Τετάρτη 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2017

Το τρέχον τεύχος του RRE / The current issue of RRE

Religion in the Roman Empire 3:3 (2017)

  • Clifford Ando / Christopher A. Faraone, "Introduction: Historical Improvisations in Imperial Religion," 289-297 
  • Ian Moyer, "The Memphite Self-revelations of Isis and Egyptian Religion in the Hellenistic and Roman Aegean," 318-343 (abstract)
  • Michael Blömer, "Revival or Reinvention? Local Cults and their Iconographies in Roman Syria," 344-365 (abstract)
  • Carolina López-Ruiz, "'Not That Which Can Be Found Among the Greeks:' Philo of Byblos and Phoenician Cultural Identity in the Roman East," 366-392 (abstract)
  • Matthew M. McCarty, "Africa Punica? Child Sacrifice and Other Invented Traditions in Early Roman Africa," 393-428 (abstract)

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