Τρίτη 31 Μαρτίου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Journal of Biblical Literature / The current issue of Journal of Biblical Literature

Journal of Biblical Literature 139:1 (2020) 

  • Gale A. Yee, "Thinking Intersectionally: Gender, Race, Class, and the Etceteras of Our Discipline," 7-26 (abstract)
  •  Andrew Tobolowsky, "The Problem of Reubenite Primacy: New Paradigms, New Answers ," 27-45 (abstract)
  • Laura Quick, "The Book of Ruth and the Limits of Proverbial Wisdom," 47-66 (abstract)
  • David Willgren Davage, "Why Davidic Superscriptions Do Not Demarcate Earlier Collections of Psalms," 67-86 (abstract)
  • Marcel Krusche, "A Collective Anointed? David and the People in Psalm 89," 87-105 (abstract)
  • Matthew W. Mitchell, "Matthew 26:73 and the Case of the Disappearing Galilean Accent," 107-124 (abstract)
  • Hans M. Moscicke , "Jesus, Barabbas, and the Crowd as Figures in Matthew’s Day of Atonement Typology (Matthew 27:15–26)," 125-153 (abstract)
  • Donghyun Jeong, "A Literary and Theological Case for the “Unbeloved” Reading in John 10:29," 155-175 (abstract)
  • Matthijs den Dulk, "Aquila and Apollos: Acts 18 in Light of Ancient Ethnic Stereotypes," 177-189 (abstract)
  • J. Andrew Cowan, "The Curse of the Law, the Covenant, and Anthropology in Galatians 3:10–14: An Examination of Paul’s Use of Deuteronomy 27:26," 211-229 (abstract)

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