Πέμπτη 30 Μαρτίου 2017

Το τρέχον τεύχος του EC / The current issue of EC

Early Christianity 8:1 (2017)
  • Jörg Frey, "The Gospel according to John: Narrative – History – Theology – Reception," 1-7 (abstract)
  • Susanne Luther, "From Bethlehem, according to the Promise – or Rather from Nazareth? Narrative and History in John's Gospel," 9-29 (abstract)
  • Friederike Kunath, "Jesus's Preexistence and the Temporal Configuration of the Gospel of John, 30-47 (abstract)
  • Candida R. Moss, "The Marks of the Nails: Scars, Wounds and the Resurrection of Jesus in John," 48-68 (abstract)
  • Benjamin Schliesser, "To Touch or Not to Touch? Doubting and Touching in John 20:24–29," 69-93 (abstract)

New Projects
  • Heike Behlmer -  Frank Feder, "The Complete Digital Edition and Translation of the Coptic Sahidic Old Testament: A New Research Project at the Göttingen Academy of Sciences and Humanities," 97-107 

New Books
  • Christine Jacobi, " Jürgen Becker, Mündliche und schriftliche Autorität im frühen Christentum," 111-123
  • James A. Kelhoffer, "Wilhelm Pratscher, Der zweite Clemensbrief; Christopher Tuckett, 2 Clement: Introduction, Text, and Commentary," 124-149

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