Τρίτη 31 Μαρτίου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του ZAW / The current issue of ZAW

Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 132/1 (2020)

  • Hermann Spieckermann, "From the Psalter back to the Psalms. Observations and Suggestions," 1–22 (abstract)
  •  Reinhard G. Kratz, "»Fossile Überreste des unreformierten Judentums in fernem Lande«?" 23-39 (abstract)
  • James D. Moore, "Judeans in Elephantine and Babylonia: A Case Study on Rights and Tenancy Status," 40–56 (abstract)
  • Bernd U. Schipper, "Die Judäer/Aramäer von Elephantine und ihre Religion," 57–83 (abstract)
  • Gard Granerød, "Temple Destruction, Mourning and Curse in Elephantine, with a View to Lamentations," 84–107 (abstract)
  • Rodrigo Franklin de Sousa, "Genre Expectations and the Superscriptions of LXX Isaiah," 108–116 (abstract)
  • Yigal Bloch, "Was the Sabbath Observed in Āl-Yāḫūdu in the Early Decades of the Babylonian Exile?" 117–120 (abstract)
  • Raymond de Hoop, "1Samuel 20:34a according to 4QSamb (4Q52)," 121–126 (abstract)

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