Δευτέρα 31 Αυγούστου 2015

Το τρέχον τεύχος του NTS / The current issue of NTS

New Testament Studies 61:4 (2015)

  • Peter J. Tomson, "The Song of Songs in the Teachings of Jesus and the Development of the Exposition on the Song," 429-447 (abstract)
  • Martinus C. de Boer, "The Original Prologue to the Gospel of John," 448-467 (abstract)
  • Hugo Mendez, "‘Night’ and ‘Day’ in John 9.4–5: A Reassessment," 468-481 (abstract)
  • Soham Al-Suadi, "Magie und Apokalyptik im Zentrum lukanischer Geschichtsschreibung – Historizität am Beispiel von Apg 13.6–12," 482-504 (abstract)
  • Simon Butticaz, "Vers une anthropologie universelle ? La crise galate : fragile gestion de l'ethnicité juive," 505-524 (abstract)
  • Mary R. D'Angelo, "Roman ‘Family Values’ and the Apologetic Concerns of Philo and Paul: Reading the Sixth Commandment," 525-546 (abstract)
  • Thomas Witulski, "Παπίας ἐπίσκοπος? – Zur Frage nach dem Bischofsamt des Papias von Hierapolis," 547-565 (abstract)
  • Joel D. Estes, "Reading for the Spirit of the Text: nomina sacra and πνεῦμα Language in P46," 566-594 (abstract)
  • Peter Malik, "The Corrections of Codex Sinaiticus and the Textual Transmission of Revelation: Josef Schmid Revisited," 595-614 (abstract)

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