Τετάρτη 29 Μαρτίου 2017

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του RRE / The current issue of RRE

Religion in the Roman Empire 3:1 (2017)

  • Paul Lichterman, Rubina Raja, Anna-Katharina Rieger, Jörg Rüpke, "Grouping Together in Lived Ancient Religion: Individual Interacting and the Formation of Groups," 3-10
  • Anna-Katharina Rieger, "Loose Bonds and Porous Boundaries among Mobile People as Religious Agents in the Greco-Roman Arabian Desert," 11-49 (abstract)
  • Tim Whitmarsh, "Atheism as a Group Identity in Ancient Greece," 50-65 (abstract)
  • Clemens Leonhard, "Establishing Short-Term Communities in Eucharistic Celebrations of Antiquity," 66-86 (abstract)
  • Françoise Van Haeperen, "Establishing, Displaying and Strengthening Group Identity by Making Offerings and Producing Texts: Some Case Studies from Ostia's Guilds," 87-118 (abstract)
  • Eric Rebillard, Expressing Christianness in Carthage in the Second and Third Centuries," 119-134 (abstract)

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