Matthew T. Warnez B.H., "The Agony at Mahanaim: Jacob–Esau Parallels in the David–Absalom Conflict," 571-587 (abstract)
  • Michelle A. Stinson, "Turning Tables in Israel's History: Food Language and Reversals in Psalms 105 and 106," 588-598 (abstract)
  • Maurice John-Patrick O'Connor, "Moral Accountability according to Mark," 599-618 (abstract)
  • Mark A. Proctor, "'If Christ Has Not Been Raised': 1 Corinthians 15:17 and the Hamartiological Inefficacy of a Compromised Gospel," 619-637 (abstract)
  • Bryan R. Dyer, "'All of These Died in Faith': Hebrews 11 and Faith in the Face of Death," 638-654 (abstract)

Η τοποθεσία της Ερυθράς Θάλασσας / The location of Red Sea

 Η ακριβής τοποθεσία της Ερυθράς Θάλασσας και του σημείου διάβασής της από τους Ισραηλίτες απασχόλησε και συνεχίζει να απασχολεί την ερμηνεία και την έρευνα. Ο Barry J. Beitzel (Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) παρουσιάζει αυτήν την αναζήτηση μέσα από παλαιούς χάρτες και ιστορικές μαρτυρίες. Υποστηρίζει ότι η αρχαία χριστιανική παράδοση κι οι μαρτυρίες προσκυνητών, αρχαίοι χάρτες και απεικονίσεις φαίνεται να τοποθετούν την Ερυθρά Θάλασσα της Εξόδου κάπου στο Δέλτα του Νείλου:

The Location of the Biblical ‘Red Sea’

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Textus / The current issue of Textus

 Textus 30/2 (2021)

  • Hila Dayfani, "Rethinking the Textual Value of 4Q11 (4QpaleoGen-Exodl)," 105–129 
  • Leeor Gottlieb, "The Repetition of ‮אֶעֱנֶה‬‎ in MT Hosea 2:23: Rhetorical Device or Scribal Error?" 130–142 (abstract
  • Jerome A. Lund, "Exploring the Masoretic Treatment of the Form ‮פֶ֛לִאי‬‎ in Judges 13:18," 143–151 (abstract)
  • Jordan S. Penkower, "An Eleventh-Century Eastern Masoretic Codex of the Pentateuch," 152–170 (abstract)
  • Eibert Tigchelaar, "Identifying Small 4Q23 (4QLev-Numa) Fragments," 171–178 (abstract)
  • Eibert Tigchelaar, "Improving the Edition of 4Q14 (4QExodc)," 179–186 (abstract)
  • Theo A.W. van der Louw, "Zacharias Frankel’s Conception of the Septuagint in Context," 187–205 (abstract)

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Journal of Gospels and Acts Research / The current issue of Journal of Gospels and Acts Research

Journal of Gospels and Acts Research 5 (2021)

  • Chris Armitage, "Jesus and Elijah Redivivus: The Messianic Apocalypse, Matthew 11.4-5/Luke 7.22 and Jesus Memory Theory," 7-24
  • David Lertis Matson, "‘Put Your Sword Back into Its Place’ (Matt 26:52): The Rationale Behind Jesus’s Sword Directive (and It Isn’t Pacifism)," 25-46
  • Craig S. Keener, "Casting Out Mountains – Mark 11:23," 47-65
  • John A. Davies, "Luke-Acts as Prophetic Proclamation," 66-81
  • Craig L. Blomberg, "The Fourth Gospel and a Fourth Quest of the Historical Jesus," 82-107
  • Arco den Heijer, "The Two Ways of the Lord in Luke and Acts: Distinguishing Two Metaphorical Uses of One Term," 108-122
  • Nickolas A. Fox, "Decentralization in Luke-Acts," 123-142

Τετάρτη 29 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021

Τρίτη 28 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021

Ένα νέο άρθρο βιβλικού ενδιαφέροντος στο τρέχον τεύχος του Open Theology / A new article of biblical interest in the current issue of Open Theology

 Open Theology 7/1 (2021)

Mirela Oliva, "How to Reasonably Wait for the End of the World: Aquinas and Heidegger on the Letters to the Thessalonians," 461-474

H διδασκαλία των λατινικών στην τάξη / Teaching Latin in the class

 Το θέμα της διδασκαλίας των Λατινικών απασχόλησε κι απασχολεί όχι μόνο τις χώρες του δυτικού κόσμου αλλά και την πατρίδα μας. Πόσο χρήσιμη και αναγκαία είναι μια γλώσσα η οποία χαρακτηρίζεται μάλλον αρνητικά ως "νεκρή"; Η Melinda Letts, λέκτορας των κλασικών γλωσσών στα Jesus College και Harris Manchester College στην Oxford, συζητά τα προβλήματα αλλά και τη χρησιμότητα της εκμάθησης των λατινικών μέσα στην τάξη:

"Ars longa, vita brevis: Active Latin in the Classroom"

Οι Λευίτες / The Levites

 Διαβάστε στην ιστοσελίδα TheTorah.com το άρθρο του Alexander Rofé (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) για την ιστορία και τις αρμοδιότητες των Λευιτών στον αρχαίο Ισραήλ:

Levites: A Transjordanian Tribe of Priests

Το τρέχον τεύχος του ZAW / The current issue of ZAW

 Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 133/3 (2021)

  • Itamar Kislev, "The Core of the Sacrificial Calendar in Num 28–29 and Its Compositional History," 299-311 (abstract)
  • Lida Panov, "Scribal Experiences of Salvation – Aspects of Formation Processes in the Hezekiah-Isaiah Narratives," 312-328 (abstract)
  • Ruben A. Bühner, "Interaktion mit dem Fremden. Grenzen und Möglichkeiten der Tischgemeinschaft anhand von Daniel und Ester," 329-345 (abstract)
  • Jonathan Thambyrajah, "A New Etymology for Hebrew אֶלְגָּבִישׁ and Related Lexemes," 346-360 (abstract)

  • Ronald Hendel, "How Old is the Hebrew Bible? A Response to Konrad Schmid," 361-370

  • Hans-Peter Mathys, "Das phönizische Kolorit von Psalm 45," 371-380

Ένα νέο άρθρο στο τρέχον τεύχος του HTS / A new article in the current issue of HTS

 Hervormde Teologiese Studies 77/4 (2021)

Philip La.G. du Toit, "Paul, empire and eschatology"

Δευτέρα 27 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021

Open Access: The reception of Roman law and tribunals by Jews and other inhabitants of the Empire

Katell Berthelot, Natalie B. Dohrmann et Capucine Nemo-Pekelman (επιμ.), Legal engagement:  The reception of Roman law and tribunals by Jews and other inhabitants of the EmpireCollection de l'École française de Rome | 579. Rome: Publications de l’École française de Rome 2021

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του περιοδικού Religions / In the current issue of Religions

 Religions 12/9 (2021)

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του ThSt / In the current issue of ThSt

 Theological Studies 82/3 (2021)

  • G. P. Marcar, "Godly Diversions and Gifted Teachers: Learning Joyful Stewardship from the Birds and the Lilies with Søren Kierkegaard," 400-417 (abstract)
  • Richard Clifford, SJ, "Changing Christian Interpretations of the Old Testament," 509-530 (abstract)

Ένα νέο άρθρο στο τρέχον τεύχος του HTS / A new article in the current issue of HTS

 Hervormde Teologiese Studies 77/4 (2021)

Elma M. Cornelius, "The power of forgiveness in a broken world: An understanding of forgiveness in Ephesians"

Κυριακή 26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2021

Η ιστορία του etrog (ιουδαϊκό κίτρο) και η εορτή της sukkot / The history of etrog (Jewish citron) and sukkot

 Στην ιστοσελίδα TheTorah.com η Dafna Langgut (Tel Aviv University) παρουσιάζει την ιστορία του εξωτικού φρούτου etrog και τη σύνδεσή του με την εορτή sukkot

The Etrog: Celebrating Sukkot With a Persian Apple

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Vetus Testamentum / The current issue of Vetus Testamentum

 Vetus Testamentum 71/3 (2021)

  • Joshua Berman, "Measuring Style in Isaiah: Isaiah 34–35 and the Tiberias Stylistic Classifier for the Hebrew Bible," 303–316 (abstract)
  • Raanan Eichler, " Sin Is Borne: Clearing up the Law of Women’s Vows (Numbers 30),"  317–328 (abstract)
  • Karin Finsterbusch, "The Non-Masoretic Hebrew Vorlage of the Old Greek Ezekiel (LXX967/LXXB), Other Non-Masoretic and Proto-Masoretic Ezekiel Texts: Evidence from Quotations of and Allusions to Ezekiel in Second Temple Judaism," 329–351 (abstract)
  • Ronnie Goldstein, "עד דוד הגדיל (1 Sam 20:41) – עד בור הגדול (1 Sam 19:22)," 352–364 (abstract)
  • Alexandra Grund-Wittenberg, "The Future of the Past: Literarische Prophetien, Prophetenspruchsammlungen und die Anfänge der Schriftprophetie," 365–396 (abstract)
  • Benedikt Hensel, "Tightening the Bonds between Edom and Israel (Gen 33:1–17*): On the Further Development of Edom’s Role within the Fortschreibung of the Jacob Cycle in the Exilic and Early Persian Periods," 397–417 (abstract)
  • David Rothstein, "The Tent of Meeting and the Missing Ark: The Chronicler’s View," 418–429 (abstract)
  • Nili Samet, "Linguistic Dating of the Book of Qohelet: A New Angle," 430–447 (abstract)

Short Note

  • Steven Shnider - Lawrence Zalcman, "Whither Runneth the Lord’s Command?" 448–450 (abstract)

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Novum Testamentum / The current issue of Novum Testamentum

 Novum Testamentum 63/4 (2021)

  • Stephen Robert Llewelyn - William Robinson, "'If Your Hand Causes You to Stumble, Cut It Off': Questions over the Figurative Nature of Mark 9:43–47 and Its Synoptic Parallels," 425-451 (abstract
  • Maren R. Niehoff, "A Roman Portrait of Abraham in Paul’s and Philo’s Later Exegesis," 452–476 (abstract)
  • Stefan Krauter, "Mercy and Monarchy: Seneca’s De clementia and Paul’s Letter to the Romans," 477–488 (abstract
  • Bryan R. Dyer, "The Wordplay μαθεῖν-παθεῖν in Hebrews 5:8," 489–504 (abstract)
  • John-Christian Eurell, "Reconsidering the John of Revelation," 505–518 (abstract)
  • J.K. Elliott, "Supplement IV to J.K. Elliott, A Bibliography of Greek New Testament Manuscripts (Third Edition)," 519–532 

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JBL / The current issue of JBL

 Journal of Biblical Literature 140/3 (2021)

  • Wongi Park, "Multiracial Biblical Studies," 435-459 (abstract)
  • Konrad Schmid, "The Neo-Documentarian Manifesto: A Critical Reading," 461-479 (abstract)
  • Eva Mroczek, "Hezekiah the Censor and Ancient Theories of Canon Formation," 481-502 (abstract)
  • Michael Wade Martin, "Does Ancient Hebrew Poetry Have Meter?" 503-529 (abstract)
  • Chwi-Woon Kim, "Psalms of Communal Lament as a Relic of Transgenerational Trauma," 531-556 (abstract)
  • Joshua Berman, "The Drama of Spiritual Rehabilitation in Lamentations 1," 557-578 (abstract)
  • Heidi Wendt, "Secrecy as Pauline Influence on the Gospel of Mark," 579-600 (abstract)
  • M. David Litwa, "Equal to Angels: The Early Reception History of the Lukan ἰσάγγελοι (Luke 20:36),"  601-622 (abstract)
  • Markus Oehler, "The Punishment of Thirty-Nine Lashes (2 Corinthians 11:24) and the Place of Paul in Judaism," 623-640 (abstract)

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Sacra Scripta / The current issue of Sacra Scripta

 Sacra Scripta 18/1 (2020)

Martin Meiser, "Die Selbstpräsentation des Paulus im Galaterbrief im Vergleich mit antiker rhetorischer und epistolographischer Praxis,"  7-35 
Recent rhetoric research on Paul no longer only discusses descriptive aspects, but also evaluative aspects. The present contribution compares Paul and Cicero with regard to their self-presentation in order to better understand the polemics of the Epistle to the Galatians and the ethos of the apostle, also in detail. For this purpose, it draws not only on some ancient textbooks of rhetoric, but also on speeches actually delivered by Cicero, which Cicero probably revised later.

Cha-Yong Ku, "'Siehe, der Mensch ist geworden wie unsereiner und weiß, was gut und böse ist': Gen 3,22 als Ironie?"  36-49
Dieser Aufsatz versucht, Gen 3,22a literarisch auszulegen und fragt dabei nach der versteckten Bedeutung, die der Autor in seine literarische Darstellung hineingelegt hat. Die Rede Gottes in Gen 3,22a scheint im umgebenden Text eher unverständlich zu sein. Denn die Aussage der Schlange, dass es möglich sei, durch die Erkenntnis von Gut und Böse gottgleich zu werden, wird als bloße Lüge nachgewiesen. Daraus lässt sich folgern, dass Gen 3,22a pure Ironie ist, die eine beißende Kritik Gottes an der Herausforderung durch den Menschen zum Ausdruck bringt.

Benjamin Lensink, "The 'Movement and Rest' in Gospel of Thomas 50," 50-69
The fiftieth logion of the Gospel of Thomas is an enigmatic triad of questions and answers told by Jesus to his disciples. The answer to the third question “What is the sign of your (pl) Father which is in you (pl)?” reads “it is movement and rest.” This phrase has no known parallels in similar literature and its meaning is unclear. The current article evaluates different explanations offered in recent scholarship before assessing the words “movement” and “rest” in the Gospel of Thomas as a whole. It then gives an overview of four possible contexts: Genesis, Jewish Hermeticism, Platonism, and Aristotelianism. The article concludes with claiming that a Platonist view makes most sense: Just as the Demiurge in Plato’s Timaeus placed the rotating soul – which moves while staying at rest – into the head of humankind, so the sign of the Father in his elect disciples is movement and rest. 

Romeo Popa, "Ethik als Vermittlung zwischen Generationen in den Pastoralbriefen," 70-96
In the Pastoral Letters the problem of the relationship between age groups is most clearly expressed in early Christian literature. In the course of the reorganization of church structures resistance against younger leaders is attested (1Tim 4:12-15). New “false doctrines” further fuel the tension between generations because especially “young widows” (1Tim 5:11-15; 2Tim 3,6) show interest in such theological offers. Consequently, they are also given special attention in the paraenesis, whereby the paternalistic tendencies are radicalized. The theological confrontation with the opponents and the development of age-appropriate ethic discourses are illuminated on the background of the relations between generations. 

Alexander Romualdus Dimas Pele Alu, "'Whom are You Seeking?' in the Fourth Gospel," 97-118
Of the four Gospels, the fourth Gospel uses the word “ζητέω” most often. The question “Whom are you seeking?” which is typical of the Evangelist, is addressed to various interlocutors: once to the two disciples of John the Baptist (Τί ζητεῖτε 1:38) and Mary Magdalene (τίνα ζητεῖς 20:15), and twice to the people who were going to arrest Jesus (Τίνα ζητεῖτε 18:4,7). The purpose of this research is to study a hypothesis: The seeking of Jesus by the two disciples in the call narrative (1:35-42) and Mary in the resurrection narrative (20:1-18) frame the failure of the Jews in the arrestation narrative (18:1-11).