Σάββατο 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2020

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Biblica / The current issue of Biblica

Biblica 100:4 (2019)


  • Alexandra Grund-Wittenberg, "Is There Somebody in There? Soliloquy in the Psalms," 481 - 505 (abstract)
  • Ellen van Wolde, "Accusing YHWH of Fickleness: A Study of Psalm 89,47-52," 506 - 526 (abstract)
  • Robert Doran, "The Parable of the Talents/Pounds: Apocalyptic Warning or Economic Critique?" 527 - 542 (abstract
  • Alan Taylor Farnes, "Matthew's 'Thirty Pieces of Silver' (Matt 26,14-26) and the Price of a Slave," 543 - 559 (abstract)
  • Zachary K. Dawson, "The Textual Traditions of Acts: What has Discourse Analysis Contributed?" 560 - 583 (abstract)


  • Raanan Eichler, "The Oracle of Rebekah: An Ambiguous Etiology," 584 - 593 (abstract)
  • Paolo Merlo, "Babylonian Historiographic Tradition in the Book of Kings," 594 - 600 (abstract)
  • Steve Reece, "Passover as 'Passion': A Folk Etymology in Luke 22,15," 601 - 610 (abstract)

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