Τετάρτη 19 Δεκεμβρίου 2018

Το τρέχον τεύχος του JBL / The current issue of JBL

Journal of Biblical Literature 137:4 (2018)

  • John Screnock, "The Syntax of Complex Adding Numerals and Hebrew Diachrony," 789-819 (abstract)
  • Lisbeth S. Fried, "150 Men at Nehemiah’s Table? The Role of the Governor’s Meals in the Achaemenid Provincial Economy," 821-831 (abstract)
  • Daniel McClellan, "The Gods-Complaint: Psalm 82 as a Psalm of Complaint," 833-851 (abstract)
  • William Briggs, "Fluid Dynamics: The Interplay of Water and Gender in Nahum," 853-870 (abstract)
  • Justin J. White, "Image in Text: Interpreting the Ephah Vision of Zechariah 5:5–11," 871-891 (abstract)
  • Gregory Peter Fewster, "Manuscript, Voice, and the Construction of Pseudepigraphal Identities: Composing a Mutable David in Some Qumran Psalms Scrolls," 893-914 (abstract)
  • Myrick C. Shinall Jr.,  "The Social Condition of Lepers in the Gospels," 915-934 (abstract)
  • Geoffrey Smith, "The Willoughby Papyrus: A New Fragment of John 1:49–2:1 (P134) and an Unidentified Christian Text," 935-958 (abstract)
  • Richard Last, "Ekklēsia outside the Septuagint and the Dēmos: The Titles of Greco-Roman Associations and Christ-Followers’ Groups," 959-980 (abstract)
  • T. J. Lang, "Trouble with Insiders: The Social Profile of the ἄπιστοι in Paul’s Corinthian Correspondence," 981-1001 (abstract)
  • J. David Woodington, "A Precedented Approach: Paul’s Use of the Law of Witnesses in 2 Corinthians 13:1," 1003-1018 (abstract)
  • Daniel Stevens, "Is It Valid? A Case for the Repunctuation of Hebrews 9:17," 1019-1025 (abstract)
  • Mariam Kamell Kovalishyn, "The Prayer of Elijah in James 5: An Example of Intertextuality,"1027-1045 (abstract)

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