Τετάρτη 19 Δεκεμβρίου 2018

Το τρέχον τεύχος του Biblica / The current issue of Biblica

Biblica 99:3 (2018)

  • Christo H.J. van der Merwe, "The Polysemous Relationships between the Senses of the Verbal Root ," 311-333 (abstract)
  •  Andrew T. Abernethy, "The Ruined Vineyard Motif in Isaiah 1-39: Insights from Cognitive Linguistics," 334 - 350 (abstract)
  • Dalit Rom-Shiloni, "Prophets in Jeremiah in Struggle over Leadership, or Rather over Prophetic Authority?," 351 - 372 (abstract)
  • Angela Parchen Rasmussen, "Forms of Esther:  Hebrew Satire and Greek Novella," 373 - 392 (abstract)
  • Konrad F. Zawadzki, "'Keiner soll die Lektüre der Schrift durcheinanderbringen!': Ein neues griechisches Fragment aus dem Johanneskommentar des Cyrill von Alexandrien," 393 - 413 (abstract)
  • Deok Hee Jung, "Barbarian and Scythian in Col 3,11: Greek Ethnocentric Reasoning," 414 - 430 (abstract)
  • David H. Wenkel, "The Paradox of High Christology in Hebrews 1," 431 - 446 (abstract)

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