Journal of Ethics in Antiquity and Christianity 2 (2020)
- Martin Fritz, "Zorn und Sanftmut," 6-24
- Oda Wischmeyer, "Emotionen als formative Elemente neutestamentlicher Ethik am Beispiel des Paulus," 25-39
- Susan Wessel, "A Comparative Study of Anger in Antiquity and Christian Thought," 40-49
- Sara Kipfer, Jacob L. Wright, "'Fear (not)!' – Emotion and Ethics in Deuteronomy," 50-62
- Christoph Ammann, "Emotionen als Medium ethischer Erkenntnis," 64-66
- Friederike Schücking-Jungblut, "Ethische Bildung in und mit der Natan-David Erzählung (2 Sam 12)," 67-70
- Thiemo Breyer, "Das vergessene ethische Stichwort: Eifer," 72-77
- Douglas Estes, "Virtue Before Knowledge: Docilis as Vice in Jerome," 78-82
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