Τρίτη 30 Μαρτίου 2021

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Early Christianity / The current issue of Early Christianity

 Early Christianity 12/1 (2021)

  • Jeremiah Coogan, David Lincicum, Teresa Morgan, "The Material Gospel," 1-4
  • Chris Keith, "The Gospel Read, Sliced, and Burned: The Material Gospel and the Construction of Christian Identity," 7-27 (abstract)
  • Clare K. Rothschild, "Galen's De indolentia and the Early Christian Codex," 28-39 (abstract)
  • Jeremiah Coogan, "Gospel as Recipe Book: Nonlinear Reading and Practical Texts in Late Antiquity," 40-60 (abstract)
  • Sofía Torallas Tovar, "Resisting the Codex: The Christian Use of the Roll in Late Antiquity," 61-84 (abstract)
  • Angela Zautcke, "Erasing the Gospels: Sinaiticus Syriacus and Patterns among Syriac Gospel Palimpsests," 85-102 (abstract)
  • Matthew D.C. Larsen, "The Real-and-Imagined Biography of a Gospel Manuscript," 103-131 (abstract)

New Discoveries

  • Annette Weissenrieder, André Luiz Visinoni, "The Fragmenta Curiensia (a²) as Witnesses of the Gospel of Luke, " 135-136

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