Τρίτη 31 Μαρτίου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του BTB / The current issue of BTB

Biblical Theology Bulletin 50:2 (2020)

  • Ryan Patrick McLaughlin, "Presenting the Issue: Reflecting on 50 Years," 66-67
  • Ma. Maricel S. Ibita, "The Great Flood in Genesis 6–9: An Ecological Reading of the J and P Traditions," 68–76 (abstract)
  • Nelci Nafalia Ndolu - Ezra Tari, "Religious Tolerance Based on Ezra 5–6," 77–82 (abstract)
  • Olegs Andrejevs, "The 'Reconstructed Mark' and the Reconstruction of Q: A Valid Analogy?" 83–91 (abstract)
  • David J. Zucker, "A Jubilee (50) of Fascinating Facts about the Book of Jubilees," 92–96 (abstract)

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