Δευτέρα 27 Απριλίου 2015

Το τρέχον τεύχος του DSD / The current issue of DSD

Dead Sea Discoveries 22:1 (2015)

  • Dennis Mizzi, "Qumran Period i Reconsidered: An Evaluation of Several Competing Theories 1," 1-42 (abstract)
  • Noam Mizrahi, "The Cycle of Summons: A Hymn from the Seventh Song of the Sabbath Sacrifice (4Q403 1i 31–40)," 43-67 (abstract)
  • Richard Hidary, "Revisiting the Sabbath Laws in 4Q264a and Their Contribution to Early Halakha," 68-92 (abstract)
  • Eshbal Ratzon, "The Gates Cosmology of the Astronomical Book of Enoch," 93-111 (abstract)

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