Τρίτη 25 Απριλίου 2023

Στο τρέχον τεύχος των ETL / In the current issue of ETL

 Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 99/1 (2023)

Ivan Miroshnikov- Alexey B. Somov, "Two Men on a Dining Couch: Luke 17,34 as a Meal Scene," 113 - 129 (abstract

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Novum Testamentum / The current issue of Novum Testamentum

 Novum Testamentum 65/2 (2023)

  • Andreas Märs - Tommy Wasserman, "Scribal Harmonization and Matthew’s Fulfillment Citations in Codices Alexandrinus, Vaticanus, and Sinaiticus," 143–174 (abstract)
  • Cornelis Hoogerwerf, "A Farewell to the Pondering Mary: Lexical, Aspectual and Exegetical Considerations Regarding συμβαλλουσα in Luke 2:19," 175–191 (abstract)
  • Matthew J. Klem, "Prophecy in Philo and the Fourth Gospel: Beyond Wayne Meeks’s Prophet-King," 192-204 (abstract)
  • Jackson Abhau, "Whence the Womb? John 7:37–39 and the Motherhood of Jesus in John," 205–220 (abstract)
  • Luca Cadili, "'The Scythians Do Still Scare Us': A Case for the Traditional Interpretation of Col 3:11," 221–226 (abstract)
  • Kai Akagi, "A Note on the Structure of Hebrews 10:11–13," 227–239 (abstract)
  • Benjamin Sargent, "Neither Jew nor Greek: Ignatius of Antioch’s Use of Scripture and the 'Parting(s) of the Ways'," 240–255 (abstract)

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Biblische Zeitschrift / The current issue of Biblische Zeitschrift

 Biblische Zeitschrift 67/1 (2023)

  • Georg Braulik, "Gottesbund und Gnade im Deuteronomium," 1-42 (abstract)
  • Daewook Kim, "Absalom’s Rebellion and David’s Flight (2 Sam 15): The Emergence of the Ideal King David," 43–63 (abstract)
  • Jan Dochhorn, "Das Gleichnis vom ungerechten Haushalter (Lk 16,1–8)," 64–85 (abstract)
  • Ulrich Busse, "Die Funktion von Lk 17,1–10 im Mittelteil des Evangeliums," 86–106 (abstract)
  • Markus Tiwald, "Die unverschämte Freiheit der Kinder Gottes – Jesuanische Impulse für eine Erneuerung der Kirche," 107–122 (abstract)
  • Michael A. Lyons, "Ezekiel 14,10–11: ‘The Beatings Will Continue until Morals Improve’?" 123–138 (abstract)

Δευτέρα 24 Απριλίου 2023

Το τρέχον τεύχος του HTR / The current issue of HTR

 Harvard Theological Review 166/1 (2023)

  • Christopher S. Atkins, "Textualizing Pauline Revelation: Self-Referentiality, Reading Practices, and Pseudepigraphy in Ephesians," 24-43 (open access)
  • Stephen Robert Llewelyn, Will Robinson, "Hyperbole and the Cost of Discipleship: A Case Study of Luke 14:26," 44-65 (abstract)
  • Julia Snyder, "Prooftexting from Other People’s Scriptures? “Prophets and Patriarchs” in Acts of Philip 5–7," 66-90 (abstract)
  • Aviram Sariel, "Jonasian Gnosticism," 91-122 (open access)

Το τρέχον τεύχος του New Testament Studies / The current issues of New Testament Studies

 New Testament Studies 69/2 (2023)

  • Joel Marcus, "The Enigma of the Antitheses," 121-137 (open access)
  • Brittany E. Wilson, "The Scriptural Shape of God: Divine Anthropomorphisms in Synoptic Perspective," 138-153 (abstract)
  • Marc Rastoin, "La promesse face à la peur: de nouveau Mc 16. 8b," 154-165 (abstract)
  • Lukas Bormann, "Die Zukunft Jerusalems nach Lukasevangelium und Apostelgeschichte," 166-181 (open access)
  • Annalisa Phillips Wilson, "Συνɛίδησις in Paul's Texts and Stoic Self-Perception," 182-194 (abstract)
  • Ruben A. Bühner, "Die paulinische Rede von der Selbstversklavung in 1 Kor 9,19 vor dem Hintergrund jüdischer Identität im Sklavenstand," 195-209 (open access)
  • Grigory Kessel, "A New (Double Palimpsest) Witness to the Old Syriac Gospels (Vat. iber. 4, ff. 1 & 5)," 210-221 (open access)

 Short Study 

  • Rebekah Eklund, "Fury or Folly? ἄνοια in Luke 6.11," 222-229 (abstract)
  • Euntaek D. Shin, "‘I Will Complete a New Covenant’ (Heb 8.8): Christology and New Creation in Hebrews," 230-234 (abstract)

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Protokolle zur Bibel / The current issue of Protokolle zur Bibel

 Protokolle zur Bibel 31/2 (2022)