Δευτέρα 31 Αυγούστου 2015

Tο τρέχον τεύχος του SEA / The current issue of SEA

Svensk exegetisk årsbok 80 (2015)

Exegetical Day 2014
Philip A. Harland, "Associations and the Economics of Group Life: A Preliminary Case Study of Asia Minor and the Aegean Islands"
Tessa Rajak, "Jewish Culture in the Greek-Speaking Diaspora in the Century after the Destruction: Hellenization and Translation"
Anders Runesson, "Placing Paul: Institutional Structures and Theological Strategy in the World of the Early Christ-believers"

Other articles

  • Ola Wikander, "Finding Indra, Finding Torah—The Story of Shibamata Taishakuten and Josiah’s Renovation"
  • Matthew Goff, "Warriors, Cannibals and Teachers of Evil: The Sons of the Angels in Genesis 6, the Book of the Watchers and the Book of Jubilees"
  • Torsten Löfstedt, "Myths, Visions, and Related Literary Forms in the Gospels"
  • Sigurd Grindheim, "Divine and Human Forgiveness: A Response to Tobias Hägerland"
  • Tommy Wasserman, "Textkritisk kommentar till provöversättningen av Lukasevangeliet 9:51–19:28"
  • Petter Spjut, "The Protestant Historiographic Myth and the Discourse of Differentiation in Scholarly Studies of Colossians"
  • Paul Linjamaa, "The Pit and the Day from Above: Sabbath-Symbolism in the Gospel of Truth and the Interpretation of Knowledge"

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