Τρίτη 30 Μαρτίου 2021

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Neotestamentica / The current issue of Neotestamentica

 Neotestamentica 54/2 (2020)

  • Scott Lewis Adams, "An Examination of Prayer in 3 John 2 and the Farewell Discourse in Light of the Mission of God," 187-207 (abstract)
  • Alease A. Brown, "Honour Not Non-Violence: Retrieving a Concept from the First-Century Context of Christian Marginalisation," 209-222 (abstract)
  • Chris L. de Wet, "A Walk through the City with John Chrysostom: Psychogeography, Virtue and the Urban Ascetic in the Homilies On Ephesians 15 and On Hebrews 28," 223-238 (abstract)
  • June F. Dickie, Petra Dijkhuizen, "The Burial of Jesus Compared with the Burial of Covid-19 Victims: Dishonour and Damage Control," 239-274 (abstract)
  • Philip La G. du Toit, "Reconsidering 'Law' in the Letter of James," 275-305 (abstract)
  • Priscille Marschall, "Refining the Criteria for Delineating Côla and Periods: Some Remarks on the First and Second Steps of 'Sound Mapping',"  307-328 (abstract)
  • Omaka K. Ngele, Daniel C. Unachukwu, "Exegetical Exploration of 1 John 4:7–21 in the Context of the Nigerian Church," 329-349 (abstract)
  • Ludvig Nyman, "New Perspectives on the Old Covenant: 2 Corinthians 3 and Paul within Judaism," 351-371 (abstract)
  • Jeremy Punt, "(Post-)Perspectivally, Paul?" 373-398 (abstract)

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