Σάββατο 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Revue de Qumran / The current issue of Revue de Qumran

Revue de Qumran 31:2 (2019)

  • Eric D. Reymond, "A New Hebrew Word (zlq 'Lightning') and Other New Readings in the Hebrew Manuscripts of Ben Sira (MS B: MS heb.e.62 and T-S 16.313)," 169 - 188 (abstract)
  • Joachim J. Krause, "Whose Speech Is It Anyway? On the Interpretation of 4Q378 Frg. 3 ii," 189 - 208 (abstract)
  • Christopher S. Atkins, "The Yahad as the Locus of Divine Presence: On 4QFlorilegium's Divinatory Hermeneutics," 209 - 238 (abstract)
  • Noam Mizrahi - Hector M. Patmore, "Three Philological Notes on Demonological Terminology in the Songs of the Sage (4Q510 1 4-6)," 239 - 250 (abstract)
  • Helen R. Jacobus, "Reconstructing the Calendar of 4Q208-4Q209 (and a Response to Eshbal Ratzon)," 251 - 273 (abstract)


  • Eibert Tigchelaar, "Identification of 4Q56 (4QIsab) Fragments," 275 - 281
  • Menahem Kister, "An Apocalyptic Phrase in 4QPseudo-Ezekiel and in 1 Thess 5:3a," 283 - 290 
  • Ariel Feldman - Faina Feldman, "Is Mur 5 a Mezuzah?" 291 - 298
  • Eibert Tigchelaar, "The Final Words of Proverbs 14:33-35: 4Q103 frags. 5-6, 7 col. 1, 8-10 + PAM 43.677 frag. 11," 299 - 301
  • Émile Puech, "Fragments des livres de Josué et des Chroniques dans la Grotte 4, 4Q47a et 4Q118 2-3?" 303 - 305
  •  Antony Perrot, "Identification d'un fragment en paléo-hébreu (4Q124) et d'un fragment en écriture cryptique B (4Q362) de la PAM 43.697," 307 - 312


  • Eibert Tigchelaar, "Identifications of Qumran Cave 4 Fragments on PAM 43.691," 313 - 320

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