Τετάρτη 24 Αυγούστου 2022

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JJS / In the current issue of JJS

 Journal of Jewish Studies 73/1 (2022)

  • Benjamin Williams, "What did the Rabbis know about grammar? Exegesis and grammatical gender in late antiquity," 1-23 (abstract)
  • Joseph Habib, "The ʾāšām bûr (אשׁם בור): early-medieval Karaites, Leviticus 5:18b and the Masoretic text," 24-49 (abstract)
  • Nehemia Gordon, "Medieval scribal procedures for writing the Tetragrammaton," 68-88 (abstract)
  • Miriam Sklarz, "Jacob as ‘the prophet’ in Nahmanides’ commentary," 89-104 (abstract)
  • Niels De Ridder, "The trilingual Hebrew/Aramaic/Judeo-Greek glossary from MS Vat. ebr. 423," 105-134 (abstract)

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