David T. Sugimoto (ed.), Transformation of a Goddess: Ishtar – Astarte – Aphrodite (OBO 263), Academic Press Fribourg / Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2014
XIV-224 pages with 100 figures.
ISBN 978-3-7278-1748-9
54 Euros
About this book
This book deals with the changing nature of the goddess Ishtar/Astarte/Aphrodite, who was widely revered in the ancient West Asia and the Mediterranean world and was known by different names. Although the three names are often closely related, their mutual relation has not yet been sufficiently clarified. They appear with different characters and attributes in various areas and periods. They may well refer to independent goddesses, each of whom may also be connected with other deities. In this volume, specialists on different areas and periods discuss the theme from various perspectives, allowing a new and broader understanding of the goddess(es) concerned.
The areas covered range from Mesopotamia to the Levant, Egypt and the Mediterranean world, the periods embraced from the third millennium BCE to the Hellenistic age.
The volume is the fruit of an international conference held in Tokyo in 2011. Drawing on discussions at the conference, each article was completely rewritten.
David T. Sugimoto, Preface …….. VII
Eiko Matsushima, Ištar and Other Goddesses of the So-Called “Sacred Marriage” in Ancient Mesopotamia ……..1
Akio Tsukimoto, “In the Shadow of Thy Wings”: A Review of the Winged Goddess in Ancient Near Eastern Iconography ……..15
Mark S. Smith, ‛Athtart in Late Bronze Age Syrian Texts ……..33
Izak Cornelius, “Revisiting” Astarte in the Iconography of the Bronze Age Levant ……..87
Keiko Tazawa, Astarte in New Kingdom Egypt: Reconsideration of Her Role and Function ……..103
Stéphanie Anthonioz, Astarte in the Bible and her Relation to Asherah ……..125
David T. Sugimoto, The Judean Pillar Figurines and the “Queen of Heaven” ……..141
Elizabeth Bloch-Smith, Archaeological and Inscriptional Evidence for Phoenician Astarte ……..167
Stephanie L. Budin, Before Kypris was Aphrodite ……..195
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