Κυριακή 17 Ιουλίου 2016

Το τρέχον τεύχος του TynBull / The current issue of TynBull

Tyndale Bulletin 67:1 (2016)

  • Matthew Hamilton, "An Unpublished Fragment of Deuteronomy: Chester Beatty Papyrus VI, Folio 105, Fragment 2, Recto," 1-6
  • Deuk-il Shin, "The Translation of the Hebrew Term Nir: 'David's Yoke?'," 7-22
  • Brian P. Irwin, "The Curious Incident of the Boys and the Bears: 2 Kings 2 and the Prophetic Authority of Elisha," 23-36
  • Gregory Cook, "Nahum's Prophetic Name," 37-40
  • John K. Goodrich, "The Word of God Has Not Failed: God's Faithfulness and Israel's Salvation in Tobit 14:3-7 and Romans 9–11," 41-62
  • J. R. Harrison, "The Erasure of Distinction: Paul and the Politics of Dishonour," 63-86
  • Mark D. Owens, "Spiritual Warfare and the Church's Mission According to Ephesians 6:10-17," 87-104
  • Paul S. Cable, "Imitatio Christianorum: The Function of Believers as Examples in Philippians," 105-126
  • Kyu Seop Kim, "Better Than the Blood of Abel?: Some Remarks on Abel in Hebrews 12:24," 127-136
  • Terry Griffith, "The Translation of Ho Proagoon in 2 John 9," 137-144
  • Brian J. Wright, "Ancient Rome's Daily News Publication with Some Likely Implications for Early Christian Studies," 145

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