Τετάρτη 20 Δεκεμβρίου 2017

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του ARGe/ In the current issue of ARGe

Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 18-19/1 (2017)

I. Sacra Privata: Domestic Religion in Greco-Roman Antiquity and Early Christianity

  • Markus Öhler / Norbert Zimmermann, "Domestic Religion in Greco-Roman Antiquity and Early Christianity," 3-6
  • David Frankfurter, "The Spaces of Domestic Religion in Late Antique Egypt," 7-24 (abstract)
  • Günther Schörner, "Location of Domestic Rituals in the Roman Empire: An Interprovincial Comparison," 25-36 (abstract)
  • Nicolas Amoroso, "The roles of Isis in Roman domestic cults: A study of the “Isis-Fortuna” bronze statuettes from the Vesuvian area 37," 37-74 (abstract)
  • Judith Lieu, "Household and Family in Diaspora Judaism," 75-90 (abstract)
  • Margaret Y. MacDonald, "Re-envisioning Ekklēsia Space: Evidence of the Flexible Use of Household Space for Religious Instruction and Practice in the Pastoral Epistles," 91-104 (abstract)
  • Andrew McGowan, "A Missing Sacrament? Foot-washing, Gender, and Space in Early Christianity," 105-122 (abstract)
  • Marco Frenschkowski, "Domestic religion, family life and the apocryphal Acts of the Apostles," 123-156 (abstract)
  • Ulrich Volp, "Sacra Privata, Family Duties, and the Dead: Insights from the Fathers and Cultural Anthropology," 171-186 (abstract)
  • Andreas Müller, "The Cult in the Cell," 187-200 (abstract)
  • Verena Fugger, "Shedding Light on Early Christian Domestic Cult: Characteristics and New Perspectives in the Context of Archaeological Findings," 201-236 (abstract)

II. Savior Gods in the Mediterranean World
  • Fritz Graf, "Theoi Soteres," 239-254 (abstract)
  • Theodora Suk / Fong Jim, "‘Salvation’ (Soteria) and Ancient Mystery Cults," 255-282 (abstract)

III. Varia
  • Nicolas Cacace, "King Osiris and Lord Sarapis," 285-306 (abstract)
  • Antón Alvar Nuño, "Morality, Emotions and Reason: New Perspectives in the Study of Roman Magic," 307-326 (abstract)

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