Κυριακή 17 Ιουλίου 2016

Στο τρέχον τεύχος του JECH / In the current issue of JECH

Journal of Early Christian History 5:2 (2015)

  • Wynand De Beer, "The Patristic Understanding of the Six Days (Hexaemeron)," 3-23 (abstract)
  • Janelle Peters, "Rahab, Esther and Judith as models for church leadership in 1 Clement," 94-110 (abstract)
  • Adele Reinhartz, "Torah reading in the Johannine community," 111-116 (abstract)
  • Theodore Sabo, "All Eye : a metaphor from Ezekiel in the Desert Fathers, the School of Gaza, and Gregory Palamas," 117-131 (abstract)
  • Jan G. Van der Watt, "The situation in 2 John : a worried presbyter," 132-156 (abstract)
  • Eugene Bezuidenhout, "In the beginning : a new interpretation of Genesis : review," 157-183 (abstract)

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