Τετάρτη 24 Αυγούστου 2022

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JAH / In the current issue of JAH

 Journal of Ancient History 10/1 (2022)

  • Seth Richardson, "Old Babylonian Letters and Class Formation: tropes of sympathy and social proximity," 1-34 (abstract)
  • Andreas Morakis, "The Introduction of Coinage in Southern Italy: Sybaris and Metapontium," 35-67 
  • Sylvie Honigman, Gilles Gorre, "Dynastic Genealogies and Funerary Monuments: Nectanebo, Alexander, and Judas Maccabee and the Evidence of Ptolemaic Influence on the Hasmoneans," 68-98 (abstract)
  • Philippus de Bree, "Roman Economic History from Coins and Papyri: Monetary Value, Trust and Crisis," 99-134 (abstract)
  • Andrei Gandila, "Fighting against nature: Romans and Barbarians on the Icy Danube," 135-164 (abstract)

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