M. Augustin / H.M. Niemann (εκδ.), Thinking Towards New Horizons. Collected Communications to the XIXth Congress of the International Organization for the Study of the Old Testament, Ljubljana 2007, (Beiträge zur Erforschung des Alten Testaments und des antiken Judentums 55), Frankunft a.M. u.a. : Peter Lang 2008
ISBN: 978-3-631-58447-7
€ 36.40
Περιεχόμενα τόμου
- Calum M. Carmichael, "The giving of the Decalogue and the Garden of Eden", 21-24
- Ruth Fidler, "Abraham's covenants and the theology of sequence", 25-34
- Paul A. Krüger, "Etiology or obligation? : Genesis 2:24 reconsidered in the light of text linguistics", 35-47
- Christo J. Lombaard, "Problems of narratological analyses of Genesis 22:1-19", 49-62
- Teresa Stanek, "Liturgical division of the Torah and its interpretational consequences : the case of the Plague Narratives", 63-71
- David Elgavish, "Inquiring of God before ratifying a treaty", 73-84
- Wolfgang Oswald, "Is there a prohibition to build the temple in 2Samuel 7?", 85-89
- Hartmut N. Rösel, "'The so-called Deuteronomistic History': a discussion with Thomas Römer", 91-96
- André Lemaire, "Une guerre 'pour rien'(Amos 6,13)", 97-102
- Meir Lubetski, "The land named for an insect", 103-112
- Michael Avioz, "The story of Saul's death in 1 Chronicles 10 and its sources", 113-119
- Jennifer Barbour, "'Like an error which proceeds from the ruler' : the shadow of Saul in Qoheleth 4:17-5:6", 121-128
- Maria C. Palmisano, "'Salvaci, Dio dell'universo!' : studio dell'eucologia di Sir 36H,1-17 (AnBib 163; P.I.B., Roma 2006)", 129-135
- Heath A. Thomas, "The liturgical function of the book of Lamentations", 137-147
- Terezija S. Vecko, "Prayer in the midst of the flames (Dan 3:24-50 Greek)", 149-159
- Martin Leuenberger, "Die Segensinschriften auf Pithoi in Kuntillet Agrud : ein Beitrag zur religions- und theologiegeschichtlichen Relevanz und Eigenart von Segen und Segenstheologien in den althebräischen Primärtexten", 161-171
- Jonathan Stökl, "The role of women in the prophetical process in Mari : a critique of Mary Keller's theory of agency", 173-188
- Maksimilijan Matjaz, "Die Bedeutung des arche-Begriffs für die Einheit der Schrift : Kontinuität zwischen Altem und Neuem Bund", 189-201
- Alissa J. Nelson, "Contrapuntal hermeneutics : semantics, Edward W. Said, and a new approach to biblical interpretation", 203-212
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