Δευτέρα 27 Απριλίου 2015

Το τρέχον τεύχος του ZAW / The current issue of ZAW

Zeitschrift für die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft 127:1 (2015)

  • Paul Michael Kurtz, "The Way of War: Wellhausen, Israel, and Bellicose Reiche," 1-19 (abstract)
  • Michaela Bauks, "Erkenntnis und Leben in Gen 2–3 – Zum Wandel eines ursprünglich weisheitlich geprägten Lebensbegriffs," 20-42 (abstract)
  • Gianni Barbiero, "The Structure of Job 3," 43-62 (abstract)
  • Gard Granerød, "The former and the future temple of YHW in Elephantine: a traditio-historical case study of ancient Near Eastern antiquarianism," 63-77 (abstract)
  • Daniel D. Pioske, "Memory and its Materiality: The Case of Early Iron Age Khirbet Qeiyafa and Jerusalem," 78-95 (abstract)
  • Edmond L. Gallagher, "Is the Samaritan Pentateuch a Sectarian Text?," 96-107 (abstract)

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