Gregg Gardner & Kevin Osterloh (εκδ.), Antiquity in Antiquity; Jewish and Christian Pasts in the Greco-Roman World, (TSAJ 123), Tübingen 2008
ISBN 978-3-16-149411-6
€ 109.00
Περιγραφή εκδοτικού οίκου
Ποιο ρόλο διαδραμάτισε η συλλογική μνήμη και η ιστορία μίας κοινότητας στην ανακάλυψη της ταυτότητάς της, στην πολιτική προπαγάνδα, στη θρησκευτική πίστη και στις θρησκευτικές πρακτικές Ιουδαίων, χριστιανών και εθνικών κατά την ύστερη αρχαιότητα (3ος - 7ος αι. μ.Χ.); Οι συγγραφείς αυτού του τόμου αναζητούν το πώς οι διάφορες θρησκευτικές ομάδες της αρχαιότητας κατανόησαν το παρόν τους.
Περιεχόμενα βιβλίου
Gregg Gardner and Kevin L. Osterloh: The Significance of Antiquity in Antiquity: An Introduction
Part One: Jewish an Pagan Antiquities from the Late Hellenistic to the Early Imperial Period
- Holger M. Zellentin: The End of Jewish Egypt: Artapanus and the Second Exodus
- Harriet I. Flower: Remembering and Forgetting Temple Destruction: The Destruction of the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus in 83 BC
- Steve Mason: The Greeks and the Distant Past in Josephus's Judaean War
- Doron Mendels: How Was Antiquity Treated in Societies with a Hellenistic Heritage? And Why Did the Rabbis Avoid Writing History?
Part Two: Jewish, Papan, and Christian Antiquities in the Greco-Roman World
- Peter Schäfer: Rabbis and Priests, or: How to Do Away with the Glorious Past of the Sons of Aaron
- Annette Yoshiko Reed: "Jewish Christianity" as Counter-history?: The Apostolic Past in Eusebius' Ecclesiastical History and the Pseudo-Clementine Homilies
- Lee I. Levine: Jewish Collective Memory in Late Antiquity: Issues in the Interpretation of Jewish Art
- Elizabeth Kessler-Dimin: Tradition and Transmission: Hermes Kourotrophos in Nea Paphos, Cyprus
Part Three: Antiquities of Late Antiquitiy and Today
- Moulie Vidas: The Bavli's Discussion of Genealogy in Qiddushin IV
- Ra'anan S. Boustan: The Spoils of the Jerusalem Temple at Rome and Constantinople: Jewish Counter-Geography in a Christianizing Empire
- Yannis Papadoyannakis: A Debate about the Rebuilding of the Temple in Sixth-Century Byzantium
- G.W. Bowersock: Helena's Bridle and the Chariot of Ethiopia
- Adam H. Becker: The Ancient Near East in the Late Antique Near East: Syriac Christian Appropriation of the Biblical East
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