Law from the Tigris to the Tiber; The Writings of Raymond Westbrook, by Raymond Westbrook
τόμοι 1 και 2
Edited by Bruce Wells and F. Rachel Magdalene
Eisenbrauns 2009
ISBN: 1-57506-177-5
84 δολάρια (με την έκπτωση που προσφέρει ο εκδοτικός οίκος μέχρι 31/12/2009
Ο πρώτος τόμος, The Shared Tradition, περιέχει 16 μελέτες του Westbrook, οι οποίες εκθέτουν τη θεωρία του ερευνητή ότι υπάρχει μία κοινή νομική παράδοση στους λαούς της Μεσοποταμίας, στον Ισραήλ κι ακόμη στην αρχαία Ελλάδα και Ρώμη. Ο δεύτερος τόμος, The Shared Tradition, περιέχει 28 άρθρα, όπου ο Westbrook εφαρμόζει τη δική του μέθοδο νομικής ανάλυσης, την οποία εφάρμοσε σε πολλά κείμενα της Μεσοποταμίας και της Βίβλου (κώδικες νόμων, αφηγήσεις κτλ.).
Τόμος 1
Part One: The Tradition in the Law Codes
1. Biblical and Cuneiform Law Codes
2. The Nature and Origins of the Twelve Tables
3. Cuneiform Law Codes and the Origins of Legislation
4. What Is the Covenant Code?
5. Codification and Canonization
6. Codex Hammurabi and the Ends of the Earth
Part Two: The Tradition in Legal Practice
7. Social Justice in the Ancient Near East
8. Slave and Master in Ancient Near Eastern Law
9. Patronage in the Ancient Near East
10. Adultery in Ancient Near Eastern Law
11. Witchcraft and the Law in the Ancient Near East
Part Three: The Tradition in Greco-Roman Law
12. The Trial Scene in the Iliad
13. Penelope’s Dowry and Odysseus’ Kingship
14. The Coherence of the Lex Aquilia
15. Restrictions on Alienation of Property in Early Roman Law
16. Vitae Necisque Potestas
Τόμος 2
Part One: Cuneiform Sources
Preface About the Editors Introduction: Law as Method
1. The Edict of Tudhaliya IV
2. Hard Times: CT 45 37
3. The Liability of an Innocent Purchaser of Stolen Goods in Early Mesopotamian Law
4. The Old Babylonian Term nap arum
5. The Phrase "His Heart Is Satisfied" in Ancient Near Eastern Legal Sources
6. The Case of the Elusive Debtors: CT 4 6a and CT 6 34b
7. Social Justice and Creative Jurisprudence in Late Bronze Age Syria
8. A Death in the Family: Codex Eshnunna 17-18 Revisited
9. The Adoption Laws of Codex Hammurabi
10. The Female Slave
11. A Sumerian Freedman
12. The Quality of Freedom in Neo-Babylonian Manumissions
13. Judges in the Cuneiform Sources
14. Evidentiary Procedure in the Middle Assyrian Laws
15. ZIZ2.DA / kiššatum
16. The Enforcement of Morals in Mesopotamian Law
17. A Matter of Life and Death
18. International Law in the Amarna Age
19. Babylonian Diplomacy in the Amarna Letters
Part Two: Biblical Sources
20. Biblical Law
21. The Laws of Biblical Israel
22. Lex Talionis and Exodus 21:22-25
23. The Deposit Law of Exodus 21:6-12
24. Who Led the Scapegoat in Leviticus 16:21?
25. The Prohibition on Restoration of Marriage in Deuteronomy 24:1-4
26. Riddles in Deuteronomic Law
27. The Trial of Jeremiah
28. Legalistic "Glosses" in Biblical Narratives
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